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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Had I never seen and voted on the ideas set I would have been blown away by this set and thought it amazing. However I did see and vote and expected something a little more in line with that, so when I first saw the reveal I was very disappointed. The pirate bay was mostly no where to be seen, sacrificed to make a working ship. But what a beautiful ship! My dissappointment was tempered by the fact that the ship llooks very promising, and the left over bits will make a great starter to a pirate outpost with a little creativity and parts from my collection. As the time passes and I look at it more, I think the outpost version isn't so bad either, not enough to make me buy 2 but still better when looked at without comparing it to the submission. Definately one of the best Lego pirate sets ever. I would still like to have a closer rendition to the submission, and I'm hoping our talented folks here can reverseengineer it as they are discussing, because I'd love to be able to build it myself one day, but figuring out the whole build would be monumental for me. I think some of the concern and disapointmebnt expressed here isn't that this set is garbage, but more of a bad president for future idea offerings. If idea truly becomes a platform that Lego is just going to take the idea from only, and not make faithful reproductions of the sets we vote on, then the ideas point gets lost. There is little point for talented folks to work on amazing models to submit, or people like us to fall in love with them and vote, if what we get has only passing resemblance. Like the poster said, I voted on a Clydesdale, but Lego built a zebra. Does the zebra look great? Sure, does it have 4 legs, a tail, a horse like head? Sure, but it's not a Clydesdale. I love this set, I will get it, but it isn't as close to what was submitted as other sets. I think that is the real issue the folks have.
  2. picked up 2 at a Virginia Target today. very nice set, the clock will go well with my HH and the ghost with the ball and chain are nice. I wish they had had this as the free polybag instead of the zombie car at Shop@home.
  3. I bought 6 minifigs yesterday at a brick and mortar store in VA and 2 of them were free. they also had signs up on the Lego Isle proclaiming the buy 2 get one free. Most of Toys R Us things are overpriced however, so unless you are buying 3 of the same expensive thing you might be better off going somewhere else. (they are selling Jabba's Palace for 149.99!!!)
  4. I was trying to decide what to do with my Haunted House. I love the idea of putting it on a hill with the grave yard under it, seems perfect. I plan on doing something very like this. Thanks for the inspiration!
  5. I have pretty much resigned myself to having a "Graveyard on a hill" as in plying with my extra pieces that's the only way I was able to really come up with crooked things. My problem is that while there are absolutely Amazing and detailed landscapes made from LEGO, and I think they are great, they do not mesh well with official sets, or the minifigures IMHO. I have seen some great very detailed fantasy and castle sets that look great, but that type of detail is a bit much for my skill level. I am more into the detail of the official Adult collector sets like the modular buildings or the imperial flagship, and the new haunted house. I think they have just enough detail to differentiate them from the "kiddie" sets, but not so much detail as to lose the lego aspect. is your build on the net somewhere I'd like to check it out? And that castle is very well done I love Mocs like that because I could never have that much creativity, and they are just amazing to see. His Mill is also unbelievable. But putting the haunted house on one of those landscapes would look like a kids fingerpainting on a Rembrandt! My Idea would be for a Moc landscape that would not look overly detailed or realistic as opposed to the HH. A medium between the childs here is a flat plate with gray bricks for stones, and the super builder's almost digitized landscape detailed to the T to look almost lifelike. While I can manage the first, I cannot even fathom the second, and trying for the median is beyond my ability as well...
  6. My search foo is fractured or something. I can find some cemetary mocs but they are not quite what I am after. I am interested in a creepy old gothic style cemetary with Tombs, headstones, mausoleums etc. not all straight and new looking but crooked broken and worn down, Just a totaly spooky vibe. I post this here because it seems that it should go hand in hand with castle building. I suppose I could put it in Action with the new Monster fighters (and I am seriously planning on combining the Haunted house with this graveyard to make a spooky landscape). I just do not have the creativity to do it myself. I tried several times just to get an idea, but while I can follow instructions or an LDD file, I have not mastered advanced building techniques and it looks fairly one dimensional. So if none exist, could I challenge someone to design an LDD of a spooky Gothic grave yard? Thanks!
