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Banned Outlaws
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  1. As I said there wont be another big ucs set next to the falcon this year.
  2. As I said before Except for the falcon there won't be another ucs set this year. I have reliable sources that the next ucs set coming in spring 2018 will be a new At-st with an exclusive at-st driver minifig. If there will be a much much bigger set in in the fall next year I can tell you in the upcoming months.
  3. There won't be another big Star Wars set this year
  4. The figures in the MF won't be adorned with the breathing equipment. Except for ESB Han Solo none of the figures won't get exclusive arm printing.
  5. There will be 4 regular sets, two microfighters and 4 buildible figures. The Microfighters are the Millenium Falcon with a Chewbacca and a First Order TIE with a special forces tie pilot. The buildible figures will will be snoke with a double bladed lightsaber (one red blade, one blue blade), TLJ Luke with green lightsaber, admiral holdo with a blaster and an updatet version of finn. Speaking about the regular sets there will be two battle packs. One for the resistance wich containes a commander like in the advent calendar two regular troopers and one pilot with orange suit. The other pack is for the first order and containes two pretorian guards, one special forces tie pilot and one heavy armored stormtrooper. As for the remainig sets there will be the crait speeder you can see in the trailer with a never before seen male hero figure one normale reistance trooper and one first order stormtrooper. The other set is a bigger playset that plays part on an unknown planet not akh to. It contains the same snoke like in the star destroyer with his double sided lightsaber, rey (same version as in the walker, finn, a first order stormtrooper and one pretorian guard.
  6. I' ve got some information about the late 2017 Lego Star Wars TLJ sets. Where am I allowed to post it?
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