Everything posted by Svelte
- City '09?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Breaking news! Farm is here! (Sorry, my little heart just leapt into my chest as I've been waiting for Farm sets to be available from S@H forever!) 7637 Farm - AUD $129.99 - not bad at all 7636 Combine Harvester - $59.99 - ridiculously good price - I was expecting $80 considering the US version 7635 4WD with Horse Trailer - $34.95 - not bad considering the US price 7634 Tractor - $17.99 - probably the worst of the lot, but who cares? It's the smallest set! Yay! Farm is here! *svelte_corps does a little ho-down*
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Target has 20% off Lego from Thursday. Looks like they have Power Miners in stock now as well. I got the Thunder Driller ages ago from S@H but I'm afraid the rest do nothing for me.
7680 The Twilight Review.
As swooshy as a giant flying lunchbox can be then I was thinking of the way the wings fold up when its entering a hangar. It had a reputation as a clunker from the movie, but it actually zips along very speedily And no Rotta so far in the series either! Woo! Complete lack of 'Stinky' jokes! Bonus points!
7680 The Twilight Review.
Since this thread *has* been revived... I've been catching up on the CW animated series and in light of the show it is pleasing to see how well the Lego designers captured the spirit and the aesthetics of this ship. In particular the manoeuvrability of the wings is impressive and really screen-accurate. Sure, it's still way too big scale-wise, but I've grown to like it a lot more since I've seen the swooshy orginal in action It will be disconcerting to put it next to the new Venator though as it doesn't look to be too much smaller
WIP MOC: Pet Store
Really lovely work. That 'P' is fantastic You've done a great job of mixing a few different colours and lots of small pieces. Use of the 45 degree corner pieces is especially nicely done. I love the recessed entry. Now I want to see some brick-built animals to go with it! The store could stand to be a little taller, but I understand you're limited in parts. As for the tiled area.... you could make the whole pavement dark tan so at least it's consistent. The other option would be to put a little garden frontage and use some of the dark bley tiles you save by adding that to finish paving the rest of the outside area. Really nice work!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
10190 Market Street is now showing as Sold Out at Shop at Home. I always meant to pick up an extra but never got round to it. Nooooooo! I wonder if this means the demise of Cafe Corner is approaching.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Nay, no pirates I meant the catalogue stuff.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I was in Melbourne a few weekends ago and the Myer store in the city centre had a full range of 09 sets. David Jones there only had post-Xmas leftovers - unwanted Mars Mission and Technic sets mostly. There's also a Target Centre in the middle of Chinatown (!) but I didn't go inside.
Meet John and Jane Minifig!
I hope your house hunt isn't as traumatic as this I'm so impatient now for the new Farm sets. Come on Lego! It's almost March! They should be available at S@H now!
Happy B-Day Whitefang
Happy Birthday, WhiteFang! May you be like Scrooge McDuck on this special day, rolling around in a money-bin filled not with gold coins, but with Lego bricks (Actually, that might be kind of painful ) Here's a special mini-review for your birthday: Theme: Global Moderator Set Name: WhiteFang Set #: 25 Parts: All working, we hope Minifig: Hey - I'm sure it's not *that* mini Pros: Meticulous, detailed, thorough, wise in the ways of Classic Town, Ninja-loving Cons: Possible chandelier inspecting disorder Playability: No comment Key phrases: These pics are too dark and need cropping! Overall Rating: 10/10!
Happy BirthDay Deinonychus
Happy birthday! Don't accidentally shoot yourself in the eye out of excitement!
SWL Graphs
Interesting, but do these include the 10xxx exclusive sets? If so, the data would be distorted by the fact that we don't know what else is planned for 09. The 07 and 08 spikes I guess would be caused by the UCS MF and the Death Star. It would be interesting to see how many *unique* minifigs were produced each year as I assume battle packs and droid multiples in things like the MTT would skew the average numbers after 07. And welcome! This is a great first post.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
$149.99 for 10194 Emerald Night - that's in line with 10193. Yays! April 15th release date means of course we have to pay shipping twice unless we want to wait 2 weeks for the Dropship as well
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
There needs to be an alternative to those horrendous click and ball joints that (a) work better (b) don't stick out like a sore thumb.
City '09?
I'm a 32 year old male that suffered many traumatic holidays in a caravan but I am not as excited about the camper as I could be, mainly as the colour scheme is kind of boring. White with a through-line of lime? Stick a Joker fig in this and it's 7888 goes on holiday. To me, the 4WD with Horse Trailer is a far better example of a classic Town-style set revamped and ramped up for the 21st century. Still, I'll definitely pick the Camper up along with most of the Summer releases.
8401 Minifigure Collection
It's a nice idea but the execution is kind of poor. I really dislike three out of four of the minifig heads - why do they all look cranky or angry? - and the accessories are nothing really new. However for customers who don't have access to S@H or the Advent Calendars (which aren't released in Australia) I think it's pretty good. Finally kids can buy civilians to fill up their enormous airplanes, trains and other vehicles If the new civilians from the new Agents set appeared in this format I'd snap them up by the dozen
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
They swapped these in the changeover of 06-07. I think they were first officially in Aqua Raiders sets, but later production runs of sets like the Building Crane and Airport swapped the old supports for the new ones. I didn't like them at first either but they grow on you
Space Police 2009!
Thanks for the video links - it really makes a difference to see the sets in action. The Galactic Enforcer is wonderful The rest are OK but stickered to hell and back. The yellow container with laser is kind of odd. Why be hauling a giant crate around on the back of your ship with the concealed weapon?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Thanks hewman. Let's hope this is the way of the future. This thread will become even more important if they start doing 1-day only sales! I also noticed the new $49.99 Power Functions pack in stock there too, which was a surprise.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I was in Melbourne over the weekend and the Myer there had a one-day 'Buy 2 toys, get 1 free' deal. I've never seen this type of sale before at Myer - did anyone notice it in any other city? It was part of a Valentine's Day only sale. A hearty if Myer is going to be doing this kind of promotion as a regular type of sale in 09 - it's a great way to stock up on things like battle packs which end up at 33% off. And let's face it, if 10195 is anything to go by, you can never have enough CW battle packs.
Battle For The Base Plates
I agree completely. Set design seems to be getting worse this way as well. The old Krusty Krab at keast had a 16x32 tan baseplate for the figs to stand on, but the new version on plates even cuts out the interior floor!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
$399.99 is exactly what I would have predicted, price wise. As someone said in the main SW thread, it had to be more than the retail price of the Gunship and AT-TE combined. SW is the exception to the theme rule that the more you pay, the more value you get. $350 would have been a better price point, but TLG does seem to 'round up' the price tags for anything over $300. I'm pleased that they have been able to stick this up on the website so quickly though so we're not left speculating for weeks I wonder if this has taken the place of the next modular building in the March Exclusive release slot though? Just a thought as we haven't seen anything of that one yet. You could also order 2, throw in a key chain or something, and get bonus express shipping for orders over $800...
Recreating the Batmobile
Even those are cheapy cheap on bricklink. At the time the curved slope 1x3 were rare but not any more. Ditto the 1x2 pearl gold grille tile which quickly became ubiquitous. You would save time by using the inventory on peeron and to see what parts you already have and then order just the missing stuff from BL. The Batmobile isn't a huge set either so it wouldn't take that long. It would probably be quicker than waiting to hear from everyone in this thread
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
The Venator interior looks very small. I don't think there'll be too much at the back either as the middle section is pincered in. Maybe some small storage space and perhaps something under the bridge section but not much else
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