Everything posted by Hollander
Z56 air speeder
I don't know yet, I could make a Podracer version with those engines, but I would have to make them larger and put more greebles and stuff on them, otherwise I think they would be too boring. For now, I will deconstruct the speeder because I have some neat ideas about a midi-scale battle cruiser in the original triangel shape. But the idea of a podracer, I'll certainly keep that in mind. I'm now home for a few days, so I don't have the possibility to use photoshop now. But when I'm home again I will make a render of this speeder and put it on a nice background. Darn, now you started about a podracer, I instantly want to make one. But a battlecruiser first now.
Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike (Miniland-scale)
Awesome creation! I also spotted this MOC on MOCpages where I commented on. The Scout Trooper seems very moveable, which is great. The speeder looks nice too. What about a Luke and Leia riding another bike in a nice chase scene?
Z56 air speeder
Thanks for all the comments all! Knowing that people like a creation, always gives me the motivation to keep bricking. Thanks alot! I thought about that too' date=' I actually forgot to mention the problem. I my story, I had to tell that a special helmet was required when reaching a high speed. I tried to make some kind of windscreen too, but that didn't turn out that well. Thanks for mentioning this problem though. First it was completely gray, but I thought some touches of dark blue and dark tan(?) would make look it better, and it did!
Z56 air speeder
Hallo there folks, So, after my first MOC since the dark ages, the Republic Cargo Transport, I've been working on a new project: a medium-sized air speeder. It was ment to be minifig-scale first, but after the cockpit was designed, it all seemed a little too large for minifigs. I started off with the seat and the control panels. After I was done with that the hull was taking shape and after doubting about what to do next, I created two old-school space engines and attached them to the body. But now some background information first; In the year 60BBY, the Z56 air speeder was created for people who had to cross a long distance in little time. Designed by the SoroSuub Corporation, an extremely fast two-engined, one seater was made. Short after the release of this speeder, when people were not aware of it's lack of taking corners and it's amazing acceleration, a consecutive serie of accidents happened caused by reckless pilots who didn't read it's user manual well enough. However, the engines were so unreliable and so sensitive for overheating, that most pilots modified the speeder into a two-seater with room for a co-pilot who could take care of the engines. However, the Z56 air speeder didn't loose any of it's reputation after all it's cons. Because of the publicity which was due because the accidents with the speeder, it became popular by couriers and bounty hunters who could handle it's performances. Later, when pod racing was a common amusement around Tatooine, and the Z56 Air Speeder was considered too old to be good, the speeder became popular by pilots who took part in the famous Podracing competitions. Because of it's low price, but still extraordinary powerful engines, this speeder was common bought by pilots so they could detach the engines, equip them with antigravity generatots and detach them to the 'pod', and voilá; a cheap podracer was created. Time for the pictures now. Sidepanels detached/ I will eventually post some more pictures later this week, I do have more shots of the front, but I noticed that I attached a part the wrong way which made the ship look like pretty ugly. Hope you guys enjoyed this MOC though! Greetings, Hollander
Character Rides Contest
Can any member vote, even if they didn't take part in the contest?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
So, the postman delivered a Tantive IV this morning (10198) and after the build a whole bunch of transparant diamonds were left over. Anyone else had the same?
Future Star Wars Sets
I would like to see a battle between the Invisible hand and a Venator-class Star Destroyer cruiser, as seen in ROTS. Not the ships themselves, but only a part of the interior of both ships with a Flak cannon at the CIS ship, and a Point-Defense Laser Cannon (not sure if that's the on I mean, just check out the attachments for a picture) at the Republic ship. It's meant to put those two bases right opposite of each other to realize what the movie showed us. Just two cannons bays actually, including the two large cannons and crew and an armory with projectiles. Some computers too maybe, and some kind of small transport vehicle. The price should be 60 or 70 dollars. And another idea; a lego set including some different cruisers on mini-scale, like the Venator class cruisers and some CIS ships. Sorry for the blurry pictures.
AAC-1 Hovercraft
I like it, it's a very accurate model of the real version. I can complain about the wing plates at the front, but, oh well, the whole thing itself looks cool enough to me! What about a nice swamp diorama?
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Cad Bane's - The Thief of Fortune (speeder)
Awesome. Period.
