Everything posted by Hollander
Think I'm drifting towards becoming an AFOL...
With my eightteen years old, I don't know if I would call myself an AFOL, but after building a SW set, I break it down in pieces after 2 or 3 days, hehe. I mostly do MOC's, I only buy SW lego for the parts and minifigs. Although bricklink is a better solution for collecting (useful) parts.
[WIP] Super Star Destroyer MIDI
I'd recommend to design a frame first now, and yes, you should make this of technic because it's way stronger than a frame made out of regular bricks. Joining the plates is not the easiest part of a ship like this, but with a couple of hinges, you will come far.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Placed my first Bricklink order today, guess that makes me part of the team huh?
MOC: The Bullfrog
This has a perfect ''space look'' around it. The color scheme, the shape, the background story.. perfect! Guess this would also fit the Star Wars theme good too.
[MOC] Crusaders Of Gand
Very nice MOC Masked Builder! A lovely bridge, jettroopers and posing of the figs, well done!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
That's funny, 7128 was my second SW set, I still have one scout trooper and the other incomplete scout trooper left, but where they used to be white, they have a nasty yellow color all over their helmets and torso.
Swamp Trooper Power-Armour
Very nice work George! Although I would recommend to resize the legs to smaller ones, you did a very good job on this one. The colors are really cool so are the gatling guns and use of the minifig leg parts as hands.
MOC/MOD Black Naboo N-1 Starfighter
A nice color scheme indeed. Although I'm a huge fan of the N-1 and it's color, I have to say black looks pretty nice too, not as good as yellow, but good enough to look good.
[MOC] SoroSuub 678A Landspeeder
I know the front may be a little too long, and there is only one big seat, so that may have confused you, but no, it's not UCS.
[MOC] SoroSuub 678A Landspeeder
The 678A Landspeeder The 678A Landspeeder, designed by the SoroSuub corporation, was a personal speeder capable of reaching high speeds. The first steps for the design of a longer and more powerful landspeeder were taken by Nien Nunb. After only a couple of months, it was a modification, the new model was done. Although it could only fit one pilot and no passengers, the 678A Landspeeder didn't became popular under folks. But people and other creatures with the money (it's price was 56.000 credits) and the need for a quick and comfortabel speeder were frequently interested in the speeder. Name: 678A Landspeeder Manufacturer: SoroSuub Price: 56.000 credits (new) Acceleration: 0-100 in 1.3 sec. / 0-500 in 6.9 sec. Top speed: 1234 km/h Weight: 832 kilograms MOCpages:
Grievous's Wheel Bike
Wow, you captured the feel of the real beekwhile VERY good...!
[MOC] Imperial P-102 class ''Avenger'' crash site
First, thanks for the comments all! I have to agree with both of you. I don't know if the next project will be a ''real'' SW ship or not' date=' but it will be a cruiser, I'm sure about that. If it will become a ''real'' cruiser, It will be an Acclamator so there will be influence of the Republic colors and style in that case. If it's going to be a ''not-real'' ship, I won't use those dishes again, but cannons or something similar. This next MOC will be a little smaller than the current one due to the lack of bricks. But, more detailed.
[MOC] Imperial P-102 class ''Avenger'' crash site
The problem is, I didn't had enough parts for a finished bottom. Unfortunately.
[MOC] Imperial P-102 class ''Avenger'' crash site
Hello there, So, after the Z56 Airspeeder was done I wanted to focus on something bigger. And what exactly matches ''big'' and ''Star Warsy''.... hmmm .... of course, a Star Destroyer (or anything similar)! Seemed like a good idea, so I started gathering some of those triangel shaped bley grey plates and other bricks I would probably need for this build By the way; I wasn't focussing on designing a Star Destroyer or any other 'real' Star Wars ship, I just started building something custom, it's name and function ... oh well, that comes later. However, after the upper hull was done and I gathered the grey plates for the lower hull, it discovered that only 3 or 4 triangel shaped (don't know what these pieces are called) were left... So we had to improvise a little. What can we make out of a half Imperial P-102 class (that's what the ship is called, more information later)... a crash site seemed perfectly, so I wouldn't have to design a bottom. And so it was. I took some tan and dark tan pieces (it's crashed on Tatooine) and created a bunch of sand which was actually accumulated(?) because the nose of the ship actually penetrated the soft sand. And after some building that day, the MOC was done. But some background information and a little story about the ship now: MOCpages: The Imperial P-102 class, designed short after the collapse of the Republic, was with it's 412 meters one of the smaller cruisers, compared to the Venator or Acclamator class. However, it's seize wasn't what made it so effective. Equipped with four main and two smaller jammers, this ship was capable of preventing enemy ships from using hyperspace or leave it. Besides that, it was armed with a tractor beam and was capable of shooting special laser cannons, only meant for weakening the enemy it's shields. However, except from a couple of anti-fighter batteries in the flanks of the ship, the P-102 was barely armed. That's why it only could be used in company of a larger battlecruiser, like a Star Destroyer. A combination of the P-102 and a heavily armed cruiser was a formidable weapon. Short after the Republic ended and the Imperial fleet had to face CIS en Seperatist ships, pairs consisting a Star Destroyer and P-102 were widely spread through the galaxy by the empire, to hunt down enemy transport ships or small fleets. Name: