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Darth Lion

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Everything posted by Darth Lion

  1. Hmm, you're right man. I've added some pics of the aliens you mentioned. (for those who don't know this species) Shistavanen Devaronian Trandoshan Maybe i'm gonna try to moc some aliens with this heads. Greetings Lion
  2. Hey guys, BIG NEWS! The german fan site "STAR WARS UNION" found a preview of the Visual Dictionary on the official STAR WARS site. Link: http://www.starwars-union.de/nachrichten/9...ual_Dictionary/ You can see a first view of the layout. (Be careful, this picture is HUGE) Greetings Lion
  3. Difficult question. I'm not sure. I don't like Lego's new castle line. A new LotR-Line would be MUCH better. But it's only a dream I think. Star Wars is the biggest lego license line and as long as this line exists there won't be another big line. Lego can produce things that belongs to TLC. But that's not more than a LOTR fake. (orcs, trolls, dwarfs) Ahhh...the good old times... I wouldn't buy them. Maybe in a few years, my LotR dream becomes true. Although this is really improbable.
  4. Great job Sir Nadroj. Love the water fountain, how did u build it? (don't know the brick) But why did u use Greedo's torso? Thanks for sharing. Lion
  5. WOW! Incredible castle. Seems to be VERY huge. Love the main tower and the gate. Awesome rocks btw. You need 5 minutes to figure out all these great details. Great job!
  6. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Yeah. I went to a TrU-Store too. Some Stores sell the Vaders at the cash for 4,99 €. That's a fact. But in the store near me you only could get the Chromies by buying a lego set which costs over 25 euros. I got two. I bought the Attack Shuttle and the TIE-Fighter. I don't know why some sell them at the cash and why the other only give them to a set. But I wanted to buy some of the new sets anyway. Greetings Lion
  7. Hey guys, one user from the german forum "Imperium der Steine" has printed the wings on overhead projector slide. In my opinion the result is very cool: You can find the thread with the pictures here. Greetings Lion €: Oh I forgot. The right pic can be used. It's his scan of the wings.
  8. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hey Guys, I'm not sure, but did you guys see this Clone Battlepack Review from Brickshelf? You can see the black equipment items of the clones - I don't like this color! Anyway: I will buy this set for more than one time, I think. Sorry, if this review had already been posted.
  9. Thx. The backpack was my idea. It wasn't easy because sometimes the backpack looks to thick. I made it as little as possible. You need this brick. Then you put this one onto it. (if possible in white) Then you clip this guy on this brick and clip it on two of the four free places. You clip this guys on the last two places. At last, you need a 1x2 republic-sticker from anakin's jedi-starfighter and there it is... If you have this one in new gray you can use it instead of this guy. Like you wish! Greetings Lion
  10. Okay. Hope, they have the right size now. Greetings Lion
  11. If I had a snake, I probably would use its box as a background, yeah. But no - I used my decorative skills to make a background on a little table in our kitchen.^^ (sand fresh form the sea^^) @sandy: Yeah! This minifigures are very sweet and a must-have in my collection. But I didn't buy them apart. I bought the complete sets "AT-TE Walker" and "Republic Attack Gunship". But not only because of the figs. Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to buy the old AT-TE/Gunship so I had to buy the new ones. Thx for the tip. lol I just tried not to laugh when I saw Rotta on the body of Anakin. Gruß Lion Ps: Ahsoka is really impressive. Her headpart is wonderful and the face so .... orange.^^
  12. Yeah. It's done. Thx for the help. Thx! Yeah, I wanted to put much details in the vignette. I also put the tan bows over the dungeon to make it real. I'm sure I can train my skills by looking at these beautiful buildings in this forum. Greetings Lion Ps: @skinnyboy: Yes, I made this Vignette for a building contest at Imperium der Steine. It's a german forum. I'm a moderator there.
