Everything posted by Svelte
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
10195 AT-OT now available from S@H.
Lair of the Bare-Chested Bandits
SpongeBob sets! The secret source of yellow torsos since the end of Classic Space & brasso
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
You're lucky I have no impulse control and order as soon as the sales start so my Lego order history is a good record of what happened when This year was different in that the 09 sets released 25 Dec instead of 1 Jan as in previous years. The sale started 26 Dec with most stuff 30% off. It only dropped to 50% off around 8 Feb, by which time a lot of good stuff had gone (like the Agents Volcano base - woo!). I put in an order then when the Spongebob & MM sets hit 50% off. There's also a mid year sale to look forward to on S@H, like last year when the 07 SW battle packs went 30% off and Exo-Force went 70% off. But the latter only lasted about a day before it vanished. Last year I was on hols so not paying attention but it was around the time the Clone Wars sets came out (end of July). However in the last 6 months Lego has also gone for the 'surprise' 50% off sale on things like General Grievous and the Twilight. Obviously they're keen to move non-selling stock quicker. I guess with the volume of SW sets they release they only want to warehouse a certain amount. Who wants the old stuff when a whole new line is released? (That said, I think The Twilight is going to be one of those sleeper sets that will be worth a fortune very quickly as soon as the sale glut clears and a lot of people are surprised they can't find it anymore.)
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yes, but 100 of those parts are those annoying small click hinges It's still a rip-off; UK buyers get it for under $AUD30!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Educational sets are usually more expensive as they are designed for use by a multitude of users in an educational setting. It's the same as if you, an individual, buy a magazine subscription compared to an educational organisation or commercial entity buying the same thing. The latter pays more as the whole organisation has access to the magazine or journal.
REVIEW: 7186 Watto's Junkyard
Maybe the point is that since this is Watto's Junkyard, you are supposed to be cannibalising one podracer to fix the other? Great review! All the detailed pics and glimpses of the unique printed parts for this set are fantastic!
Great and not so great colours
I knew you'd chip in on the yellow issue! Well, it *did* look better in the Construction sets, but it looks bad again in the new Farm sets. Maybe it's the 2x3 bricks? I don't know what's happening. I can't keep track of Lego's colour issues! I even did as you suggested last time and dug out some old pre 2004 bricks for comparison and it's clearly worse. Maybe someone else who owns the Farm sets can compare. Interestingly, the European Farm release sets seem worse with yellow than the American release (which is where I got my 7637 Farm). Comparing the two, the North American bricks are a little lighter and more in keeping with the old shade, whereas the 'Euro bricks' (7636 Combine Harvester) are yellower, more 'buttery' and definitely lack definition.
Green: A better Color for better building
Brilliant! I love all the little scenes, and the lighting and animation are first-class. The little brick-built aliens are especially fantastic. It works you know; now I want more green!
How did you find Eurobricks?
The first memory I have was of the leaked Viking prelims, waaaaay back at the end of 2004. I don't know where I found the link, unless perhaps they were up on brickset at the time. So then I lurked off and on for *almost three years* before actually joining Even then, it still took me about 6 months to start posting regularly. Here I am over 20 months later and I still am only about to hit 1,000 posts Never let it be said I'm in a hurry
Lair of the Bare-Chested Bandits
This is wonderful, Erds I've noticed with entries for this comp that it seems to be hard to break away from the standard brown walls, so I'm really impressed that you have managed to come up with your own unique and detailed wall technique! It really makes this entry stand out. Things to love: the whole animal feel of the MOC, with the zebra striped rug and bed, the spilt drinks using the plumes, the candelabra, the 1x1 round plate studded barrels, and the cheese-coated curved window arches. I'm also glad to see the Year of the Shirtless Minifig lives on Excellent work!
Review: 10193 Medieval Market Village
Another teacher enters the fray! I really like the set. I agree, everybody should have multiples! Parts-wise, it can't be beat and the design is nice, a more modern update of the 3739 Blacksmith Shop approach. I also prefer the buildings folded up - it does add to the village atmosphere. I'm still not really sold on the medium blue of the tavern building though, for some reason. Details such as the tree, oven, waterwheel and the wine cellar furniture are outstanding A $AUD150 set, and you want more than 8 figs? Thanks for this wonderful review, ISC!
