Everything posted by T Lego
[CADA] CADA General Discussion Topic
T Lego replied to Milan's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@howitzer Exactly! There is no point in manufacturing so many variations of existing parts from a financial standpoint. One could also wonder if these parts would actually improve models in a signifant way. You simply have to be more creative with a limited selection of parts and as a designer myself, I do frequently run into situtuations where I think ''this non-existing part would be perfect for the job'', but after some tinkering and rebuilding in the 'existing parts domain' you usually end up with something of comparable quality. Of course most of the mentioned parts would be great, however I wouldn't be a big fan if liftarms of even length would be introduced, because people would no longer be able to easily distinguish the different lengths when building a set.
[MOC][WIP] Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4
T Lego replied to damian_kane_iv's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingA promising start to an ambitious project! The suspension looks great and seems to work well, although I whish to see the shock absorbers on the front axle closer together, similar to the rear axle. I hope it's one of the aspects why you are not yet considereing it to be the ''100% perfect solution''. Great job on the gearbox too! I am concerned about it's size and the concequences for the interior. I am curious too see if you can compact it down by a few studs. I'd reccomend checking out some other gearbox designs, e.g. Anto's 'ultra compact gearbox' which includes neutral and reverse and saves you the effort of squeezing in an external DNR switch. Good luck!
[CADA] CADA General Discussion Topic
T Lego replied to Milan's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingVery happy to see this topic added to the forum! I think we all will have great fun discussing the (upcomming) master releases and growing parts catalogue with many unique parts. Proudly being part of their group of individual designers and therefore having some inside knowledge, I am afraid this topic will get unclear soon with such variety of things being discussed. However I fully understand and respect the decision to keep it to a single topic only - it's a Lego forum after all. Have a great time everyone!
[WIP] Aston Martin Valkyrie
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingJeroen, It's been a great pleasure to watch this unique build develop with all it's complexities! It's instantly recognizable with so many clever solutions to achieve resembling body shapes. I especially love the brutal back end and the panneled underside. It let me to think it would be fun to put this in a windtunnel and see if a low pressure area would actually be created at the bottom, though presumably the airflow get's disturbed by all bumps and holes (it's a technic build after all) resulting in vortices. Some critics from me too: I don't think using mudguard panels at the front was a good idea. They throw off the proportions a bit on this part, making the front look too bulky. Moreover you can see the challenge too make the body work flow nicely towards these panels. As other have mentioned, the frunk looks a bit on the cluttered side due to the connectors. As for the front edge, I think a continuous line using e.g. a soft axle would have looked better than these #21/22 panels. Have you considered using this part as a-pillars? You can get the desired curvature whilst keeping the looks clean. Thanks for sharing!
42143 - Ferrari Daytona SP3
T Lego replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI predict it will be either a relatively new model of Ferrari or Mclaren, two famous exotic car brands with existing licenses. Personally, Honestly I don't really care what it will be, I'll be happy as long as it will give us wide range of new (coloured) parts. The model itself will be undoubtedly very recognizable and well built, with a rainbow coulered chassis and compromised interior.
[MOC] Lamborghini Centenario hypercar 1:8 with building instructions
T Lego replied to T Lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@DBurke I am sorry but right now I can't. Hopefully sometime next year.
[MOC] Lamborghini Centenario hypercar 1:8 with building instructions
T Lego replied to T Lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@SNIPE That algorithm sounds truely interesting! I am curious how effectively you can make it work. Theoretically a computer should be able to better job at it than the designer however I suppose there are a bunch of design parameters unsuited to define in a code as well. Anyway there is a ton to improve on this model so I am optimistic, keep us updated!
Brunojj1's mind-opener - red supercar - free instructions now available for static version
T Lego replied to amorti's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@astyanax Using a chain shouldn't affect the performance much in this setup. The main disadvantage though is that it will be a pain to synchronize the two 16t gears - both needing the same orientation. It's an aspect a designer should consider too if it's to be built by a large amount of (unexperienced) people. Therefore using the cluch gear is undoubtedly the best solution. Unfortunately Lego doensn't produce knob gears with pinhole which would be optimal. Eventhough the axle is ineed not constraint from sliding out and as a result interfering with the differential, it won't be an issue in practice because no forces will be exerted in that direction and friction keeps it in place just fine.
