Everything posted by Hollander
[M.O.C.] G.A.R.E.T. Class Heavy Starfighter FBTB Contest Entry.
Wow, that's cool! The color scheme of gray and yellow and the greebles is absolutely amazing. Good job!
MOC: Steisel Mk1 Aircraft
Lovely! Chubby and cute, awesome! Nice color scheme too.
Speeder Bike Chase
Haha, that's what I though too. Nice creation 'Snowspeeder Pilot', I like it. The fact that the trees are too short, doesn't really matter in my opinion, it gives this scene a special feeling, well done.
MOC: Calendar
Very creative indeed! What a lovely calender. Especially because you can change it whenever you want (unless you're at work I guess).
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
The average wampa has a height of about 2,5 meters, while the height of the rancor reaches between 5 to 10 meters. Let's say the rancor in Jabba's palace is about 7 meters, than he should be about 3 times taller than the wampa.
WW Category 2: Poor Lonesome CowBoy
Now that's what I call an awesome creation..! The scene is very nice, you captured the feel of the two bandits staring at their victim very good. So is all the detail, the remains of the bison and the vulture. I love it!
MOC-74-Z Speeder bike
Compact indeed. I especially like the brown hands you used. Although I wasn't sure if I liked it when I saw it the first time, I do like them now. I can also see you used two black hands, did you cut them? They look shorter than usual to me. Overall I really like this one, well, VERY well done!
[MOC] Echo Base
Nice work indeed. You captured the feel of the Battle Of Hoth really well with not that much space. The echo base itself is really nice, and the tiles certainly are better than studs. Good job!
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
Awesome! I can't wat to see the finished product. So much detail in thuis build, the camp.. the trees.. and now the Blacksmith. Keep on brickin'!
(MOC) - A part of Theed
I like this. It seems pretty accurate to me, I've wacthted the ''big final battle'' of SW TPM daily when I was younger. I'd loved to see how that flash speeder shot the AAT. But I really like your MOC, the colors, the plants, the tiles.. nice!
Yet another TIE MOC
As already mentioned, the cockpit is nice, using those wedge slopes. If you have the amount of bricks to make the two wings, I would certainly recommend that. If you do so, you will ind eedhave to use 2x2 circular blocks with a technic pin for strenght, otherwise you will not be able to fly around, the wings would just keep falling off.
MINI Bounty Hunter Gunship (The "Halo")
What a nice little Bounty Hunter Gunship you made there Legostein! Indeed way better than TLG's version. I like it.
[MOC] B. I. MON Planetary Research Base
I like this 'SilvaShado'! I see you've put some nice detail in this built, such as the frozen alien, the cannon and the space lab (I assume that's what it is, with the large blue windows). Good job!
Spider Tank - new "toy" rebel
Nice indeed 'RussianBear'! I really have the feeling it's a real spider, I like that.
[MOC] Abandoned military base
After I 'mocced' a bunch of Star Wars vehicles, I thought it was time for something different. And here it is, an abandoned military base. 2026. Nevada. Intel report from the last survivor of the east military base. Time - 02:34 ''This is the last message I will send, I have to leave as soon as possible. I know what happened 3 miles south from here, our outpost there was crawled by those crazy mutants, I don't think anyone survived. If I wasn't sitting on the toilet all day with a bunch of comics, I wouldn't have missed the damn helicopter. I have to leave by myself now, the mutants will be here within an hour or so. I'll plant some C5 explosives on the kerosene tank, when I'm miles away from here, they won't know what hit 'em. Ha! Unfortunately, I can't take my good ol' 50mm grenade launcher with me; basterds won't stand a change against me and my baby! I will end this message now, I have the feeling I'm already being watched...'' He didn't know he would never leave his base again.
[MOC] Monster Bot
A nice job you did there 'Masked Builder'. I like the use of the crates so as the suitcases.
Jaden Korr's Z-95 Headhunter [MOC]
What a lovely nose you made there 'hardcowory', very impressive.
I already mentioned this on MOCpages Brickdoctor; you just surpassed yourself! An absolutely lovely representation of one of the most epic OT vehciles there is. Although the legs are probably the best part, I don't think the hull is less fantastic, especially the back of this thing is stunning. Well done on this!
[MOC] Acclamator V2
I had the same thoughts. This bricklink folder includes an amazing Acclamator, the builder has also used those 4x8 wedge plates. Next month I will probably place a new Bricklink order and then also get my hands on a bunch of those wedge plates. Can you read my thoughts KielDaMan? Because weeks before I made the first Acclamator, I promised myself to make an UCS Acclamator one day. But, that won't happen this year I guess. Why? Well, I have to improve my skills a lot first before I dare to start such a huge build, neither I have the parts. I'm also not skilled enough on how to connect the upper and under hull plates to the frame, I was thinking about using magnets, just like in the UCS Star Destroyer. I don't know if there are any tutorials or tips & tricks can be bound on the web regarding those large wedge plate constructions. Thanks 'Praiter Yed'! I know I probably deconstruct my MOC's earlier than most of the folks here, but the point is, ALL my lego is stationed at my grandparents' house. I'm here for a couple of weeks now, so I have to take my change on building a load of MOC's right?
[MOC] Acclamator V2
Darn, you're only 30 minutes too late... I just broke it down, sorry. I made a 1-plate high frame, but no really special building technices or so. Everything was just connected with a bunch of hinges.
[MOC] Acclamator V2
Thanks 'Masked Builder'! And if you want to build a Midi-scale ship yourself now, what are you waiting for?
WW Category 2: Western Carnival
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Such an amount of details and those dancers are amazing, EXTREMELY well done Matija Grguric! :thumbup:
[MOC] Acclamator V2
Thanks Brickdoctor (and others)! The thing what I find is hard when building an Acclamator, is the angle which those plates have to make. I don't know exactly how to explain this in English, but the angle of those wedge plates is not sharp(?) enough to catch the shape of the Acclamator. The versions I made are both too pointed, if you know what I mean. Oh well, I'll try to explain myself with a picture I made quick with paint: The upper one has about the shape the ship has now and next to it the very basis way to make the angle. But I could also try to use a 3x12 wedge plate to make the right angle for the Acclamator, as seen in the bottom painting, and you automatically create the space in the shape of a triangel in the middle just like the real Acclamator has. This technique would make it look like far more realistic I guess.
[MOC] "Micro Collection" Death Star Escape
I googled this too and it looks very realistic compared to the official toy, I like the cannon and all the minifigs spread out over this build, well done!
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