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T Lego

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Everything posted by T Lego

  1. @Tup4n Sounds cool! Surely you will have to redesign huge parts of the chassis and some parts of the bodywork. - Yes the weight is arround 3KGs, I am unable to give you an exact measurement at the moment. Parts count doesn't always scale proportionally with weight. I used quite a lot of small parts and don't forget that CaDa's panels and frames are composed of several sub-parts. - Yes, you can use Sian or bugatti rims Make sure to share the video here once the projected is completed!
  2. Very nice model and presentation, thank you for sharing! Creative approach to the concave door and I like how you used the wrench for the taillights. I think it would look better in yellow though
  3. Great build Lox! I like the new direction in which your latest builds are going. I see greater panel density whilst ommiting the usage of small liftarms and connectors to replicate shapes. I must agree with the critics of some others here regarding the doors. I personally would have kept the door itself rectangular / 'legal', and rather inclined the whole door with respect to the chassis. This does impose a new challenge on the door hinge, but there are many ways to deal with that.
  4. Correct. I see no logic/patern in why some parts have active patents and some haven't. The vast majority of the parts is not protected. As far as I'm aware of, in the technic catagory only a list of panels, some frames, rotary catch and these parts: , , , , , . Yes, that is the plan.
  5. Thanks for the heads up Differences compared to the previous version: 1: Replacement of old curved panels by the new ones to comply with TLG's copyright. (notice the rounder panel edges on types #1/2, #3/4, #5/6, #13/14, #17/18, #21/22) 2: Replacement of several other pieces to comply with TLG's copyright, most notably: , 3: Minor structural improvements, only in areas where where it could be realised with minimal changes/extra parts. E.g. the rear pinhole in the mudguard panel is now connected to the subframe of the engine cover and the taillights are much better secured now. 4: Potentially improved parts quality. I cannot confirm this, but improving part quality is a continuous on-going process, not specifically for this set of course. Now that the CaDa's parts catalogue is fully compliant with TLG's copyright, us designers can safely work with all parts in their current catalogue (and help innovate new parts!) without unwanted surprises like was the case during development of this set. Hence, the quality of the sets will only continue to go up, exciting stuff to come!
  6. @BrickMonkeyMOCs Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and modifications - It is greatly appreciated! I fully agree with you and, of course, I am well aware of the mentioned flaws. I do want to elaborate on the sagging engine cover: In many cases, this occurs because of incorrect orientation of the tri-connector as illustrated here: I do recommend trying to re-establish the encircled connection below, which the R&D department removed. The red pin connector would clash with their new panels, which don't have the half-stud gap below the #13/14 panel. This will add some needed rigidity in the engine cover. A fix for this is included in my V3 as well, but I currently cannot provide a better illustration unfortunately.
  7. @head1004 The model was designed with the older shocks, because the new ones were not in production yet during the design phase. Moreover they are much harder to integrate properly due to their size, particularly in a model like this with complex suspension features. I haven't seen any mods yet with updated shock absorbers and will personally not invest anymore time on this finished project. @amorti You are aware the car in the link you sent is a totally different build of mine, in much smaller scale?
  8. Sorrry, but I don't have any updates on this at the moment. Considering the large amount of sets which are about to be released, I can imagine the release of the updated version will not be prioritised. I'd say keep an eye out on the CaDa webstore. Logically, the box design will be updated for the v3 because the updated panels - that is how you can identify which version is being sold. I would advise you to consider getting the V2. There are plenty of forums/videos with people illustrating adjustments you can make. Besides, most of the updates are to avoid usage of copyrighted parts. In the meantime I am investing all my free time in my next big licenced release.