[WIP] Aston Martin Valkyrie
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingGreat to see another WIP topic from you! It's trivial that with this particular car the final model will be compromised to a larger degree that normal. That doesn't mean we can't expect a masterpiece as usual in the end, but this model will require to push your creativity to new levels, so I am very excited to see what solutions you will come up with! One thing I've noticed before: the 1:8 Lego rims are too wide for the front wheels, resulting in much bulkier wheel houses on the Lego version. Perhabs this could be minimized by using virtual pivot steering, but that together with all the space limitations of this model will be virtually impossible I suppose. Inspiration: I presume you will generate pretty much all of the longitudinal stiffness from the sides of the monocoque (?). There is space for a single beam running between the seats but this won't be enough of course. Have you thought about the placement of the gearbox? It may be necessary to design a new kind of lay out in order to place it higher in the car (without moving the v12), to keep the ducts underneath spacious. Looking forward seeing this evolve, good luck!
What do you think about modularity?
T Lego replied to jorgeopesi's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI really like building modular. For me, it first started as an experiment and challenge to put myself to when designing my Centenario and I ended up mainly with positive feelings. As a sum up of what already has been mentioned: it's convenient during the design process when endlessly revising and improving the model everywhere, it makes the assembly more interesting and satisfying (IMO) and making building instructions becomes naturally an easier task as well. Moreover it can perhabs become a bit bornig if you are constantly adding a few parts onto a larger build for page after page in comparison to building around a dozon individual components and 'bolting' them together with some pins and axles with stops. There are also builds out there who have a detachable bodywork as a single piece which is a completely different topic. It would be insane to have the intire bodywork of a supercar detached in matter of seconds, but I feel like that this inevitibly will compromise the bodywork itself to quite some extend. It seems more appropriate to do this on squarish vehicles as we've seen in Sheepo's Landrover. in other words, vehicles that don't require a complex network of panel mountings. Of course, modularity is by no means a necessity for a 'good' build, but it can really add something to the overal product on the condition that it doesn't noticably compromise the build. Doing this however, indeed requires some extra skill and a lot of extra effort. I found the result rewarding which is why I will continue to feature it in my future mocs.
[MOC] Hennessey Venom F5
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingCongrats on finishing this model! I have enjoyed the WIP topic a lot and I am glad to see it finished finally The overal looks are great, the rear definitely is my favorite part, despite the many pinholes from the connectors which looks a bit disturbing IMO. I have to nitpick the A-pillars too: the 9L link and soft axle are very far appart which looks a bit odd. Was this compromise made to keep the links attached to the monocoque module? Nevertheless, It's an awesome and innovative design and I will definitely dive into the instructions to study some of the mechanisms and buildingtechniques. Thanks for sharing!
RC Motocross Bike
T Lego replied to piterx's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAwesome work here! I love the simplicity and efficiency of the design. Little part usage and yet all necessary functions and details are present
[MOC] Lamborghini Centenario hypercar 1:8 with building instructions
T Lego replied to T Lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@astyanax Thanks a lot for sharing your modification here! I love the result very much! Building it in lime has created a lot of challenges as one can witness, such as absence of the bionicle wings which naturally compromises the area around the side intakes. However, the final result is very impressive and I will definitely apply some of the changes in my model which is covered in about a meter dust. Appreciate the extensive photoshoot too, if I had known you live in Lugano (?) I could have dropped by to check it out in person as I was there for a couple of days this summer. Keep us updated on the skirts!
Advice on Publishing Premium MOCs?
T Lego replied to amorti's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@amorti First I think for us hobbyist the main priority is having fun with our bricks and the amounts of views, likes and comments is not something to loose sleep over IMO. Of course it can add a lot joy to the sharing part of the hobby. In fact I can confirm myself that publishing something that goes viral is highly satisfying and does motivate me to greater efforts for my future MOCs. Like I said however, it’s more important to build something you really want/need rather than what others enthusiasts would like to see. The 1:8 scaled technic cars and B models of technic and creator expert sets are the most popular amongst the rebrickable users and obviously your published MOC does not fall into that category and therefore the statistics can not be compared. Moreover it requires a great ''wow factor'' and your submitted motorcycle probably won’t trigger that effect on most people, even though it’s a fantastic creation. After that, the quality of the presentation and details such as the price don’t really matter. Of course one must take decent pictures and write a clear description but it’s hard to mess this up. I hope this answers your questions.