Great and not so great colours
Nice pic, JimButcher I understand what people are saying about pearl gold compared to metallic gold, but the latter does wear over time. My 2x2 bricks from Town Plan are already a bit chipped When the pieces are small and it's used to add detail I think it looks fine though, as in Medieval Market Village or the IJ: Lost Tomb set. It's when it becomes overwhelming (like in that Brickbeard's Bounty) pic that it doesn't look so good. However, I prefer pearl gold over chrome gold as that chips even worse. Lego, you can keep your fancy Chrome C3P0s and Darth Vaders! I can't believe they used chrome gold on a keychain either, they must have lasted 10 minutes before getting scratched! Apart from that, I'm a sucker for all the darker colours - tan, red, green and blue especially. Yellow is low on the list due to the quality control issues - the 2x3 bricks from the new Farm sets are so soft and tacky looking they look like a clone brand.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
This is the company you're looking for.
REVIEW: 7161 Gungan Sub
I also think this set isn't too bad. Sure it's flat on the bottom, but isn't that common to a lot of early SW sets? Even the recent ones aren't exactly busting with detail when it comes to this. I haven't seen the movie for a while, but with all the navy blue that's come out recently, it probably wouldn't be too hard to mod a sleeker and more curvacious version. Apart from that, the pieces are nice and the modularity is a really interesting feature. I'm even glad for the bit of scenery, because at least in the early days they were trying to get some background detail in. Great review!
THE OLD Official Eurobricks Straightshooters List
And right back at ya, +1 for I Scream Clone for prompt payment!
Which Set Do You Regret Not Buying?
Probably the Mos Eisley Cantina when it was clearanced at TRU in Aus for $25 (about $US16). The sales girl even pointed it out to me, but at the time I thought it was a poor set. Little did I know what the Greedo fig would be worth one day! I still don't have one. I think I bought the old 2003 World City Police Station that day instead
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Interesting. Thanks hewman. I've also found K-Mart has a few dribs and drabs of MM sets cheap - I got another Crystal Reaper for $38.50 last week, $45 minus the 15% off. IMO one of the best space themed sets of recent years, and the power functions are excellent. 10200 Custom Car Garage is back at the S@H sales page too.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Want me to hook you up? I have a spare that will go on ebay soon if it doesn't find a good home. All I want is the RRP & shipping cost (or you can pick it up). It's MISB, I bought an extra but all the Classic Space 30th anniversary propaganda finally hit my brain and I've been snapping up old sets instead. PM me if you're interested. (Sorry Sinner, I know this is an inappropriate thread but I just wanted to use the line 'Want me to hook you up?' I promise not to do it again )
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I thought Sinner was the pimp Actually, he just wants to cross the Tasman to get to an IKEA store. Beware postage to Tassie. You may be better sending the box flat-packed and the polybags/ manuals separately as a smaller parcel. Volume is expensive.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Hey! The Republic Cruiser *is* a good set! Lots of nice pieces in dark red. Clever functions, and it's huge. I like the Solar Sailer, but, yes, it is too expensive.
Well, I saw it this weekend and I really enjoyed it. Yes, it was a bit long, but considering the source material, I think the cuts they made were pretty judicious. It felt true to the source material but I disagree with those who thought it was slavish. Even the big change at the end seemed natural and worked cinematically and in terms of the story. The redesigned Karnak was brilliant as well. Two things I didn't like: 1) Ozymandias' sub-Robin costume circa 'Batman and Robin' 2) I thought the grading of the film itself was too muted. The graphic novel displayed a myriad of colour without being gaudy. But a lot of the movie looked dim and deliberately washed out. Even Mars kind of looked muddy pink rather than like the red planet! It's really a character piece more than an action movie so those expecting a three-act structure with action and explosions becoming ever louder and more strident would be wrong-footed. Not perfect, but way more interesting than most graphic novel/ comic adaptions.
Lego launches new Games range
You know, I tried using the scale to do that I'll do a review when I have time. I was inspired by Sinner's Belville review but my recent change of title has me quaking with fear if I badmouth any more Lego homewares. As for the pantsless fig... doesn't everyone cook in the nude?
Captain's Daughter's Cabin
That video is fantastic. So clever! The poor, dizzy girl. If any of those pirates got too close she'd puke on 'em anyway. Not so romantic. Lovely and the new pics look great too!
Grimwell Manor
This is really nice, TheBrickster! I like the haphazard structure and mix of styles - gothic, castle, Spanish. I wish we could see inside! I am glad to see you adding to your Grave Stone property portfolio! Tan and black is a classic combination. I don't think the issue is with the tan walls; I think a tan building on a tan baseplate is just too much tan! Maybe if you plated the baseplate with dark tan (use some of those plates from the Indy sets!) there would be a little more contrast between the building and the ground. Just a thought. The story and links you provided are also very interesting and add extra dimension to this great MOC!
Lego launches new Games range
Have you seen the new kitchen scale? Mine arrived yesterday and it's WAY bigger than I thought it would be. That's more than enough macro for me!
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