Everything posted by StormtrooperEll
[Moc] Looking for the Holy Chalice
I really like how you have built the architecture and your use or cotton wool! Bravo!
Long live the 4-stud wide [MOC]
Wow! Please, do you have instructions for the Series 3 Landrover and the Mini? My brother, dad and I own both as a family venture and I love to make them both these as a stocking filler for Christmas. I love the Mr Bean one too, absolutely fantastic!
- [MOC] Art Déco Gas Station
[MOC] UCS First Order Heavy Assault Walker AT-M6
I've really enjoyed seeing this coming together! You've done a great job and I'm looking forward to potential instructions surfacing soon!
MOC Romans VS Greece Hoplites
Fantastic build. I love roman history and this has really caught my eye... probably the best MOC I've seen this year by far
[MOC] UCS First Order Heavy Assault Walker AT-M6
I want!
[MOC] nanofigure-scaled AT-AT
I really like this! Instructions would be great!
[MOC] UCS First Order Heavy Assault Walker AT-M6
I am looking forward to seeing the final product. Great work!
Hi Guys, I've been on here around a month now and I thought it was about time I said a proper Hello. My names Ellison and I'm an AFOL. I come from the North of England and I am a huge Lego Star Wars fan. I've been collecting now for a number of years and hoping to expand my collection even further. I am currently in the process of planning an alternative Hoth MOC (don't worry its not another Echo Base or Battle of Hoth) so keep an eye out! I hope to chat with some of you soon! Ell
[MOD] AT-AT Walker Redux - 75054
The AT AT is my favourite vehicle from Star Wars and this is just fantastic! Well done!
Next UCS Set
Now that my friend, would be fantastic!
Next UCS Set
Roman Portrait
Thanks guys, I appreciate your responses. If anyone has any further ideas of photos, let me know and I will try my best to do them
- [MOC] LEGO Sherlock Holmes cracks the case!
Secret Castle of Rohan
I like it. I like how you have created your own Rohan Warriors instead of using the licensed ones. Great work on the castle too
- Thoughts on The Last Jedi Sets
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I got the Republic Fighter Tank last night (75182) Great little build, and the 'figs are excellent, especially the phase 2 gunner. I don't have the original Fighter tank to compare it to though :/
Submerged Ruins
Love the use of the glass and the up-turned circular plates! Great work
Roman Portrait
Hi, I'm new to eurobricks so firstly hello. I am really into my photography, the Roman Military, Lego. So last night I was messing around with different forms of lighting and came up with this. For this simple split lighting effect I built a platform (from Lego of course) to hold an IKEA LED light and placed the minifigure roughly 6 inches away. I then used the an aperture of f11 at 1/6 second in monochrome mode. I am really pleased with the result and the mood the lighting creates. Let me know what you think. Thank you, Ell
Hey! Thanks Sandtrooper. I've got few ideas floating around in my head and they requires a few of these. Than you for the BrickLink urls too. Very useful
Republic Gunship
Simply stunning. I too have always wanted a Gunship, and I am happy to say that I've just ordered my first ever 7676. Seeing this has inspired me to want to mod it! Well played! Fantastic creation!
Hi, This is incredible. The detailing is fantastic and the overall effectiveness of the display is unreal. I do have a question, what have you used for the clears stands for the display and where do you get them from? Thank you, Ell
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