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About Kozikyo86

  • Birthday 12/16/1986

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    Star Wars
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  1. Hi!time for a new project!T-6 Jedi ShuttleI finally built it, better late than never, right? :) My MOC is playset scale, but much larger than the official 75362 set. It also has 3 times more parts!I'm using 1864 parts here, including one sticker sheet from 75362. The instructions also include Landing Gears and a Display StandMy project can be flown around the room, but it must be lifted properly, lifting it by the wing itself is not recommended.In the video I use lights that I received from LeLightGo. Details in the video description.
  2. Hi!I'm back with a new Star Wars project! POE DAMERON'S T-70 X-Wing Fighter This time something from the sequels! It's been almost 10 years since the premiere of The Force Awakens! Do you feel old? Just before the premiere of the film I bought the 75102 set and that's how my adventure began, first modifications and then my first own projects.My 75102 has been lying in the closet for many years, until now! This is one of my favorite Star Wars designs, I really like the combination of black and orange. I decided to return to the topic and create my own T-70 MOC The basis for the front was the design by Quarries Workshop, who did a great job on this element, check out his other designs! In the later stages of construction I will develop this structure for my own needs. The biggest challenge was building the wings, because the T-70 has a completely different design than the classic T-65. 971 parts! If you have the 75102 set you can use 188 parts. Instructions is available here:https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-199921/EDGE OF BRICKS/poe-damerons-t-70-xwing-fighter/#details All details on video:
  3. Hi! today I wanted to show you my new project: The Pale Garden this is a brand new biome that was presented about 3 weeks ago at Minecraft Live 2024. The update is not available yet. I decided to build this biome with bricks and here it is During the build I thought that some new colors would be very useful, like Medium Bluish Gray or another shade of brown, maybe Sand Brown? Why are there so many shades of orange or yellow, but we only have 2 colors of gray. For the project I created a new custom MOB, The Creaking with stickers :) More about this project in my video, below
  4. Hi! After a few weeks I finished building the second part of my bigger Minecraft project This time it's: The Plains Village Together with The Lush Cave both MOCs create one big piece of terrain! There are about 12k parts, 75cm high and about 11kg of weight (be careful not to drop it on your leg) You can see the whole construction process in the video below. How do you like it?
  5. Time for my new Minecraft MOC: The Lush Cave This is the first part of a larger project, the next element will be at the top :) This is my biggest project so far! - 40x40x40 studs - construction took about 6 weeks, - there are about 7k parts, - the weight is 8kg, - there are 30 LED lights inside! the entire construction process and all the details in my video! How do you like it?
  6. @VinnieCannoli What game had this information in? Lego Racers? I also love this series, maybe because of this plot outline! :) Thanks @Shroffy123 I was looking for a lot of information, I forgot that the Witch also had other names than those I gave in the video, there was also "Hubble Bubble". And I don't know if it was a romance with Majisto or some distant family
  7. Hi! I bought so many Bat Lords... and I finally have to build something for them... After a few months of break, I'm back in the world of Castle with a new project - the Witch's Tower! The Fright Knight's land is not a pleasant place, dark, gloomy, large spiders, poisonous plants, black dragons and corpses everywhere a perfect place for the home and laboratory of the main character of this project. To build this moc, I specifically went back to the past and bought a new dragon and a witch from 1997 More about this project on my channel, Edge of Bricks. If you want to know the Witch's name, her relationship with the Bat Lord and other interesting facts, come visit! For construction I used several unusual elements from Lego Super Mario, do you know which ones?
  8. My MOC is ready! The Finale episode and all details here:
  9. third machine join to my project: Tutorial available on my video:
  10. Hi! New update of project! I built Grazer machine, and I made a tutorial for it! I also started building the area Much more on my youtube:
  11. Thanks! @Tom_Brick Project is available onRebrickable: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-176491/EDGE OF BRICKS/thunderjaw/#details
  12. Time for a treat for Horizon fans! Today something completely new, time for a new series! The Hunting Grounds This is my first project from the Horizon world and certainly not the last because I still have many ideas. Horizon is one of my favorite games, and we'll be seeing Forbidden West on PC soon! On this occasion, I decided to build this project, where the main attraction will be Thunderjaw, one of the best machines from this universe. I'm going to dub a large part of the area where Aloy will fight the most dangerous machine, Thunderjaw The instructions for my Thunderjaw is available on rebrickable. The MOC has 1594 parts, and 2 sticker sheets from the 76989 set A detailed description of this project can be found on my YouTube channel, where the first episode is waiting for you.
  13. Hi! I'm back with my 5th project from the Minecraft world! This time it will be: The Frozen Ocean one of the more difficult biomes, large space and icebergs. sounds boring, but it's not! I added a lot of interesting things in my project :) The construction process is available in my video, link below. How do you like my Frozen Ocean?
  14. Hi! After a long time, I'm back with my 4th project from the Minecraft world! The Mangrove Swamp I've been planning to build this biome for a long time, but I've been busy with Castle lately. I prepared the terrain design in the game and it was waiting for its time for several months, which has now come! :) This is my first Minecraft project this year, and there will be many more. I'm slowly building the next one, it will be something completely new The construction process is available in my video, link below. How do you like my Mangrove Swamp?
  15. @Max_Lego Thanks! from current plans only T6. I see that there is very little interest in SW lately.
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