  13. I'm sorry. Unfortunately I have no account on brickshelf, but is this right, too? (sorry if this is spam) MTFBWY Lion
  14. Hey guys! Here's my first MOC on eurobricks. It names "Rotta's Rescue" and people who saw the new film "The Clone Wars" will remember this scene. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano find Rotta, the baby-hutt (Jabba's son) in a dungeon on Teth. While they are on their way to find a chance to escape, the brave clone troopers defend the front door with their lives... Hope you like it. MTFBWY Lion
  15. My favourite minfig is... GREEDO! I loved him when I got it. This beautiful head! Greetings Lion
  16. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Ahh...thanks! That's actually the only possibility. Well, I don't know why, but I love the Twilight. Most of that guys, whose posts I read, finds that starship very ugly. But I don't. I'm happy about seeing a few of old lego parts, not these new special parts, which are included in most of the new sets. Maybe because of this they are skeptic. By the way: I hope, TLC will build this octopus-similar ship, which you can see in the new clone wars-trailer. I like those exotic starships. I hope, we'll see a battlepack to "THE CLONE WARS". But that's nearly apparent. Sorry, that's not the topic, i think. I'm going to buy all these sets, if my pocket is still full, when I bought the Death Star. Greetings Lion
  17. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    With whom do you speak? One question: What part of the twilight is the escape pod? Is it the small part on the right side next to the cockpit? Greetings Lion EDIT: DON'T EVER CORRECT OTHER MEMBERS WAY OF SPELLING. THIS IS EUROBRICKS AND WE DON'T REQUIRE TOP GRADES IN ENGLISH TO BE A MEMBER. READ "THE REMINDER ON HOW TO BEHAVE"
  18. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks hollisbrick! These pics are great! Can you please make a photo of the HMP, too? What do they mean with "landing gear, which you can activate with the wing"? How ist that possible? A total new function??? There'll be a cockpit in the ship, won't be? Rotta, Anakin, Ahsoka and Artoo have to be somewhere. But...is there enough space for FOUR minifigs? I'm not sure. What do you think? MTFBWY Lion edit: Oh, I see. You can see the heads of the minifigs through the missing cockpit windows^^
  19. O, that's so awesome! I have never thougth TLC would produce some of these huge playsets! But most of all I love the dianoga! I'm happy about seeing this wonderful tentacles - not only the eye, like in Episode 4. I've allready known the functions. After seeing the first pics they were more than a possability. But I can't believe this! What a wonderful set! Since when we haven't been seeing something like this? Greetings Lion
  20. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Awesome!!! That are the best Lego Star Wars Sets ever! The design is fantastic and the minifigs too. I hope the sets will be available soon. I can't wait. *wub* I'm going to buy me all sets, not noticing the prices. :-P I'm really glad. Lego has changed to the difficult minifigs. Yeah! The only minifig, I don't like, is Plo Koon. The face is...ugly. But Asajj Ventress, Obi-Wan, Ashoka, Commander Cody, the ARC-Trooper, and this little jabba ( X-D ) are very nice. Is this a visor on the helmet of Commander Cody??? 8-
  21. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    @xwingyoda: Anakin Skywalker has this face: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/sam89/20...con_2007_65.jpg EDIT: @vader: You're right. THe JSF looks not so bad, but the other sets are much better. But I need more pics, too. So, when I saw the pic, I thought: "Oh, there are no details", but now, I'm seeing more details. I have to look better!
  22. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks a lot, Ewok! Oh no! The JSF looks terrible! That's really not the best creation of LEGO. It was build too easy. No details! Sry, but I think, the JSF is very ugly. But thanks again, Ewok! ...and the battle damaged Darth Vader looks very nice!!! The helm is great. It's broken!!! YEAH!
  23. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I know. :-$ I've corrected it. Now the pic of the AT-AP is on. ;-) I think, the AT-AP is the best 2008-set! There's another weapon "under" the AT-AP, but I can't see it very good. Can you help me? What's this weapon?
  24. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Here are new and better pics!!! Imperial Dropship Rebel Scout Speeder Hailfire Droid and Spider Droid AT-AP This pics are great! There's a shadow trooper as a pilot in the dropship!!! Lion
  25. Darth Lion replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I don't think so. It's really not the best pic, and you cannot say it's fugly yet. We need more and better pics! Yes, the Rogue Shadow doesn't look as nice as the other sets, but I don't call this set fugly. ;-) Lion
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