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Everything posted by Hollander

  1. Very nice ship! Fits very well in the Star Wars universe. The hull of the ship, and the little greebling section just in front of the engine are particulary nice. To be completely honest I think a larger engine section would look a bit better, although the one you have now isn't bad either, and maybe I am just biased towards large exhausts.
  2. Hollander replied to SERVATOR's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I love that cat! Overall a very original design, this style of building really fits you well it seems.
  3. I was wondering about that, is it really too difficult to make it for them? It is easily one of the most well known and recognizable vehicles of Star Wars. But then again they have not produced it yet, while they are already replacing older models like the Falcon, snowspeeder, X-wing etc. so we might never see one.
  4. Your model is really a joy to look at, because it seems very accurate in both dimensions and detail. I wonder though, if you feel there is anything you could improve, or are you 100% happy with the end result? I am not saying anything should be different, you are a much better builder than I am and I think this is easily one of the best Venator ships out there, even compared to the really large examples! But I know many lego builders want to make their creation absolutely perfect, like Jerac for instance who worked for years on creating the perfect A-wing. So I was wondering if you feel like you would ever rebuild certain parts of this ship. Just for the record I personally see no room for improvement, but maybe you as the creator do, and it is always interesting to see people improving things I thought couldn't be improved! Also, I look forward to your Invisible Hand. I think the triangle shaped ships from Star Wars are some of the most asthetically pleasing ships out there in the Sci Fi franchise, and they have a sense of realism to them, but aside from that I think the Invisible Hand is a lovely looking ship as well. One of the best looking ships out there in my opinion.
  5. This is great! What I like is the scale of this, it's something that would fit anywhere on your desk but it still has enough details to keep it interesting.
  6. Excellent build! A very sleek and original design. I think you did very well on all aspects; the overall shape, the details, the color scheme etc. And I recognize the 1x4 blue tile with the 3 white stars, if I am not mistaken its from the blue jet plane which was released somewhere around 1996 I think.
  7. Hollander replied to thire5's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I like it! Big models might be impressive, but very small ones like this require a lot of creativity nonetheless!
  8. Hollander replied to Jerac's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I like the blue and green version the most.
  9. Hollander replied to Jerac's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    You really are one of the best Star Wars builders I know of, and this A-wing is an example of that. I was familiar with your earlier version from 2008 and always considered this the best A-wing out there, mostly because you nailed the round shapes of the hull so damn well. The fact that you improved your older version shows a lot of skill, I like the fact that you made your new version without the black sticker the most. It looks better now and more realistic I think. I assume this took you a lot of time and frustration, to get your A-wing where it is now, but the result is indeed amazing. Would love to see more creations of you in the future! So let me ask you right away, have you got any plans for new projects so far?
  10. Excellent ship! Fits very well in the Star Wars universe. Especially the engine area is nice, just like with the original Tantive IV. Seeing a fleet would indeed be fun to look at. Maybe accompanied by some smaller ships?
  11. Goob job! Nice to see you made a ship which isn't often recreated in Lego bricks, probably because of the round angles and shape.
  12. Hollander replied to Scene's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Nice ship. I like the use of the older canopy and rudders. So did you encounter any problems yet when building the real thing or does it all go smooth?
  13. This is really, really nice. The overall shape, the ''cage'' construction around parts of the ship, and the pattern of colors makes this an absolutely excellent creation. So is the entire design made by yourself or is this a ship from a movie or TV serie? Either way its extremely nicely done. Another question though, what program did you use to make that video? And did you create this with LDD or Studio 2.0?
  14. Very impressive creation. I am not familiar with The Expanse but its a nice looking ship, no doubt about it. I also find it quite neat you did this in only a week, a build of this size would take me two times that!
  15. Very nice! I am mainly interested in spacecraft, but I find build this very impressive and neat to look at none the less. Excellent work. One question; which lego elements do you use for the moving parts, the elbows and knees etc.? Bionicle parts maybe or something else?
  16. You sure like these small scale models! How many ships of this scale have you build exactly? And have you thought about maybe making a little diorama recreating an iconic scene from Star Wars? Would be great to see that I think. As a matter of fact, some of the best builds out there are on a small scale like this.
  17. This is very impressive. I can see this took you a lot of work! I especially like the harvester though.
  18. Very cool and original creation! Those TIE fighters are awesome lol, I had no idea someone could make them so recognizable on such a micro scale!
  19. Hello all. From what I read in this thread I understand it is possible to import creations from LDD to Lego Studio 2.0? Is this correct? I just downloaded and installed Lego studio after I had seen amazing renders done with this program.
  20. Excellent MOC. There aren't that many creations around which feature crashed ships or a diorama kind of thing, but you executed this very well. Is the X-wing one of your earlier creations which you used for this one after giving it the roughed up look? Or did you create it specially for this MOC? Anyway amazing work!
  21. Thank you! I recently found out about stud.io, which apparently has the option to create very nice renders for models, so I might look into that. As for the platform, you are totally right about that. It's just that from the beginning on I had the idea in mind of creating this landing pad with a worn out look, but it ended up being too small for the ship, proportionally wise. Thank you! I am flattered, although I really don't think my creation deserves a lot of credit. I am not someone who is great at all with building techniques, or designing a strong and space efficient frame, or any of that, it's just that I like to build something visually pleasant, despite me being not a technical person at all. As for building this in real, I do have a collection of lego, but its not a lot, and I don't really have much space here. So I ended up messing with LDD from time to time a bit, but I gotta admit I would like to build something from actual lego again. Its just so much more fun to look at something real than a computer image.
  22. Very nice MOC. Fits well in the Star Wars universe. There also seems quite a lot of place inside, which isn't always easy to pull off, since we are often concerned with the exterior looks of our creations in the first place. Anyway, well done!
  23. Nice creations! I think I like the orange one the most, especially the part with the transparant cheese slopes on the side. But then the blue one is nice as well ... in particular the engine part. I remember when the original set you based these off was released, seems like yesterday. But in reality its like 20 years ago or something!
  24. Hadn't seen this creation before. Very, very impressive. Especially considering that you made instructions as well and created it first in LDD. So when you make something like this first in LDD, then in real, do you encounter any problems? Like certain parts being not sturdy enough, or is this not an issue at all? Anyway, 10/10.
  25. Can I ask you a question? Does stud.io allow you to render this creation so nicely? Or do you use other software for that? I am only familiar with LDD really, but this looks 100 times better visually.
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