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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by therealharbinger

  1. Yes you could get 3. Also all it takes is to take your partner and someone else who wants to make some easy cash. It's not like a vip card was difficult to get. Now with that said. How many do you think you could actually have bought online. I could have got 3 sent to home, 3 to parents address and 3 to work address.
  2. Indeed, they dropped the ball here and I've written to the MD of TLG in the UK over this. For instance, they have a saying "overpaying is never fun" Yet for anyone living in London was able to buy 3 online, 3 in Westfield White City, 3 in Westfield Stratford and 3 in Leicester Square and if they were truly greedy 3 in Lego Milton Keynes which is 55miles away. So for some £7800 turned into a magical £20k+ in a week....all for 3hrs work....Guessing those boys trading in the city are rethinking their careers. Shambles of a launch.
  3. Hi All, Need to bump this to get some help please. Does anyone know the actual difference between part 3794 and 15573? Reason being the parts I was sent when I bought 3794 were the wrong colour ( I was sent brown) and these seem to be frighteningly expensive to buy, some £1.50 a pop which is ridiculous. The latter I can get for 20p a piece which at this point I am more than willing to do, but I don't know and cannot see what the difference is on the underside or if it would work as a substitute? Any ideas please.
  4. £650, Jesus Wept. At least in years to come it should be worth a few £k. I'd like some clarification over the Unique VIP card though, can I get one as a current member? I have £95 worth of points at the moment and soon to gain a bit more when I buy BB-8 Shortly.
  5. That piece mentioned also may not even serve the purpose people are saying it does.
  6. Another idea. Micro scale falcon diving into death star 2. Few turbo lasers and a 3d thermal exhaust port. Tie fighters in pursuit.
  7. There are none with x at all. Can you get a Hutt Fig? pretty sure Jabbas wife / woman / thing is called Niima or something like that. Jabba from the sail barge set + wig = job jobbed.
  8. These are brilliant. So original and well thought out. Seriously well friggin done. Be proud. One that would be cool for this is the landing platform in empire strikes back. Bob fett having solo loaded into slave 1. Would be pretty cool.
  9. I'm sure the logic behind it is associated to the movie hype. Rouge one had nowhere near the hype compared to Force Awakens, thus indicating a need to sell stock at a lower cost to prevent surplus and it not selling in time for the next batches. Possibly anyway. There is a logic to it that only marketing types will understand but it will all be supply and demand at the root of it. Huge demand = Higher prices as you can get away with it, less demand = Dump stock quick. I still do not think it's reasonable to expect lego to account costs for someone buying the entire set AND the falcon, if someone is doing this they are a die hard fan and collector and I would assume the big wigs at the top are more than safe in the knowledge they'll put up and shut up regardless. People still queue for the latest Iphone when it rolls in @£989 (yes this is how much this weighed in at) and there is no discernible difference between them right. Apples Model shows everyone how to price things up.
  10. Customs is different to a trade deal. The eu turkey trade deal only covers industrial goods. Everything else is excluded sadly. Trade union was not progressed as it has to be mutual. Off topic sorry. OT where is my MF teaser!
  11. Those prices in Turkey are actually pretty cheap. I think the estimates above could be wrong. That puts Bb8 at bang on £100... But in a nation with high (very) import taxes and no trade deal with the EEA/C and EU. Interesting.
  12. Value is all in the eye of the beholder. I am surprised some people are annoyed over the cost of the whole batch going up in price. I honestly don't think lego consider that people want to buy the entire wave. And then the next and the next. This isn't a new trend. Everytime a new phone comes out guess what it's more expensive. The next model of your car rolls out the factory have they ever been the same even? Extra demand for more product = will always result in higher end prices. The two examples are a result of soaring R&D costs. The days of letting products run for long periods of time are long over. It's all about cramming as much down your throats as possible.
  13. Shouldn't we get a nice new teaser today?
  14. Depends if they are new bricks or not. Some may have larger pieces which cost more to produce than a set with more bricks but far smaller. Bb8 looks like it'll have a huge number of 1x1s and 1x2
  15. A proper Outrider. It's the in the 97 re release of new hope too for those that paid attention to the 1s it's visible for. There are a few attempts but none have actually done a decent job of it imo. Time for the bench mark to be set.
  16. the 1x1s for me were OK, 8EUR for the lot. I'd like to see how you've reworked it. the corner plates are quite hard to find in a relatively big supply, all of mine came in batches like 5 here and 7 there. Yes on Lego you can get some of the common sand green parts for filthy cheap, mainly the ones that come from Slave1. Something else that is possible is not to not use the 2x4 bricks and plates and the larger 2x8s, 6s etc and make them up from the smaller cheaper parts, I did that for some of the Dark orange bricks, you cannot tell the difference, it may be a little bit weaker but it's not like Yoda gets Swooshed every now and then. But I'd love to see how you've reworked it. If it looks the same you are certainly onto something with it.
