Everything posted by Fenghuang0296
LEGO Dreamzzz 2025 Rumours and Discussion.
Follow-up to this; the Gaming Jet also has hot-swappable components in the thrusters mounted on its sides. Of course, it’s LEGO so it’s not like it’d be that hard to replace the chest of the Tiger Mech with the jet’s cockpit or similar in the first place, but I still really like this system for play.
LEGO Dreamzzz 2025 Rumours and Discussion.
Looking closer at the Tiger Mech and Racecar, and unless I miss my guess I think that they’re both built around a ‘hot-swapping modules’ system, similar to the Modified Racecars from City 2K Drive, or the Monkie Kid Staff Creations & Creative Vehicles sets. Even that one City Policecar/Ambulance/Firecopter set that could hot-swap components. The limbs of the mech don’t look like they change at all (except maybe slightly with the hands) when reconfiguring from Cooper’s Mech to Zero’s Wolf, and the same is true of the front chassis of Zero and Cooper’s cars. The front of Cooper’s Car, which is on the mech’s chest, looks like it pops right off to admit the front wheels of Zero’s car to be added between the front wing and driver’s seat. The back of the box shows exposed connection ports on the sides of Cooper’s car. The only part that I haven’t been able to pin down the workings of is the head section of Zero’s Wolf. Maybe that needs to be properly rebuilt. I think even Mateo’s Car also has compatibility with this hot-swapping mechanic, it looks like Z-Blob’s drone build is attached in a similar way, implying cross-compatibility. I actually really love this and hope we get more additions to this system in 2HY.
LEGO Ninjago 2025 Rumours and Discussion
Y’now, as a Power Rangers and Super Sentai fan who loves combining robots, something baffles me; in this wave, accompanying the Combo Mech, we have a green dragon who is the same size as the new Riyu (same head and wing pieces too), and the jet that splits/combines into three. Ras’ little dragon glider thing also uses that same head part. Why is there no cross-compatibility? It would have been easy to design the jet so that part of it could split off and further augment the Mech, or slightly modify the Forest Dragon to be able to take Riyu’s place as part of the mech. More playability, more incentive to buy more sets. It seems so obvious?
LEGO Dreamzzz 2025 Rumours and Discussion.
I genuinely love Cooper’s Tiger Mech. It’s a wacky mashup of luchador and gaming and giant robot and I respect that so much. Zero is a surprisingly intimidating looking villain, too. A bit baffled by the other sets, and the mech is the clear standout. I really thought Mateo’s Car would rebuild into a mech of some kind, it really looked to me like the fenders and the slime trails would split off into a robot, but apparently not. Bunchurro . . is literally just Bunchu again in a different colour. Meh. Cooper’s Jet rebuilds into what has to be the goofiest helicopter I’ve ever seen. Not a fan. I do appreciate the tiny Z-Blob and Bunchu sets, though that flat 3x3 face is cursed. We have a 3x3 dome, why couldn’t you have printed one of those? It would have looked so much better. Yeah, overall the mech is the only real winner here. I’m irritated that the robot Cooper minifigure remains exclusive to the C-Rex when that set suddenly looks vastly inferior to the Tiger Mech. It is super weird that the cast has been cut down to just Mateo, Izzy and Cooper. Will eagerly anticipate the summer wave.
LEGO Ninjago 2025 Rumours and Discussion
What is going on with the ninja suits? Arin’s villain suit looks like an ugly hodgepodge, Sora’s still using her 2023 garb with a new hood for some reason. Most of the main six ninja are homogenous, but Lloyd has a different outfit in the dragon set and Zane has an exclusive shirtless variant in the mech? If we have the budget for that why do we not have the budget for a new look for Sora? Did they overproduce her figure? If nothing else, I’m stoked to see Pixal back, and returning to her original purple colour scheme is a treat. The builds are cool at least, too. Arin’s jet is great, love the combo mech - even if I don’t understand what’s going on with Zane - even the Storm Rider looks surprisingly good, albeit hella goofy. I’ll probably wait until we’ve seen the later waves and know the figure distributions before getting any, though, just to optimise. Except the Combo Mech, that’s a top priority.
2025 Space sets
So, new Dreamzzz set imaged are out, including something very weird in the ‘Z-Blob Creative Adventures’ set; a gooed up version of a green Futuron torso, complete with a variation of the Classic Space logo that has a dripping planet made of goo. I have no idea what that could possibly be used for but I am eager to find out.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I was hoping for a Spider-Man T. Rex. Sigh. Oh well, this is still good. I’m just glad we’re getting the actual Stegosaurus Spin in addition to that awful dinosaur car thing. Looks like the dinosaur car chase is an easy skip because you get all three ‘Dino Suit’ minifigures and all three ‘Dino-fied Friends’ plus Raptor Goblin and Trapster with just the truck and treehouse sets. I can live with that. Raptor Goblin will be a great addition to my Green Goblin Gang.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Ultimately, I think the Daily Bugle fits the ‘skycraper’ niche so well that I can’t imagine them doing another set like it until it’s properly retired. It’s not difficult at all to just buy a second Bugle and combine them; the upper three floors are ready for that right out of the box and it wouldn’t take that many extra pieces to modify the ground floor for the same purpose. And you get so much more height out of that for the money you’re paying than you ever would by buying multiple Modulars. (If the Bugle wasn’t already the tallest thing in my city I would do that.) I could see and would love to see something similar in size and shape to the Bugle but unbranded and with a different design as a future entry in the Modular Buildings line. Could make a very cool 20th Anniversary Modular.