  9. Background story: the making of the 1:8 LaFerrari After having to create some room on my phone's memory card, I came across all of the WIP pictures of this project again and thought, why not share these with a little background story. I always found it interesting to read WIP journies myself so allow me to present a brief summary of the making of the 1:8 LaFerrari: ~April 2020 Starting with the first technical challenge of this build: Rotating paddle shifters. I experimented with countless of steppers and their placements in the chassis. Most steppers suffered reliability issues due to the amount of torque on the output required to shift the gearbox. The closer the stepper is to the paddles, the better. The final solution uses the standard Didumos69 stepper which works very reliably. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to make the paddle shifters return to center automatically, which admittedly is one of the big defeats of this project. ~June 2020 Moving on to the dynamic suspension with integrated nose lift feature. Getting these features to work perfeclty in parallel together was a tremendous challenge. Dynamic suspension requires the shock absorber mounts to rotate in the same direction wheras the nose lift feature requires those mounts to move in opposite direction. My first solution was interesting but didn't work well in practice: too much play in the mechanism, resulting no rolling movement and/or too much friction when steering the car,. The steering is linked to the red 16t clutch gear wheras the nose lift was opperated through the worm gear meshed in the differential. ~August 2020 Starting on the monocoque, trying to clear my mind from the front axle. ~September 2020 It took 3 months of prototyping before I came up with the break trough idea, detailed in the OP. An early prototype is shown below here. ~Oktober 2020 The first version of the chassis finished, including the seats and other interior details. ~February 2021 A first prototype including full bodywork was finished after a couple of months of body sculpting. Especially the front fenders and engine covers provided me with enough frustration to punch a hole in my desk. The final soltution for the front fenders is a questionable approach, but couldn't find a better way to do it without exceeding the proportions too much. Some don't care as much about that, and rather put mudguard panels on - a matter of preference. The engine cover is a delicate task not only because of the shape, but also because it has to remain a compact shell, being able to open and close to reveal the engine bay. ~April 2021 The first prototype did not really satisfy me, many body proporions seemed off. I finally realised that the blueprints I used were incorrect. After recalculating the proportions, it was time to work on a second version, also taking advantage of the new panels released in the 488 GTB set. Starting with a redesign of the nose, I soon realised I was heading in the right direction. The pictures below show some different and ultimately unsuccesful front fender ideas. ~July 2021 Reworking the rear and a new engine cover design. I discarded my previous rear wing designs which, despite idential kinematics compared to the real car, ended up compromising the surrounding bodywork too much. ~Oktober 2021 Finished the new front, rear and engine cover. The doors were also updated, and I opted to increase the wheelbase by a stud. ~January 2022 After some small chassis upgrades and refining some building techniques, a handful of new parts were released and I didn't hesitate to use them in the final prototype. The tapered panels allowed me to improve the engine cover and front wheelarches whereas a few 1x2 panels fitted nicely on the nose. Despite all efforts I guess it's fair to say that the final car was compromised a bit by some silly mistakes and architectual choices I made at the beginning. For example, I think the car would have looked better on a narrower (29 studs) chassis compared to the final 31 stud chassis which my initial blueprint indicated. At some points in these projects, you reach a point of no return, where the cost of redesign becomes too much to be considered worthwhile. You always come up with new ideas, even if the car has been finished for months, but there has to be a point where you have to pull the plug and decide you are satisfied. After nearly two years enough was enough, and I rather took all learned lessons with me a to a new, fresh project. You can browse the full gallery with plenty of photos here: https://www.bricksafe.com/pages/T_Antonie/the-making-of-laferrari-moc-18-wip-photos# I hope you enjoyed the read!
  10. @billquan I'm sorry but no. It was mod from Pvdb's one:1 which does have building instructions. Please send me a PM next time for such questions
  11. I'm not sure. Either way I will post an update in this thread.
  12. @BrickMonkeyMOCs Thank you! Production of the V3 is scheduled to start in December. The V3 will include all my proposed fixes and I recommend buying directly from the official CaDa store to guarentee ordering the newest version. No need for Lego wave selectors - CaDa's solution works equally well. My original dashboard design requires very specific bionicle pieces which were not versatile enough for them to add two new molds, that is why the CaDa set uses a different gauge cluster. Feel free to swap using your own inventory.
  13. To add further, here it is shown that you can flip the quarter ellipse, if that is more favourable for the mounting the panel at a particular angle. The three axle holes are also a nice advantage. Originally, I wasn't enthusiastic about these panel changes, but I am starting to appreciate them more and more. IMO the main downside is the updated fairing shape (curved instead of straight edges) which tends to leave more gaps in the bodywork for a large range of panel compositions - at least that is what I concluded after applying them to the exterior of my new MOC.
