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Everything posted by MovieMocs

  1. ...I wish I had a gf who liked Lego...actually, I wish I had a gf at all! I've only been doing mocs for 1 year now and I don't have too much Lego so I have to take them apart quite often. I still have one I made 8 months ago and I'm hoping to keep it for a long time after.
  2. Thanks! I'm glad you understand my conundrum :) I'll probably re-do this moc before christmas with the updated coloring :)
  3. The Search begins... I must find master Skywalker before the Empire does... Huh?...Whatever... Maybe he's still on Endor...it took me a while to get away from those irresistibly cute creatures I really hope he didn't fall in the snow......again... Maybe he traveled back in time to Kamino to avenge Han Solo's carbonation? The chance of this droid successfully leading me out of here is 3514 to 1 MASTER LUKE! I finally found you!!! I'm so glad I found you before the empire did! Luke Skywalker: "um...ok...thanks 3po...?" THE END please leave your comments and suggestions for more of these posts :)
  4. I just opened my brick owl store, packed with a bunch of minifigures and a couple other misc items. Star Wars, Ninjago, Series, Powermineres, Batman, Lord of the Rings. Visit my store here: http://canadianbricks.brickowl.com/ FIRST ORDER I GET WILL BE 20% OFF FINAL COST
  5. Thanks so much! I don't have any brown parts (or anywhere close to enough) and I didn't wanna buy them. Maybe I'll rebuild it this winter and order some more parts :)
  6. This is awesome! I love all the cabels, chains and wires going everywhere. You did a fantastic job on the coloring of the plants. I love your tree :) Keep up the good work.
  7. Hey guys I was wondering...is this a UCS set? It has a UCS plaque but there is no UCS symbol on the box. It has 1106 parts which is low for UCS but not the lowest ever. So is it, or is it not a UCS set?
  8. Hey guys, I'm selling a ton of my SW minifigs for a great price. If you wish to purchase one, please email me at smis@shaw.ca or private message me with this information: What minifig/minifigs you want, and your postal code and country so I can give you a shipping quote. After I receive that message I will get back to you with the final price and shipping cost. All payments will be delivered through PayPal. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! Thanks These are the minifigs with their prices: Greavious: $18 Obi Wan: $17 Captian Rex: $22 4 Green troopers: $29 Sensei Wu: $12 Chima Lion: $5 Mini orange snake: $8 Red Snake: $10 Jay: $16 2 grey snakes: $19 2 Power miners: $15 Arc elite clone trooper: $26 Geonosian: $6 Orange clone: $7 Jedi (Barriss offee) : $10 Dark green Clone (Commander gree) : $12 Wookie: $14 Robot: $12 501st legion Blue trooper: $19 Commando droid captain: $8 2 super battle and 2 regular and 1 blue droids: $22 barc trooper (red) : $19 DSC_1342 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1340 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1298 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1347 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1288 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1329 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1305 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1330 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1313 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1292 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1308 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1296 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1304 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1310 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1317 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1321 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1326 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1323 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1353 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1359 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1357 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr DSC_1356 by Movie Mocs, on Flickr
  9. I just saw one of these on the EB SW Fourms the other day...I don't think it was UCS scale but it was pretty good...I don't know how bug UCS scale would be... yeah, and that's a nice one too.
  10. MovieMocs replied to M2m's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I think you should extend it, make it curve a bit, maybe add some doors.
  11. MovieMocs replied to srw's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Is it a MOC if you copy it from a book?
  12. ...that's unfortunate...
  13. Great ideas! I know that all have been done except luke's skyhopper. That would be cool and fairly iconic. Thanks :)
  14. It's great. Love the idea and the way you formed that Idea into a model. I do agree with Xbrickmonster. The helmet is a bit wide and I think so is the body. Besides that It's great. Love the jetpack :)
  15. Personally, I think rebels is the worst thing that ever happened to the Star Wars franchise...worse than...should I say it?...*whisper* The prequels *whisper* Maybe...I'm not a huge CW fan, the arc 170 has been done, vulture droid has been done...tri droid? Maybe? That is a sick ship...great idea, I might take you up on that :)
  16. ikr! So cool. At first I thought it was gibberish and then I'm like "Oh, my, gosh...this is so cool!" It would be so fun to be a Lego Designer :) #Dreamjob
  17. Hey guys, I just bought a used UCS Imperial shuttle from 2010 and I happened to notice that the stickers in the cockpit have the Star Wars Language (aurebesh) written on them. This is what was written in Aurebesh (Pictures, don't know if you can see the letters, I had to use a magnifying glass) But this is what the five stickers say: Sticker 1: front (Which has a picture of the ship from the front) Sticker 2: side (Which has a picture of the ship from the side) Sticker 3: Kurt was here and wrote Sticker 4: Adam made this model (Which is true) Sticker 5: Come to the dark side we got cookies
  18. No, it doesn't. But that was halarious :) Almost 30 seconds of just pushing it up and down ;)
  19. Those pics are SO GOOD! These are some of the best mocs I've ever seen! I love how you made an environment for them. I also love the motorized wings on the Shuttle. Could you make a mod on the UCS Imperial shuttle set to make the wings do that?
  20. Oh...thanks? lol, I like your car too (Billy) but I feel like in that video you completely destroyed the springs :)
  21. @XBrickmonster Thanks for the advice! I'll defiantly try that.
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