2018 Lego Trains
For sure I will prefer a little big log rail car like this but the small one for sure will work fine for the kids :)
2018 Lego Trains
I also do not fine hi-res images. Just the one that I have posted, but was removed, which pic is not hi-res. I typed "Lego City 2018 SUMMER SETS ! NEW TRAIN" in youtube and see low-res pics, but they are enough for me to get the idea. Probably legonerd54321 will share where and how did he/she find the hi-res pics :)
2018 Lego Trains
I see the same one in Google search or Youtube which I have posted here, but were removed :)
2018 Lego Trains
Check in youtube or in google for the new train set for 2018 and you will see pictures of the new trains :) Is it possible that the new remote control incorporate IR and bluetooth tech, allowing to be used as a hub to control the old trains?
2018 Lego Trains
I think that the blue one is better then the red one by two reasons: 1. My personal experience with the red one. 2. The red one is with status "retired". The blue one still in sale. Regarding the toy - yep, you are correct. This is my point of view of an adult, not of a kid. For sure Lego knows better the target customers of the train.
2018 Lego Trains
Regarding the color - it is green. Time to change the monitor :)
2018 Lego Trains
I just do not understand why from LEGO have bet on the red color for the new cargo train (60198), since the last cargo train was red and did not have that much success as the Blue one (60052)? And why from LEGO have decided the new cargo train to be a strange mix of an electric type and double cabbed EMD of a type? Just do not get it. For sure the passenger train looks cool and for sure the two trains will have a new remote control - or at least as a new design, but we will see this in the summer.
Train Projects on Lego Ideas
Hi everybody, One impressive project on Lego Ideas - Goliath - Railway Crane
2017 Lego Trains
Hi @Dug, Thank you for your reply to my post. Do you think that such dehaviour is bad? And if so, can you give me a hint, so that not to make such mistakes in th future? Thank you in advance.
Train Projects on Lego Ideas
Hi everybody, Since this thread is for trains in Lego Ideas, what do you think about this locomotive: Sure it is just a locomotive, but with some rail cars I think that this project has the potential to become one day the new Lego cargo train.
2017 Lego Trains
Vilhelm22, you are right that Stephenson's Rocket train needs more support to get to the 10K, but do you think that other trains also may need more support to get to the finish line - like this train for instance: For sure it will look nice as the new Lego cargo train.
2017 Lego Trains
Hi everybody, I also think that the new Lego train can be one from the Lego ideas. In the moment there are several trains, including some locomotives (hope they got updates with wagons/rail road cars) and get to the 10K!
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