  17. You'd never do a double sized one. Not unless you've got very deep pockets. Not only is sand green very expensive, for instance a 2x2 corner plate is around £1 each and the standard 7194 model needs 72 alone. There probably isn't a big enough supply for it outside of that guy in Portugal who charges €3 a plate. But the real issue is Yoda requires the colour dark orange for his inner robe the 2x4 bricks haven't been made since 2004 and I only needed 15 of them and couldn't get them for under £3 each. It'll be a huge purchase. The tan bricks are stupidly cheap. I got all 600 of them for under £40. Reddish brown isn't expensive either. I have only just finished my ucs copy and can tell you from experience it will be a headache to source the parts let alone swallow the cost of it. With double sized one you could probably not have to buy plates and use bricks instead but it depends on the design. If you go on the lego ldd portal there is an ldd of the ucs yoda on there to download. Will be a good starting point
  18. Where did you get this?
  19. It certainly is, not to mention the Xbox one X arrives in November and does a lot more than a Lego set does. If kids are given the choice between a £500 console that they can dwell in their parents basement for years talking to and playing with friends on or a £600+ (supposedly) Lego set... I know for certain what 99% of them are going to choose. If they get the choice even. Also now for the expensive and well off / lucky kids they tend to go for the new Iphone over anything (makes you cool at school having it) Not doubt TLG are fully aware of their competition and need to price accordingly, no kid is getting both. Space is indeed another issue, the current 10179 is friggin gigantic. cost element aside any buyer has to consider...Where do I put this near 1M long £600 ornament? I got around this at home as I need a new coffee table and have managed to convince the wife it will sit nicely in a glass box and be a nice centre piece and have functionality in the home. Again, not sure if anyone who doesn't have their own place or doesn't live in their parents +£1M house with the space to bear it, has that luxury. Anyway, the wait for this is Agony. I hate leaks and rumors, I've been stalking the internet on this for months and months now just waiting for some solid official confirmation. Wouldn't it be funny if it's not the MF...
  20. I personally don't think this will be anywhere near these estimates. £/piece debate aside. Lego need to shift them. Although there are die hard collectors out there I doubt there is enough to cover the actual costs involved in making it and having it fester on shelves. A lot of parents would choke on these estimates if they knew it was coming and lego will require non collector sales to actually make production viable. See it from a marketing perspective. If it goes out for £700 and flops at the biggest toy sale time of the year (it is a toy) heads will roll if they over price it and if they have overspent. £500 absolute maximum for this.
  21. Don't forget how the destroyed MG Rover Group in the UK by duping them into the designs. Lego is going to have to start patenting each design. I can't see Lepin creating 33% of their work for copies. Then if they did it would just bloat the costs to us.
  22. Never, even slave1 and TF are selling for more than listed prices. If there is a new MF it'll be sold on ebay straight away for well over the listed price. Not that I buy any of those pictures posted on here. I mean...did lego really box it upside down? The Lego font is the right way up in these "xrays" but the outer white wrapping paper is upside down...me thinks the trolls have failed.
  23. Best bet for selling it is Ebay for this, the listing will spread like wildfire. Personally I'd list it for £5k minimum and let the auction run for a solid 30 days, once one person bids on it, it will take off. One did sell on Ebay a long while back. I would note though that you need to be very very careful on selling it online, I would only use a major courier fully insured for the maximum limit of the sale and certainly do not meet and sell for cash in person, I know Ebay take a huge 10% and paypal as well but in this day and age it's like meeting someone to sell a 69 Omega Speedmaster, not the most expensive but very very rare, people do stupid things to get their dirty hands on things. And as well state in the bids they must have at least 10 positive feedbacks (you can remove bids from an auction on ebay), anyone piping up after ebay being around since 1995 with 0 feedback is a serious warning sign for something like this. I'd love to see how much this goes for. Please keep this updated.
  24. I have bought the official turntable part already, I thought for the sake of it let's just do it as intended. The LDD instructions were actually fine, I much prefer it in 3D rather the official top down 2D that this set launched with. The body is complete just need to assemble his head and hope to god this £13 turntable actually fits and it works. Also for anyone curious as to how I landed this so cheap, there are tons of people selling the small green 2x2 corners but in small batches, like 8 Pence each, when you've uploaded the bulk list to Bricklink, click these parts only in the filter and one of the other cheap sand colour bricks and scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll find people selling 5 here and 7 there but with masses of the sand bricks for next to nothing, it took me 27 orders worth to get the whole set but saved me a ton. Will post pictures of him once it arrives.
  25. Not speculation here but this is direct experience. Bought the UCS Tie Fighter in April, from the Flagship store in London, UK, I asked the staff there if they knew anything. The reply was.. "We are under an NDA on discussing this" Followed by a wink. Not sure if I was being trolled or not but the above conversation did take place. My guess is, it's not to prevent the cheap Chinese stuff coming out, it's to try and limit the amount of people hoovering up all the supply at launch and then again we are back to square 1 with them selling on fleabay for £2k a pop or both. The less they advertise until launch the better. I know they operate a 2 per customer.. But I could easily obtain 18 of them in 4hrs alone. Realise my 4 post count doesn't count for much but I am a die hard collector of these, I have the entire collection bar Vaders Tie and 1% left of Yoda.
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