Everything posted by ZeekyBoogeyDoog
Avatar Theme Changes
I saw the Rocky Horror Picture Show once. I can honestly say, I'm not eager to see it twice. I couldn't understand much of anything that happened, due to the accursed singing. But that time warp song was stuck in my head for a week. I'd get a Monty Python avatar...
New Set Town Plan
YAY!! I love the movie theater, the City Hall, the fountan and the nwelyweds and that 50's era car with the ridiculous fins. I'm really happy we are getting sets that reflect civilian life; I mean, it's about time we got an Art Deco movie theater ;-)
Mystery Ship: Final Thoughts
Oh, I never posted in this thread :-$ I just wanted to say this was a very enjoyable read, and it was fun to watch y'all interact with each other. The plot was great *y* , while the story (while it was happening) was the first thread I read whenever I was online.
Your Dream Pirate Sub-Theme
I think what I would like to see most is something along the lines of Athos' merchant theme, and also a massive Spanish treasure galleon. That would be kick-megablocks.
The Great Troll Debate
I figure the giant dude is the troll, and I like the word "orc", so I voted orc.
WW- Cav on the trail of Bandits
I love that third picture. Awesome! I look forward to seeing more photographs!
El Pueblo Bandolero
You have so much detail in this MOC X-O ! I love the roofs on the houses, and the interior of the lady's room is my favorite; (the bed is lovely) and I also really like the chicken pen. You really captured the essence of a Mexican village, I think *y* !
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Vignette! VOTE NOW!
Thank you to everyone who voted for me :-$ ! Congratulations to everyone for their great entries *y* , (which prevented this contest from failing horribly ;-) ) I voted for Imperial shadow's, the bathroom is really cleverly designed *y* .
Captain's Bath
This is great *y* ! I loved the whole story with the Golgafrinchans.
Post Apocolyptic Western Waterfall Ambush Diorama
The barbed wire is really clever, and so is the water barrel gun turret *y* . I love all the little details that are packed into this. The native Americans look very Terminator-esque.
Great brick-built animals
The evil penguin is my favorite too ;-)
Happy B-day languages & UniqueBuilder
Happy birthday!
EuroBricks Pirate Halloween Contest!
Hey, Norrington's back! Apologies if this issue has already been answered, but can we use MOCs we've had previously made (and used in another contest) in our entry (but not as the entry, just a part of it)?
The Black Anchor - A wonderful harbour MOC
Welcome to Eurobricks, Raster! Very awesome port X-O ! The tavern and lighthouse are my favorite.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Vignette!
Yay, I beat the deadline! Great entries everybody!
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Vignette! Entry Thread
Here's my entry, the scene where none other than Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged insults Arthur Dent in prehistoric earth. This was one of my favorite jokes in the entire series, hence my selection of it for my subject matter. 'You're a jerk, Dent, a real megablock." A view of the ship. The figs. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I pictured Wowbagger as looking like the stereotypical Roswell type aliens; hence the Nesquik head.
Fred Moulders Western Town
Big layouts are are my favorite things to look at. There are so many great buildings here; my favorites are the saloon, the ranch house and the plantation houses.
Dwarves' Mine Review!!
Very awesome modification Hinckley, it's so much better now *y* ! Congratulations on your moderator-ship and new dress ;-)
MOC - Cathedral
Very beautiful *y* ! The interior and exterior and are quite amazing.
WWII Modular German City Diorama: A Modular MOC by Sir Nadroj
The bombed-out buildings look pretty realistic, and the car is really true to life looking. You should add Red Army minifigs.
Resident Evil goes Bikini Bottom
I found this highly amusing :-D ! The faces on the Spongebob and Alice figs are just perfect.
Thanks for this tutorial captain!
Who is the mightiest leader?
I voted for King Kahuka; in terms of relative power, being the king of a society beats being the governor of a backward colony administered by an indifferent, far-off bureaucracy. That said, I do have a soft spot for Broadside, as he's the very model of the modern major-general.
Simpsons Quotes!!!
My favorite quote ever is Homer's immortal "Never try." Then Lisa's "I refuse to believe that everyone refuses to believe the truth!" Then probably anything Groundskeeper Willie has said.
Pirates of the Burning Sea: Game
This looks like it will be very awesome. I'm glad there is a variety of legal and illegal career choices, like Privateer and Merchant.
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