Imperial P-102 class Length: 412m Width: 176m Height: 189m Crew: +/- 270 Armature: six jammers, tractor beam, eight Czerka Corporation shield destroyers and twenty-two light anti-fighter cannons. Cargo: 14.000 tons and 12600 persons. Maybe this is too much information for such a regular MOC, but I still want to give you a little background story about the ''Avenger'', the relevant ship. The story begins when the ''Avenger'' and a star destroyer are approaching an enemy cargo fleet. They are in hyperspace now, and will reach their target in a couple of minutes. Admiral Sarlern is in charge of the Avenger. Imperial officer: ''Sir, our intelligente reports tell us that fourteen Trade Federation ships have just left Tatooine. As far as we know they are not escorted by any armored ships.'' Sarlern: ''Good, good...exactly as we expected. Make sure our tractor beam is ready for use, we won't let any of them escape.'' Imperial officer: ''Yes, my lord'' Admiral Fyyar turns around and walks towards the hologram projector as cold sweat runs down his back. No wonder for a Admiral on his first mission, especially of the Sith Lord himself is watching. The projector starts, a blue light is coming out of it and only seconds later a hologram of Lord Sidious emerges. A cold voice begins to speak. ''Is the fleet in position, Admiral''? Sarlern: ''Not yet my lord, we will rean our targets in only a minute. Our weapons systems are online and we scan the enemy fleet every second. We know exactly their position. I won't fail you, my lord.'' Sidious: ''I hope you won't fail me, Admiral. You know how much I trust in you. I don't want me to 'remove' you from your position.'' Sarlern: ''I understand my lord, if you would excuse me now, I believe we approach our target'' He turns around from the hologram table and hurries towards the bridge. A little because he has to lead the attack, and more because of his fear for Sidious. The ship leaves hyperspace and the enemy cargo ships are spotted. But their own Star destroyers is nowhere. Sarlern is shocked, ''Where the hack are they?!'' he screams. Than a message coming from the Star Destroyer reaches them. ''Our ship...hyperspace...damaged.................xhjsdkj'' Was that all of it...?! ''Yes my lord'' is the answer as the officer looks the other way. Sarlern don't know what to do first, but after he realizes the enemy fleet is not armed, he regains back his confidence. ''Make the tractor beam ready for firing.''. ''Yes, my lord.'' But suddenly, a red beam is coming from one of the enemy cargo ships and hits his ship as it stars shaking. ''What's happening in Vaders name?!'' is Sarlern screaming. ''We don't know sir, itr seems like the enemy cargo ships are armed!'' ''Make the ship ready for hyperspace, now!'' 'We can't sir, our hyperdrive booster is damaged, so are the engines!''. ''Well, do something!'' is that Admiral Sarlern calls when he takes a run for the escape pods. But he is too late. When he is near the escape pods, a huge explosion makes the ship shake as it starts take a dive. From only 200 km/h minutes ago, an immense speed of over 1000 km/h is reached when the ship tilts forward and is heading towards Tatooine. In minutes, the ship is almost going to crash right into the planet. Admiral Sarlern is still laying on the ground, thinking he is going to die (he will actually, but not in this crash, but a couple of years later, when he suffocates in an M&m). But then the situation changes. One of the pilots managed to take control of the ship again and tries to fly up, away from the planet. Sarlern, running through the waste of ship parts falling of the roof, manages to reach the bridge again, and the last thing he feels is a huge blow, seconds before a wave of sand covers the windows of the ship. End. Well, compliments for anyone who read through all this. And that for such a simple MOC.
Ackbar's Family Pod Racer
Nevermind, post edited.
[MOC] Speeder Bike
The Hoth version is even better in my opinion. I already wanted to give you some advice (as far as I can, I'm a rookie, you know) till I read you wanted to hear If you should combine the body and back of those two speeders. Well, I think the front of the first speeder and the back of the second speeder would make the best looking bike. But that's my opinion. Keep us tuned!
Ackbar's Family Pod Racer
Might be a neat idea for the next contest... podracers.
Ackbar's Family Pod Racer
Nice MOC! The engines are pretty detailed, which I like. I only wish I had that amount of clear pieces...
[MOC] 74-Z Speeder Bike
Such a nice MOC! Perfectly detailed and VERY accurate. Great job! An Endor version would be even better I guess, you should include this little beauty into a nice vignette. By the way; are the parts where the biker actually grasps the steering handles the same pieces as the lightsaber blade, but in black and cut off?
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
What can I say? Amazing.
REVIEW: 7957 Sith Nightspeeder
Thanks for the review def! This set was on my wishlist anyway, but you improved my opinion of this set as well... I think the set has amazing minifigs and a nice selection of parts. And some are printed too! Lets's hope lego will keep printing those pieces... and maybe... maybe, we will find all pieces printed in the future...
[MOC] X-wing Version 8
That does look nice. The thing what I think is hard about making a X-wing looking close to the ''real'' one, is that the ''real'' one is nor white, nor gray, but somewhere in between.
Kamino Cloning
I like this, I already saw it on MOCpages though. But yes, this is nice. Especially the details.
[MOC] Speeder Bike
Well, this is one nice MOC! The V-shaped front looks great. But I think the back of the speeder is a just a little too large. Great MOC though!
[MOC] Pwned
Nice job indeed! And as the others already said; an expanded version of this would be awesome.
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