  7. Wow, She's gorgeous! Any way you could share your completed LDD file, Id love to play around with it. What did all the pieces cost? I'd be very tempted to make her from your plans if you shared them, if it was not a $1500 dollar expense!
  8. I think the real difference in the Superheroes vs Starwars, is the fact that starwars focuses so much on vehicles, that frankly are not that common in comics really. Sure Batman has his car and plane, and I guess they could do an all clear brick superjet for wonder woman (lol) but most of the toylines that tried to have spidy in a car on on a bike or auquaman in a sub!?? pretty much tanked. I mean most of theese guys do not use vehicles and it makes it harder to sell sets with just random pieces tossed together to represent a bank or something. I would love to see minifigures like the collectible series but since lego tends to focus on sets with included figures I think they will be stretching. Starwars has tons of vehicles, and even vehicles you could resonably have multibles of (how many batmobiles do you realy need?), that they can toss fan favorite figures into, because the figures are not the selling point to the kiddies as much as the cool spaceship is. I love the new sets because i missed out on them last time, I can not wait to see the marvel ones, but unless they just start releasing minifigs I think the line will probably peter out before we see 10+ years of it. I hope not. I'd love to always have new superhero sets, but Lego is going to have to realize for the comics its the minifigs that sell the sets more than anything else. I mean i bought the Batcave for Poison Ivy and Bane, Catwoman catcycle for catwoman, Funhouse, for Robin, Bats, Harley, Ridler and Mr. J. NOT because the sets were great. Honestly from what I can tell the previous sets were better, but meh Harley Quinn and CatWoman woot!
  9. Like how in all the official artwork they have them posing and flexing in dynamic ways that the poor ol minifig just can't manage. I know the minifig is sacred, but it would be nice to see an updated more posable one for the Super Heroes lines at least. Batman and spiderman scream for waist, knee, and elbow articulation, with maybe even balljoint hips and shoulders. Not Megablocks over sculpting, that defeats the purpose of them being lego, but sortof economy minimate style.
  10. I found the fun house at my local Kmart. The other one did not have it though. Target does not even have a spot for it, but they had the rest (just got the bat cave! Yeah!. No local walmarts or Toys r us have any super hero sets yet. YMMV
  11. Am I the only one who would prefer a top piece like on the dark maul for Batman, Ironman etc, with the masks or helm printed on the head? The idea of removable masks with the flesh face underneath is nice and all, but the thick plastic makes them soo big. I mean poor catwoman looks like a pencil eraser and batmans eyeholes are on his forehead! Ironman looks like one of those Super deformed guys or head wobbler things. I know theese are legos and not mini mates or other "adult collector toys", but it seems to me having a top peice like darthmaul with a printed head would solve the huge head syndrome. Just my 2 cents
  12. Rhapsodyred99 replied to Ralph_S's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Theese are amazing! Now you just need to make LDD files of them all so we can all make them!
  13. I demand an LDD file of this! I love this! You did such a great job, one of th emore interesting castle designs and the story and minifigs are very well done. I love the use of the grey parrots as gargoyles/rainspouts. Very Imaginative. Do you just set down and start building or do you plan it out first?
  14. You can't contain yourself is probably the closest english expression the orders probably wont be in till next week. I could show some pictures of it now, but I think it would be better to see it refined. The press turned out great, even with my substitutions, so no worries there. here is a teaser keep in mind it is a WIP!
  15. well the initial build is complete, butsome of my color substitutions were....unfortunate. many of the elemets simply were never made in the colors specified, so I had to switch some colors or elements, and while some worked well, others looked to piecemeal. Once I had the model built it was easier to see where the colors or elements simply did not work, so I have had to try some different things with the colors. Once I get the new order in, I will give it another go. Just wanted to stop by with an update.
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