[MOC] Rolls Royce phantom V limousine 1960 James Young series
T Lego replied to Agent 00381's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingCongrats on this replica! Great looks and functionality - well done! My only complaint would be the use of rigid hoses but I can see why you've chosen them. Too bad someone has stolen the spirit of extacy on your car
[MOC] Lamborghini Centenario hypercar 1:8 with building instructions
T Lego replied to T Lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@nerdsforprez Thanks a lot for your review! Like amorti said, the difference is quite big between the lego and CaDa version in terms of fragility. Still it was my mistake to not attach every panel in a way that it's fully secured. Anyway, lesson learned and time to get on with my current WIP ;-)
[WIP] Hennessey Venom F5
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingVery nice progress Jeroen, I really like all the engine details! One question about the gearbox: have you considered using a setup like this to achieve 8 + N + R in stead of the early prototypes shown above? The gearbox shown below is based on a concept presented by Anto a while ago where you're using the two driving rings for high/low for reverse and neutral as well. Reverse has the same ratio as first gear and is realised by bypassing the 4 speed gearbox. I know it's probably too late to change anything and I am unaware about the specific space limitations, however this is a much more compact and simpler solution that could have potential. It's not much bigger than regular 8 speed gearboxes. Maybe not exactly the type of setup you were wishing but just sharing an idea here. Good luck and I'm looking forward to the next update!
[WIP] Hennessey Venom F5
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingJeroen, it's great fun to watch this car coming along so nicely (and quickly!). I would critisize the usage of connectors on the rear end. IMO using panels or soft axles would give a sharper look, especially considering that the edges are very thin on the real car. I am not so sure about the mudguard panels in the front as well. They appear to be oversized (which they do on almost every car unfortunately). The smaller arches from the 488 set seemed more appropriate but that would mean shifting back to a red body. Looking forward to more progress!
[WIP] Hennessey Venom F5
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI am not sure If I understand you correctly, but it could have been solved by putting a bar inside the ball joint pin. By using ball joints you obviously don't constrain the roof from moving laterally. @Jeroen Ottens have you considered using 3x11 panels for the center tunnel? The downside is the asymmetrie - it will look different from the passenger's side compared to the driver's. Another option is to use 5x7 frames although this does compomise the look of the interior.
[WIP] Hennessey Venom F5
T Lego replied to Jeroen Ottens's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingVery happy to see a promising wip topic from you again! Great realistic monocoque design, it's one of the sections I like to put in a lot of effort as well. Have you got any ideas about functions and or colour scheme yet? I'd love to see it in yellow. I am also curious to know wether you will go for a modular chassis design. Looking forward to more progress!
- a brand new webstore for custom 3D printed rims
T Lego replied to T Lego's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@sm1995 This topic in somewhat outdated in that regard. All rims far sale are vapor ones atm and resin printed rims are coming soon. Both are way better than the more conventional PLA. I don't own the store and I am not an expert in this field so I would suggest contacting the owners via the website for your specific questions/criticism. I just request custom 3D printed stuff on the site for my own needs and the quality is superb imo.
Brunojj1's mind-opener - red supercar - free instructions now available for static version
T Lego replied to amorti's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling@brucewayne These pictures can give you an idea of how this car looks with 3D printed vapor rims on two different specs. credits: @lego_tactics and Adam Hargus
[MOC] Koenigsegg Jesko
Thank you so much for sharing the technical detials of the chassis. Man I'm in love with this gearbox, not to mention that superb suspension setup! Keep up the good work!
[MOC] Koenigsegg Jesko
Congratulations sir, what a joy to see this new masterpiece pop up out of nowhere! Fantastic authentic replica, both internally and externally and a nice evolution compared to your one:1. It's a pity that the presentaion is so short, I think we'd all love to admire this MOC from some more angles and learn about some of the mechanical solutions in the chassis. Anyway, you've nailed all the curves with a consistent combination of panels, connectors and system bricks. Creative part usage troughout the whole model as well, such as the mirrors and front winglets. Thanks for sharing!
[MOC] Lego Technic Rolls-Royce Phantom 1:10 designed by Isaac Yaw
T Lego replied to Isaac Yaw's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThanks for sharing this massive piece of technic which somehow only consists of 2.5K parts! It's instantly recognizable and you've managed to incorparate a nice range of functions - well done! The bodywork is too boxy though. The side is as flat as the country I live in and the overall bodywork is too clutered for my taste. Furthermore Rolls-Royce is all about luxuriousness and comfort so I was a bit disappointed to see that you've built the great wall of China inbetween the front seats in stead of a more faitfull replication of the interior. Nonetheless, it's a great moc and I loved seeing a model of a car type which is not seen as frequent compared as other mocs.
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