LEGO City 2025 SETS - Leaks, rumours, discussion. (Animals too)
I did not expect this, but somehow the No Limits big ramp/launcher thing is the only set that excites me. Not for its intended purpose, but because I look at that set and think that with some modification I could put two of them together and build a flyover, perhaps even a bridge for a train to go under.
LEGO Dreamzzz 2025 Rumours and Discussion.
I’m like 90% sure it’s just the rebreather piece in purple (part 24135), but it does look kind of different from that with an extra bulge that might be a nose? I hope I’m wrong, a ‘stick out tongue’ piece would be hilarious.
LEGO Dreamzzz 2025 Rumours and Discussion.
. . Am I crazy, or does it kind of look like the back half of the Mateo car turns into a(nother) Z-Blob mech? With the stud shooters as the arms and the legs bolted to the sides? Honestly, big meh, but that’s mostly because I get very sick of the giant cars and bikes that LEGO keeps churning out. Is that an exclusive villain though? Hope he’s in another set, he looks neat. Bunchurro is . . weird. Definitely the worst one here. How do they keep fumbling the Izzy sets, giant stuffed animals should be easy to make awesome. Bunchu and the Narwhal, and the deer and Panda Logan, were all great, but first the ‘Dream Creatures’ hodgepodge and now this? It’s not that hard, right? The Gaming Jet is the only one I might actually get, though, if only because it looks like it’d be easy and cool to MOD into an addition to my space fleet. That and I just have a higher tolerance for planes than cars because it’s much easier to pose planes in the sky above my city whereas cars need road and chases and take up space that I could use for other things.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
There’s got to be some in-house reason why they haven’t given us Peni and SP//DR. It’s such low-hanging fruit that every year we go without them leaves me more and more baffled. Anyway, new sets! I’m almost annoyed by the fact that the Iron Man Car actually looks good. The same Iron Man variant comes in it, so now I need to decide if I need both the Car and Mech or just one or the other. Spider-Verse is absolutely a must-buy, even if it looks like the same Gwen we’ve been getting since 2018 and that’s disappointing. Venom car . . eh. I have zero knowledge of Julia Carpenter so I can’t say I’m particularly excited about her. That’s what it looks like to me. They’ve used satin trans blue for Iron Man a lot recently, most notably in the 2022 Mech and as the Arc Reactor in the IW Hulkbuster remake. I like that colour a lot so I’m actually excited for this recolour.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Just got the new Ollivanders’ with all the gorgeous wand pieces. I love them, so much potential. Are there any characters who want/need their wands updated with any of the new ones from that set?
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Honestly I’m now picturing modifying the new Botanical Garden to have an extra door at the back and redoing my current Greenhouse to attach to it as a ‘third wing’, making it a T-shaped building. I don’t think I have anywhere to put that very fiddly T-shaped arrangement of baseplates, I’d need a shelf two baseplates deep and all my current ones only fit one baseplate, and I like my city’s current setup on the tables too much to reconfigure it all just for this. But I do really like the idea, the more I think about it, so I’ll see what I can do and if budget allows, etcetera.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I like the Botanical Gardens, I really do. Unfortunately, I like it so much that I already bought two copies of the Friends set that inspired this one and MOCced them into a custom Modular. So now this thing is redundant. Unless I tried combining them or something, that could be fun. The X-Mansion . . I want to like it, I really do. But it’s somehow even smaller than the Natural History Museum while costing $50 more? I already disliked the History Museum for being so short, and this is even worse. And the only exclusive characters are Gambit, Jean Gray and Iceman . . I’m sorry, but I just don’t care enough about those three to make buying it worth it. For that much money, I would be better off buying bricks in bulk and building my own MOC version of the X-Mansion to be bigger and better. I don’t want to skip it because I don’t want LEGO to stop making X-Men sets, but it’s just not good value for money. .
LEGO Dreamzzz 2024 Rumours and Discussion
The ‘flying controller’ itself is meh, but I’m intrigued by the ‘villain’, a little spider drone thing? Is that implying that this ‘Zero’ is the new main villain and is some kind of rogue sci-fi entity?
- LEGO Ninjago 2025 Rumours and Discussion
- Vampire Realm with Tensegrity
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Can anyone identify the Iron Man variant in the logo? Instagram’s been buggy for me and I can only see blurry pictures.
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Is this confirmed? By who? In that case, do we also know what suits are in the new Hall of Armour? (Sorry if this has been mentioned already, I don’t want to read through 118 pages of thread.)
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Dare I hope that the new Endgame Final Battle (the third one, really, they can’t keep using that name) finally gives us the War Machine Mark 7? If there’s no new Civil War version of War Machine, then surely I can fill that slot I added to my Hall of Armour with an Iron Patriot at long last?
War Machine versions?
This is very late, but all of them are listed and identified on this site;
Marvel Superheroes 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
Have we had any rumours about the Minifigure lineup for the upcoming Airport Battle remake? I realised it’s time to redo my Hall of Armour to accomodate new Iron Man and War Machine figures, and I missed the original so I’d love to add an updated Mark 46 and WM Mark 3 to my Hall. Speaking of, what’s everyone’s preference on what variants do and don’t make it into your Halls? Do you include the video game suits? Comics? The 4+ variants? The Mech suits? Which ones would be best to have on display? (I’m especially in a particular conundrum over the 2022 Mech Suit Iron Man figure, because I was told that it’s the Mark 42, but I recently managed to snag an original 2013 Mark 42 figure and now I don’t know if I should keep both displayed or just the original or what.)
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