Everything posted by Hollander
Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter ("medium-sized")
And another fantastic alternate-build by Legostein ! You might try to make another Starfighter, but smaller, and using the other windscreen showed on the box. The 2x2 slope I mean. Or maybe that's a bad idea; you're the expert.
[REVIEW] 7958 Star Wars Advent Calendar
Thanks for the review! $50 is a little overpriced, even though there are 8 minfigs are included, including two special ones. 266 is not that bad, but a couple more pieces would be better. No idea if this will be available in my country, if it is, and won't cost more than 45 euro's, I might get it. This review certainly helped improving my opinion on this set.
REVIEW: 7606 Frog
What a cuty! For only 1 pound I would pick tens of them, and build a frog army.
Custom Heavy Speeder
A cool speeder Plissken. A pretty bulky look and although the windscreen is a little too wide, I think it looks cool.
Yet another TIE MOC
That's a nice TIE-fighter you have there! I like both the wings as the cockpit, and the windscreen piece placed inwards.
Review: 8093 Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
Pretty cool set, my first SW set since the dark ages, together with the clone BP. It's not that special, as we have already seen plenty of similar Starfighters, but it's still a nice set; even though blue isn't that unique, all the wedge plates are useful. And the minifigs are good enough for me too, we haven't seen that astromech droid before I guess.
Sometimes inspiration finds unexpected ways...
A neat alternative build, Legostein.
Future Star Wars Sets
I know alot of people want more minifigs in the SW sets, but how realistic is it? TLG would never put so many figures in a set as a lot of people here want. I know, I would like it too, but TLG just won't do it.
MOC: Eurasian Tree Sparrow 麻雀 (LEGO)
Amazing work! Lovely little Sparrows. Never seen anything like it before. I have a question though; is it correct that one of the sparrows can move his wings?
MOC mini SuperStar Destroyer
Nice bridge update, the distance between the two studs on top is even better than using a 1x3 plate.
UCS Super Star Destroyer 10221 Review
Thanks for the review dcflake. However, I don't like this set. I don't like it at all. It's just too pricy for a bunch of gray plates and bricks. Neither I like the use of both bley and dark bley as greebles, and the bottom is a total shame. Sorry TLG, you might have a awesome customer service and all, and thanks for the missing part I received today, but you guys just failed this time. No problem; I think most of the SW UCS sets are great, and I'm convinced we'll see alot of great sets in the future.
MOC. Mr. Evil!
Pretty cool Madi. It indeed has some kind of steampunk look, very cool. Nice use of the tires as well.
Review: 7877 Naboo Starfighter
Thanks for the review. I do own the previous version (and the version before that) and although I really like the vehicle itself, I'm not so happy with the price and parts. The minifigs are pretty neat though, and the droideka is nice too. However, I'm not sure if I'm going to get this set. I don't think so actually. I'd probably rather spend my money of some of the sets only available for a couple of weeks now.
[MOC Series] Geonosis Mission 10
Nice custom weapons indeed, Masked Builder, did anyone already mentioned that? Just really nice, as Brickdoctor already mentioned, and I fully agree with, your customazations are never over-the-top.
MOC: the Jedi Council!
I really like it Skrytsson. A lovely SNOT floor, neat walls, a whole bunch of Jedi and great photoshoppping.
That's one awesome AT-Te Anio. Probably the best one I've seen so far, especially the turrets (both the six smaller ones as the large cannon on top) are fantastic. So is the cockpit, and all the plates on it's hull connectiing perfectly. Lovely creation!
MOC Microscale : A Trip to Neptune
Very nice The0. You just proved that a MOC doesn't have to contain a load of unique technices or has to be huge to make a nice model.
[LDD MOC] TIE x1 Advanced
You did it again Doc, a neat LDD version of the TIE advanced. I spot some lovely SNOT building and some other nice techniques, like the way you did the wings (especially the part where it heads another direction).
[KEY TOPIC] Wanted bricks in LDD
I'm trying to build the UCS Y-wing in LDD, but there is a part I cannot find anywhere:
Ideas for ROTJ 30th Anniversary Rehashes
I would say 4478; the TIE Bomber. It's a pretty old set and I think TLG has the ability and possibility (new parts, new building technices, SNOT etc.) to improve the TIE Bomber a lot. The two ''pods'', both the cockpit and bomb storage could be improved a lot by using SNOT techniques. And some betters colors too, instead of the blue. About the other options; I don't think the Interceptor would need much improvement. I think it looks cool the way it is now. The imperial shuttle might need an update, although Palpatine's shuttle was released not that long ago and we have the UCS Imperial Shuttle of course. Jabba's sailbarge looks good enough for me. Neither I think it can use a lot of improvement. However, the set isn't that recent anymore, so maybe in 2 or 3 years, I would like to see a new version of it. Including a better Jabba The Hutt.
[MOC] 1:120 X-wing
W-W-...Wicked! I love it. I'm not skilled enough as Brickdoctor to spot any inaccuries, so for me it looks perfectly accurate. One of the best Mini X-wings I've seen. Good job!
[MOC] P7 Dreadnought class Space Cruiser
Thanks for the nice comments! By the way; after I already posted the pictures, I noticed that the ship at the second picture hadn't been updated with some extra tiles at the sides and top.
[MOC] P7 Dreadnought class Space Cruiser
Hello there folks, I made this space cruiser a couple of weeks ago, and I'm pretty happy with the end result. Although I was almost out of dark bley tiles- and bricks, I was able to finish it. Constructive criticism is welcome. If I would have to criticize it myself, I would say that I should add some more details, like some light armament and greebly stuff. I did actually try to design a bunch of light cannons using levers (bley base, black lever), but unfortunately, that didn't turn out the way I liked it.
First ( phone ) contact.
What an amazing creation! VERY original and rich on details. The human desk is really nice, so are the both backgrounds. Good job!
[MOC] "Micro Collection" Death Star Compactor
True! Today I read a Lego thread on a non-lego forum and most people just collect Lego but never MOC anything. There was one guy who tried to make some kind of spaceship, and he wrote that it was way harder than he thought it was! So yeah, I guess MOC'ing AFOL's are one of it's kind.
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