Everything posted by Hollander
Sword in the Stone
This is actually really nice Stephen, don't worry we don't like your MOC! It's a nice and small diorama , using a plant to cover up the space left around the sword is a nice idea too. All with all a good job you did there!
[MOC] "Micro Collection" Death Star World 1 & 2
It was about time this creation made it to the frontpage.
American Civil War
Wonderful indeed. Some nice details and the cannon is great too.
[MOC] Apoc Gatehouse
Pretty cool randomoblong. If I would give some constructive criticism; if you have enough dark gray/bley bricks, you can add those to the big rocks (SPUD's) to make it more realistic. You might take a look at the big medieval landscape. It's builder used the big rock pieces, but covered them with bricks, slopes and some plants. You might give it a try, it could improve your nice creation alot. The gate itself is actually pretty nice, you could add some bley tiles to create the effect of bars. But that's just a detail. Good work!
SiAra Station
Man, this is awesome! Shame on me I didn't leave a comment earlier. Just as with your ''robot creating'' machine MOC, the color scheme is lovely again. Not to mention all the details put in this build. You did once again an amazing job.
MOC: Steampunk Pirate Ship
I like it. A very original build, using those hands.
MOC: Temple Ruins
This is an amazing MOC. Especially because the building itself is completely gray, while the figure has color.
MOC mini SuperStar Destroyer
This is actually pretty nice Tomcat RIO. The 4x8 wedge plates you angled inwards are a nice technique to design the shape of the Executor well. But I have to agree with Mr Man, you should move the parts of the bridge closer to make it more accurate. But I think you did a really good job here, well done!
[Review] 10198 Tantive IV
Excellent review indeed Brickdoctor. A lot of pictures and useful information. I think the set itself is awesome and it is my personal favorite SW set, but that's mostly because it is very accurate in my opinion. Especially the huge engine block is neat, it weights probably more than the whole Endor bunker itself.
[MOC] "Micro Collection" Death Star World 1 & 2
Those two playsets fit together so well...amazing creation! It looks all nice and smooth.
[MOC] "Micro Collection" Death Star Compactor
Unbelievable, how can people not see how neat a build such like this is. I'm really wondering if people have any idea how much skills and effort ik takes to make a nice MOC...
Tatooine Sand Dunes
Ah, now I see, thanks. And yup, that escape pod is indeed a hundred times better than TLG's one.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
There are more than just one OT sets that would fit your requirements, but the Tantive IV (nr. 10198) is in my opinion one of the best SW/OT sets TLG ever made. It it very accurate, doesn't contain any stickers, it's a nice model to put on a shelf, and the price/part ratio is very decent. The minifigs are not that special, although the Antilles figure is pretty neat and exclusive for that set. The Imperial shuttle also seems great, even knowing that I don't own it. Then we have the AT-AT (nr. 8129), I don't know if you would like it, but for an OT fan it seems pretty cool to me. Or maybe the midi-scale Star Destroyer (nr. 8099). Nice for putting on the shelf.
MOC: Anti-Grav Tank "Reaper"
Nice! I can't spot any studs, I really like that. A very sleek model, goob job and keep on brickin'!
MOC: First contact: HEY
I really like this. Neat details, such as the ''moon'', the stonepath and little bridge. Good job!
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe: Meteor
Awesome! Not too much greebles which give this model a very sleek look. Nice landing gear too. Love it!
On the subject of SPUDs in MOCs...
The SPUD canopy is no match for this beauty.
Neither I have ever really liked the Bionicle theme, but I have to say this one does look pretty cool to me. It has a very tough look over it, which is nice. Indeed better than TLG's ones.
Moons of Endor
As far as I can see the current speeder you used in the build is way better than the earlier design. I think the front looks really good and accurate. Maybe you can even add the laser cannon (using a black screwdriver for example) to make it even more realistic.
On the subject of SPUDs in MOCs...
I have to agree with Julandrius; I would try to make one with droid arms and/or bar pieces. And if it won't turn out nicely, I would have to use a so called ''SPUD'' piece. Of course I would rather use a neat self designed canopy than such a big ugly canopy piece. But if you want to design a TIE-fighter with some playabilty features, a construction of droid arms won't turn out the way you want it I guess, in that case a canopy would be more useful of course.
Moons of Endor
Yes, I think this type of tree would fit better with Kasyyyk than Endor too. The trees at Kashyyyk seem to be curve shaped, while the ones at Endor are just straight up. Nice speeder btw, do you have any close up shots?
[MOC] (micro) Steampunk Walkers Attack!
Lovely! Both the snowspeeders and AT-AT's are really well designed. Although I'm not sure if the rebels and imperials would need icecream on such a cold planet.
[MOC] Am I on Tatooine?
The crashed TIE-fighter is really cool. It's nice to see how it plowed through the sand, while parts of it came falling of.
Moons of Endor
That tree is actually awesome. Just really, really nice. The only thing I would suggest is to spread the plants on the ground a little more. But that's just what I would do. Well done!
WW Category 2 : Sunset near Colorado
Very nice! I especially like the ''broken'' parts of the building, where the wooden frame shows up. It has a very damaged look all over it, you captured that really, really well. The broken bars, the windows covered with wood and the use of bluish gray; wicked ! Good luck with the contest! I'm sure you make a good change to win. And if you don't, it doesn't matter neither.
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