Everything posted by Hollander
- [MOC] UCS Nebulon-b frigate (by Dranac, feat. onecase))
MOC: WW2 tanks Panther and T-34
Me gusta. Those are some very sweet tanks you have there; and both the Panther and T34 are amongst my personal favorites. And can the hatch of the Panther actually rotate? As for the constructive criticism, you might try to make the back of the Panther more connect to the rest of the hull. I can imagine it's a tough job as its back is in a different angle, but it would be a great improvement. It would be great to see more tanks of yours in the future. I am not a conformist; keep brickin'!
[MOC] Separatist Escort Starfighter
Looks good indeed. The cockpit section looks really nice. And I'm a fan of those seperatist decals too, they add detail in a subtle way - not to mention the blue looks good at a (dark) grey background.
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
My thought exactly. I personally think 4478 Geonosian Fighter is a really bad set too... It might have been a tough job for TLG to create what is a curvy vehicle, but still. I think it looks awful.
Updated: [MOC/CUUSOO] Star Wars Combineable Battlepacks
We should keep in mind that battlepacks combined with a scenery will certainly drive up the price of what once would be $10 sets, or something in the range. And if these sets would be a replacement of the older battlepacks, it would wipe the most affordable Star Wars sets of the market, as we haven't seen anything smaller than the current battlepacks the last years. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a bad idea, but it has its flaws I think. I would rather see the battlepacks, and larger combineable sets including more than four minifigures.
REVIEW: 9471 Uruk-Hai Army
Thanks for the review; what I especially love about this set is that instead of big castle wall pieces, they used single bricks instead. And they also come in sand green and ''brick''!
I like it. It has the look of a set that could actually be from TLG. Just one thing; would it be a good idea to remove the two black 1x2 plates and replace them with either transparant bricks or empty space so you could actually see the driver?
MOC: Hoth Shield Generator
As the others already mentioned; this is really great. It has a nice finished look all over it, the way you made the curves is great, and you also managed to put some nice details in what is just a plain generator after all. Keep up the good work!
[LDD MOC] Delta-7 Aethersprite Interceptor
And you would create unnecessary space. But this is awesome Doc! Very slick.
Star Wars Theme Fan Tag
Thanks. I knew there was a specific thread for these kind of things, but I forgot what it was called or where I could find it.
Star Wars Theme Fan Tag
Can I have the Star Wars tag? I'm registered for more than a year now, and the bulk of my posts is made in the Star Wars section.
I really like the fact that you used both black and brown tracks. It seems to fit a lot of minifigures too, for such a little space at least. Good work.
Community Build: SW Episode II - Attack of the Clones
I'm in. Not sure what I'm going to make yet though.
Community Build: SW Episode I - The Phantom Menace
My entry is here.
LDD - Lucrehulk spaceship
I'm currently not much into the Lego anymore, but that didn't stop me from contributing to the current community build. I decided to make a Lucrehulk spaceship in LDD.
"The damage doesn't look as bad from out here."
I love this classic look! It really looks like this has been build in the '80, which is great IMO. It would be awesome to see more of this.
Hollander’s Corellian Corvette
It was you who took all the effort in building this with real bricks, Dapper-D2. I'm glad to see how much you like it to have another lego model to your collection. It's actually larger than I expected. I own the set 10198 too, which is a large set, and your midi-scale Tantive IV is about 2/5 of it's length, am I right? Anyway, it's great that you've build this thing for real. Thanks.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Not the droids you're looking for
I'd always knew those Romans were on a high technological level.
Constructable Astromech Droids
I like them. The only con would be that stickers are required to make them look accurate, but knowing that adding detail on this scale is pretty hard, I can live with it.
- [MOC] ARC-170 starfighter (Instructions)
Community Build: SW Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Count me in, I'm going for a midi-scale Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship. In LDD.
Scaled-down X-wing
Quite good indeed, but I would try to increase the length of the laser cannons for sure, it would make your X-wing way more accurate.
Scale issues
The problem is that the difference in size between SW ships is too big. So it's pretty obvious they don't have make all their ships in minifigure scale. Just imagine what size the capital ships should be.
- [MOC] ARC-170 starfighter (Instructions)
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