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Eurobricks Vassals
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About pagan

  • Birthday 04/02/1977

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  1. This is very cool! I ve seen the new movie this weekend and def need to see the old ones again. Cheers pagan
  2. Thx ! Already planning to rebuild this part :) It's to plain. This a picture from the side. Cheers pagan
  3. Thx. Here is a better picture of the tower on the chessboard. And here are some pictures from the interior. I'm still not pleased with some details, but it will do for now. :) Grtz Pagan
  4. Well it's been a while since a posted my walker & monocycle in Steampunktheme. They will be part of a bigger SteampunkMOC (work in progress) with some walkers, monocylce, houses, maybe a factory to build the walkers and a tower with steamengine to provide the village & factory with steampower. Did I mention it will be build on a cloud? So I've spend my time building and rebuilding the steampunktower, with a firebox, Boiler, stack and engine with moving piston (engine on 9V). It's not done yet, but I had the opportunity to put it in the art-exhibiotion "Karpov meets Karpov" in the local Museum of my hometown Deinze (Belgium), organised by the Chessclub Karpov Deinze which exists 40 years Former worldchampion in chess Karpov will be visiting and playing chess against other chessplayers. One of the sideprojects is the art-exhibition, for which my mom made a chessboard in ceramics (white plates with paterns based on european cavemandrawings) and for which she needed a white king and queen and a black king and tower. Well I was already building a tower and I did have the Steampunkwalker. So I've build a white king and queen, also based on the Ninjagorobot from set 70505. Together we've build a chessboard in ceramics and Lego, with a winning move from Karpov against Istratescu (a chessgame from 2005). Enjoy some pictures. More pictures : here ! Better pictures (also from the inside of the tower) will be posted later on. Cheers Pagan
  5. pagan

    Train station

    Very Nice!
  6. Even more impressie IRL. Nicely done.
  7. Finally had time. Hope you guys enjoy my steampunk based walker and monocylce. More on this link Cheers Pagan
  8. Cafe Corner 10182 Market Street 10190 Green Grocer 10185 Fire Brigade 10197 2 x Grand Emporium 10211 (& 2 MISB) Town Hall 10224 (MISB) Pet Shop 10218 (MISB) Palace Cinema 10232 (MISB) Parisian Restaurant 10243 is still on the list. Cheers Pagan
  9. At least some of us agree and dare to write this on a forum. LEGO is expensive and a lot of sets are really not worth the price, even with a discount. Poor design, litte parts and bricks, ... When I a wrote about this on the forum of my LUG my post got removed . It is not because we are fans of LEGO, we have to agree with everything the compagny does and the commercial path it walks. I try not to buy to many sets anymore, only with huge discounts so I don't feel to ripped off. Mostly I buy bricks to build MOCs. Cheers Pagan
  10. They are amazing. Sorry, but I am gonna use some ideas!! :) Cheers pagan
  11. I agree and i did some sorting in my stock and found the pieces in DBGray. Think it will be better, just have to find some time. Thx for all comments. Grtz Pagan
  12. Thx. I'll try to take better pictures.
  13. Nice!
  14. Some copper or gold would add extra detail, but very nice glider! Cheers Pagan
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