Everything posted by Hollander
[MOC] Acclamator V2
I had to take the old one apart, because I had to use all my 3x6 wedge plates for this built. I'm still not satisfied with this version, so I will make a third version in a couple of months I guess. Thanks.
[MOC] Acclamator V2
As promised I would build a second (and better) version of the midi-scale Acclamator Star Destroyer. I hope you guys like it.
Jurassic Park---Tyrannosaurus rex's attack
What a lovely scene, especially it's main build, the T-rex. I have to agree with Stormbringer, the studs make the dinosaur even look better. Really, really nice!
Jaden Korr's Z-95 Headhunter [MOC]
What a nice MOC hardcorewy! I like the back of the Z-95 the most, very impressive.
Republic Gunship
The proportions seem all correct to me. I love the SNOT, the features and the overall shape, very well done! The only critique I would have is already mentioned before: the details. Oh, and another detail, I would add more dark red around the cockpit, I think that's accurater.
[MOC] Disabling The Bomb
And another nice vignette! The crab droid and the piece of junk are both good work. Well done.
Small Lego Church
A nice MOC indeed, good job mobricki. The only thing I would suggest is to add some more plants and/or flowers around the church, it would make the feeling of a church near the jungles of South-America stronger. But that's just a detail.
Mecha WIP
Nice indeed. But how did you do the triple-gun at his left arm?
MOC: AP17X Super Aries (C&C welcome)
A well done job you did there. I really like the overall shape, but I would suggest to not use yellow or other colors as used for the landing pad, it would make the look better. Except from that, very nice build.
[MOC] Republic Acclamator I-class assault ship
This version was far from perfect, but I just couldn't bring op the motivation to break it down and start all over again. The next time I should make sure the hull plates cover the sidepanels. As I already mentioned, I just received the Bricklink order including a lot of wedge plates, so If I would do a remake in the next weeks, it will probably be a couple of studs wider and longer too. About the frame, the one used in this Acclamator was only one brick high, so that won't be a big issue. But I want to MOC a Corporate Alliance tank droid first now, so the Acclamator has to wait.
[MOC] Republic Acclamator I-class assault ship
Thanks for the constructive criticism all. I wasn't really satisfied with this ship, to be honest. As already mentioned, the gaps between the hull, the bottom and the sides which are too high make this MOC not look finished at all. But hey, that's what I will improve the next time. By the way, my collection of wedge plates is pretty small, I only have four of those wedge plates (2x4) used for the hull and only one pair of 2x3 wedge plates, but I received the Bricklink order today so the next Acclamator will certainly be better.
[MOC] Republic Acclamator I-class assault ship
The Acclamator, probably my favorite Star Destroyer, has finally become more than just a imagination. I already promised to make this ship in the topic of my previous MOC, so here it is! As quoted from Wookieepedia: ''The Acclamator I-class assault ship, also known as the Republic assault ship, Acclamator I-class Star Destroyer, or Acclamator I-class medium frigate, was a starship created for the Galactic Republic by Rothana Heavy Engineering. It was the predecessor of the Star Destroyer line.'' The front of the ship... ...and the back. The bridge. Close-up shot of the back. The bottom of the ship. MOCPages:
- Mirage
Achermar starfighter
Cool! The SNOT is fantastic indeed, I especially like the cockpit.
Eridan starfighter
I remember this piece was included in the ''Roborider'' sets, it functioned as a head piece. @thire5 What a nice starfighter! As mentioned before, you made a good use of the large parts.
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
Amazing work... there is just so more detail in this piece of art. I guess when it's finished, I could stare hours at the landscape, only to check out al the little details in there. The trees, the bridge, the brick build animal, the cart, the hey bales... awesome, awesome, awesome. Can't wait to see the next update!
[MOC] Boba Fett's Mech I
What a lovely mech. Although some people may find the stabilizers a little out of place, I think they are great. Without those two, the influence of the Slave I design would be to weak So, great job!
Star Destroyer Class Venator
What an amazing venator you have there! As Brickdoctor already mentioned, If you smooth this beauty out with tiles and change the bley for grey plates, it would be perfect! But hey, that's just a detail. The shape of the whole ship is just amazing, just as the greebles are. You should add some micro-Arc-170's too.
The Great Temple of Yavin 4
As already said before, you really showed us what the most basis bricks can do (and a creative Lego mind of course . An absolutely lovely model of the Great Temple. Nice X-wing too, the smallest I've ever seen.
[MOC] Storm trooper in his garden
I like this Bayou! It's pretty detailed, which I like. The fountain, grill and Darth Vader turn this into a nice lil' MOC. A good job you did there, the only thing I would recommend is the part of the grass which seems a little unused, adding some simple flowers or antyhing their would improve this MOC, in my opinion. Except from that, it's just a detail, very nice.
[REVIEW] 7962 Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba's Podracers
Although I thought 7962 was the best set of this wave, I'm now not so sure about ik anymore. First, the podracers certainly look good and are very realistic. But the over detailed Sebulba, as mentioned before, nah, I don't know if I like that. And those 4 big pieces on Sebulba's racer, might be the most accurate, but I don't like 'em neither. I might get this set, but I'm still hunting for some of the 2009 and 2010 sets, so this SW wave has to wait a couple of months, for me at least.
CC Bly and his dirty dozen
Those are some nice custom minifigures you have there hohesC. I've seen alot of clones/stormies which were painted, but yours are one of the first which are painted really well, good job on this!
[MOC] Through The Ruins
Indeed, another nice job by the 'Masked Builder'! My only criticism would be the large rock part, I think you could better make one yourself, except from that, good work.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Thank you very much for the link wokajablocka! I will try this in a couple of weeks, and eventuelly post pics of the results here on EB.
MOC: Y-Wing Snowspeeder Prototype
Indeed, very nice.
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