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About Leopard37

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  1. @julesvincent Cutoff 1x2 Slopes? could you give me a part number I think they are all available. Tyson.
  2. @julesvincent My guys says he should be able to make it work. Send me a PM with a sample file to try. I also have pictures of the Boba/Carbon Han pieces to work off of. I broke down and bought those ones, so cool. We should touch base so you and he aren't working on the same thing. He is finally getting time in his life to work on it again. I'm sorry for the slow rate this is going. We will get this done eventually!!!! Tyson.
  3. Progress update! Only 3 vector files so far... It may be worth everyone interested asking anyone they know to help to expedite the completion. If anyone has scans of the part pages for the following sets 41490, 41491, 41493, 41498, ITBH-1. Please PM or upload in thread. We also need a parts picture (overhead shot good quality) for the printed pieces in 41498 and ITBH-1. Thanks, Tyson.
  4. One sample file ready. We will see if the slow free route works.
  5. Hi Jamie, We are working on it. Keep checking this thread. Tyson.
  6. Why is Lego doing this? Do they like torturing loyal customers?
  7. https://www.brothers-brick.com/2017/10/02/lego-reveals-star-wars-brickheadz-exclusive-new-york-comic-con-news/#more-96737 Looks like our project just grew... First sample file on images will be available in one week from today!
  8. I will definitely share the files when we get them, sorry for the delay. It may become a bit of a time killer. I'm anxious as well...
  9. Update on vectoring: Being done as a favor by a coworker in spare time at home, so it won't be speedy. Should have a sample file soon to verify for quality from sticker guy. Question: Will the sticker guy verify to authentic colors afterwards as the colors from the picture will not be 100% accurate? Thanks, Tyson.
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