Dark Sides of the Moons
They are indeed. I only recognized those stickers because I found a case with some old Exo Force lego in the basement today, and was removing all the stickers, haha.
Dark Sides of the Moons
Those are some nice looking MOC's Rook! I especially like the Lymuric Scout and Crystal Light Speeder, the color scheme is nice. By the way; are those stickers on the the light speeder from Exo Force?
Review of the "The Battle of Naboo"
Thanks for the review, although this was one of my first 2011 sets. Some nice dark tan(?) colors, the Gungan warrior with an awesome shield and also eight blaster rifles. One of the better sets.
[MOC] Destroy The Guild XI
It's a nice MOC; I like the blue transparant pillar you used and the plates placed against the wall. The only thing I would improve are the upper parts of the walls, more greebles maybe? I like the clone troopers though.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yes, that's the right answer on my question, thanks. :)
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I have a question about the contests. When someone comes up with the idea of an contest, will the rules of the contest be posted in an topic here at the Star Wars section of Eurobricks? And do I have to register on another website to post my pics there or will the contest take place only on this forum?
Introduction and first MOC
Nope, well, not like the Millenium Falcon or Ebon Hawk at least. I just call it the 'Republic Cargo Transport'. My next MOC is done, but I don't have a camera now, so I can't take pictures. It's some kind of large two-seater speeder. Oh well, you'll see for yourself next week. By the way; do I have to open a new thread if I want to show off a new moc? Or should I put the pictures in this thread (maybe better if I would make a couple of smaller MOC's) And I still have another question, about the website MOCpages. I hope someone can answer this: a couple of years ago I'd posted some pictures of a MOC on MOCpages, which was a really crappy pistol. But, that MOC was shown att the main page of MOCpages (not in the large picture, but in the smaller pictures below) and it did get some nice ratings etc, while the current ship I posted here doesn't get any ratings at all. So, are the MOC's shown at the first page of MOCpages random? And before I forget; thanks for the compliment Troopmaker and KimT (and others).
Introduction and first MOC
Thanks for the responses, KingoftheZempk and others. Unfortunately, it doesn't have an interior, except from the really standard cockpit (only two minifig seats, an dashboard and a couple of other basis pieces). It was my first real MOC since years, and the frame was at some points stressful enough for me. But... the next ship I'm working at will have an interior (I'm building it separated from the rest of the ship, and when it's finished I will just fit it in). Don't know how the ship itself is going to look though. Putting greebles on the ship is always the most entertaining part, because you're done with the stressful (for me) frame building and you can completely concentrate at filling up the surface of the ship which makes it look so much better without. Absolutely true, I'm going to keep that in mind at the previous build.
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
This is truly awesome! I'm not much into the medieval MOC's, but I think a farm with some fields with corn maybe? I think that would be neat.
Introduction and first MOC
Thanks for all the comments all! I was thinking about that too, it doesn't have a docking bay or an actual interior (except from the very simple cockpit), but my next MOC will certainly have some kind of neat interior, I'm working at it. @Rook That's an good idea; using photoshop. Guess I was to hasty and excited to post pictures of my ship, hehe. Anyway, I opened photoshop too and addes some backgrounds:
Introduction and first MOC
Hello there, As you can see, I'm new here: an 18 year old guy from the Netherlands. My username, Hollander, means 'Dutchmen'. I've been building (not really playing) with Lego since I was about 4 years old and I'd get my first Star Wars lego set at the age of seven (Luke's landspeeder), when Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was for the first time on TV. When I turned thirteen I just wasn't interested in Lego anymore. But about four months ago, I started visiting websites such like Mocpages again, and when I saw the new Star Wars sets for 2011 in the local shop, I couldn't resist buying some. Since then, I became addicted to Star Wars Lego again and I've been buying a bunch of sets in the meanwhile. Because all my older Lego is somewhere else now, I only have about 7 or 8 Lego Star Wars sets to build with at the moment. Anyway, I've been reading this forum for a couple of months now, and I love this place! I saw lots and lots of just beautiful MOC's. I'm not as skilled as most of the folks here, but I'll do my best. So, here is my first MOC: {The technic Lego at the bottom is not actually a part of the ship; just a stand, I didn't had enough clear pieces to make it 'float')
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