  14. Let's just wait for the designer himself to present the model and to hear more about the background story of this unique build. I am excited for it from what I have seen but won't jump to conclusions too soon. I bet there is a lot to learn and to discover regarding the innovative approaches/techniques. Servo steering is always tricky for AWD cars due to the CV joints constraint. Gearing it down will generally off-center the gears, which means adding more gears to recenter, resulting in increased slack and reduced straight line stability. You could introduce positive caster but I don't know how much it would affect the performance in practice.
  15. Thank you guys for showing your results! @LegoHoops I recommend to recheck the instructions for the engine cover. It looks like it's pushed up, hence it doesn't sit flush. I think you have flipped the 1x6 liftarms upside down. Fixing it should make the engine cover closing smooth as well.
  16. @LegoHoops Thank you for the update! Great mods and I particularly like the idea of the vertical vanes! Looking forward to the finished build
  17. The current C61505w set available at https://decadastore.com/ has been updated for the gearbox changes. However there will be a third and final version of the set which I expect to be release in july/august. This final version included the new set of panels @Brunojj1 showed to avoid patent infringement with TLG. There are also other parts, like and , which can no longer be used and for which new solution have to be found. Finally I will try to introduce a few allround improvents for the car. I will post an update in this thread once the updated set is available for purchase .
  18. @nerdsforprez Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I am glad you like the challenge. Not everyone can enjoy such complex design, in fact it sometimes suprises me people complain about the difficulty eventough the set is clearly labeled 'Master' (admittedly the age number is contradicting though). Anyway it doesn't hurt to focus more on build intuition and building process for my future MOCs.Keep me updated @Michel1980 Thank you for the update. I will check if that's ok with CaDa. I must point out they are preliminary PDF instructions and should be seen more as a detailed instruction on the rough building order. However It should give more than enough details to perfectly reproduce my original lego version.
  19. Once load is applied on the rear axle, the movement of the rear setup increases significantly. If the car is not standing on its wheels and you turn the knob, movement is very little. With the full weight it should about as much as the front.
  20. They fit, but don't work. Not too much an issue for most collectors, since I have seen tons of people equiping it with Daytona wheels anyway, moreover the current CaDa wheels don't really work on this model either
  21. https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/cada-c61505-laferrari-fixesimprovements/Fixes C61505 V2.2.pdf You are correct, I didn't use a rubber piece but a perpendicular liftarm:
  22. Gentlemen, congratulations on the achievement! A truely magnificent model in all colours and I am sure the efforts will pay off with the guarenteed succes on Rebrickable!
  23. @n2kar_jw Thank you for the great effort and willingness to help out the purists here! Most of the differences between the Lego and CaDa model stem from one of the following and these changes have not been executed by me: - Adapting for new panels (caused the part count to go up by 200+ as well and generated quite a few issues with the model) - No moulds for parts that are too specific (e.g. gauge cluster) - Different part behaviour There are also bits they changed of which I couldn't figure out why, but I might be able to determine that when I finally receive and build my set (two sets stuck at customs :((( Since there appears to be some demand for the original gauge cluster, here is the file: https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/random/gauge cluster.ldr
  24. You are right sir! Let me drop some photos of the meetup: https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/4.jpeg https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/5.jpeg https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/8.jpeg https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/7.jpeg https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/9.jpeg https://www.bricksafe.com/files/T_Antonie/ferrari-laferrari-18/1.jpeg Premium rims can be bought here: https://technic-rims.com/password Like LvsH mentioned, another great (and much cheaper) option are the rims from Eugen Teledezki. You buy them by contacting kreativ.rims@gmail.com
  25. Yes, the model is now for sale on the official CaDa webstore! The gearbox issue has been fixed for this set, so I highly recommend buying it here. Unfortunately the other fixes/improvements have not been implemented, as far as I know. I was also informed the rims won't be changed on the model. I should receive my set next week and will try to build and update the car with minimal extra parts to fix most of the known issues. Expect a Video tutorial to appear on my YT channel soon afterwards.
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