Everything posted by Darth Lion
"Hound's snout"
Glad you like it. Well, to make the upper part move you need a gap. Unfortunately this wouldn't look great but it's a feature I wanted to include because the bomber actually had been a freighter long ago. What do you mean, I did draw it of course. This is a function of "paint.NET" - freeware.
"Hound's snout"
Heyho, I spent a lot of time with this project so I hope you enjoy it . The "Hound's snout" is the Personal starship of Grin Saaro, a Neimoidian bounty hunter, which has been hired by Separatist leader Nute Gunray during the Clone Wars. Just a little sketch of the ship And the brick version ;-D The rear of the spaceship The front of the spaceship Front details and engines and armory shot from the side, you can see the "snout" of the ship The "Hound's snout" was originally designed and produced by the Calamari. The original version was a freighter and unarmed but Saaro modified it because of his job. He added one torpedo thrower and one Type-3-Laser canon on each side and turned the freighter into a massive bomber. To get it into the air the ship needs a fifth engine at the rear as you can see in the pictures. It has got heavy shields and an armor, which is able to deflect weaker laser fire by itself. Well, I hope you like it - C&C is appreciated of course. Lion
Cantina Life
Actually he's searching for a last drop of Corellian Ale in his bottle.
Cantina Life
Thanks, glad you like the speech balloons.
Cantina Life
Wow thanks. Ehm, are their more of you guys who cannot see the pics? If so I would upload them again.
Cantina Life
Really? For me they work fine.
Cantina Life
Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Yes, the base did cost me some time though I built it kind of spontaneously.
Cantina Life
For any reason I knew one of you guys would mention this. Thx.
Cantina Life
Heyho, I actually didn't want do do a last minute entry but I was very busy so I'm proud to present my entry: The video of Robot chicken inspired me to do something with the Tatooine Cantina that of course all of us know, right? This is actually kind of an ironic insider joke. I wanted to allude to the parallels between the old and the new trilogy and the cantina scenes are omnipresent. Obi-Wan Kenobi is remembering, when he entered a cantina last time - a Jedi's everyday work ... Hope you like it!
munificent class star frigate
Nice work, though I think it's VERY similar to this one, which was built in 2007 ...
Halloween Mini-Month Avatar Contest! VOTE NOW!
Copy that, sir. I'm not quite sure if this is easier ... looks like you put a lot of work into this - great, realistic shape.
Halloween Mini-Month Avatar Contest! VOTE NOW!
I personally used paint.NET in combination with unFREEZE, a free gif animator! It's really simple but you should have some skills and TIME. UnFREEZE may be not as good as photshop but it's a freeware and a good alternative with good outcome! What's the problem? I actually had the problem, that, if you insert too much frames, the gif won't work on avatars. If you could describe the problem I might be able to help.
What are you going as for halloween?
Just look at my avatar - no just kidding Those stormtrooper armors are not cheap ...
Designing Cloud City
Nice start definately! You immediately notice how much brain you put into this. Hope you stay motivated ...
Halloween Mini-Month Avatar Contest! VOTE NOW!
Just finished mine - took me hours to get it right But it was a lot of fun!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Those new sets look great, I so want to get my hands on Quinlan Vos and Shaak Ti and all the other figs.
Death Star set
Ehm, yes I did. Here's the link: Attack on the Death Star I built a micro scale TIE fighter for this mini diorama. Hope, this helps. ;)
Invisible Hand v2
Great and now it just has to be entirely tiled. No, just kidding - very impressive - now the Venator has got a challenging enemy. It would be great to see those ships fighting against each other in a stop motion brickfilm.
Republic Engine Attack Cruiser.
Really nice and unique design - and great idea to use snot to make a round front. Keep up the good work!
[MOC] Separatist Outpost 204 - Infiltration
That's what I just wanted to ask. Wow, that looks really smooth but I can't believe it only took one and a half hours to create this. I would have needed that much time if I had the instructions. What about planning etc?
Repairing turret...
Hehe, when I saw this I was in the game immediately. You found a really aesthetic way to build those turrets. Nice job and keep up the good work!
°-Starkiller's Revenge-°
Thanks. Yeah, so am I. Can't wait to play it. MAN, this contest is so heatin' up - so many great entries - best contest ever!
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
I guess you're right. Don't know another explication ... My Brickshelf works fine so do the other sites you listed. Hope you are able to solve this problem till the vote begins. Seeing the titles of all those great entrys but not the pictures must be a terrible torture. Hang on!
10.000 members
Ah, when I remember the time, when we were only 9999 members - ah, old memories... Congratulations - this is a very important moment of "lego communication".
Stormtrooper Torso Prints
As far as I know, the TIE-Defender includes one classic stormie ... But please don't ask me, why TLG changes the designs that often - I dunno and I don't think there's a good reason behind it.
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