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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. I vote Entry 2 because as soon as I saw it, my immediate reaction was 'OMG! Want!' It is a lovely balance between the Cafe Corner standard and the more accessible open-back Classic Town style. Entry 3 would have been my second choice, as it is impressively built and looks solid as a rock. I like the various playable functions, the modular design, and the asymmetric aesthetic. It looks like it would be fun to swoosh around. The only thing I'm not sure about is the primary red colour scheme. AFOLs seem to prefer the sexier 'dark' versions of classic colours - I think Entry 3 would have received more kudos if it was in another shade.
  2. Svelte replied to Big Pete's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Well, we don't have Farm sets yet, so the production centres obviously work at slightly different rates, and on different production batches. I am sure they'll be up for US customers soon.
  3. I think he must be! Truly, we are honoured. Welcome! Check out the Other Themes forum for some interesting Who customs.
  4. Svelte replied to Big Pete's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
  5. The Shop at Home sales items have all dropped to 50% off now so I don't imagine they'll be around much longer. New SW magnets (Imperial Guard and Darth Maul), what I think are new adult watches, and 7746 Single Drum Roller and 8707 Boulder Blaster are also available.
  6. The 8707 Boulder Blaster is now available from S@H for non-NA countries.
  7. Svelte replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    7746 Single Drum Roller now available from S@H for non NA countries.
  8. Svelte replied to Erdbeereis's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    32.3 posts per day? You may need to advertise for a typing assistant, Erds, or you'll wear your key-tappin' fingers out. Still less than 3% of total posts to EB sadly. You really need to up your game . I won't be happy until you achieve a nice round figure, like 10%.
  9. Svelte replied to Big Pete's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The Darth Maul and Royal Guard sets are now also up at Shop@Home for Europe etc. http://shop.lego.com/whatsnew/productslaunched2009.aspx?pg=5 Interesting that they call the second one the Royal Guard set rather than the Boba Fett set. Marketing, eh?
  10. Svelte replied to WesternOutlaw's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Sorry Erds - it's up now and its $USD89.99. This is a very nice set. I'm really looking forward to getting it. The tan and red with dark red accents colour scheme does look very nice. The Summer Creator house uses similar colours so anyone desperate for a Farmhouse may be able to use that for parts It's also nice to see a vehicle in a primary colour other than yellow, white and blue, or orange. Thanks for the review, The Brickster!
  11. Svelte replied to Peppermint_M's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Well, I'm from Australia and I've never heard anyone call them Lego kits before. Sets it is!
  12. Svelte replied to Erdbeereis's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Poor, crazy Erds. His brain probably fried from wearing that chef's hat for months on end. Take a tip - ventilate your grey matter once in a while. Or maybe install a personal fan inside the brim to keep it cool. Alas, poor Erds... I knew him well...
  13. Svelte replied to Darth_Ewok's post in a topic in Community
    All it needs is some water and sunlight.
  14. Very nice restoration, Voltio. That arch/ curved panel technique is indeed beautiful. Simple, yet effective How can your DSII gather dust when it is so neatly covered? Beware the dark side of the Force; it has the power to shrink-wrap!
  15. Svelte replied to thefyfe's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Well, Lego just sent me a replacement head with GREY moustache, even though on the comments form I specifically asked them not to send until the red-brown version was available. I didn't get any other email though.
  16. Svelte replied to WesternOutlaw's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Can't wait for the rest of this review. The box art looks great and I like the selection of tan, red and dark red with the blue tractor. I also really like the new grain logo to indicate the Farm theme - instant classic!
  17. Well, prices are going to drop dramatically now you can get Yoda, Dooku and Mace as a bundle for $16.95 as part of the magnet set
  18. Svelte replied to WesternOutlaw's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I agree with you, Sandy! Don't doubt yourself! Tiling is not SNOT, although there is a lot of confusion about this. Many people seem to think SNOT is just a synonym for 'smooth' but it is a technique, not an aesthetic appearance. As you say, SNOT means the studs are not on top. They can face any which way, but not sit horizontally parallel to the plane of building as they normally would. The headlight brick is a classic SNOT piece; a tile is just a smooth plate . That first example in the glossary is confusing, but it's the arrangement of the white 'window' plates perpendicular to the normal arrangement of studs which makes it SNOT. I expect we're seeing a linguistic shift though with this term - as more and more people use SNOT when they mean smooth, that may become the accepted usage. Anyway, back on topic, I too prefer the studded version as it does lend charm to the building. SNOT can be overrated.
  19. Nice review. I like your sense of humour! This really is the cut-down poor cousin of the original release. In that one we had a 16x32 tan baseplate, dumpster, shell sign, trans-green seagrass, burger-flipper, safe... never mind the seats, the new version doesn't even have an interior floor! It really does look cheap in comparison. And the new SpongeBob print is creepy! It really does feel like the end of the line for these sets.
  20. Svelte replied to Svelte's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thanks, TheBrickster. The Idea Books were definitely an inspiration. I do find it amazing how well brand-new elements and colours can still combine with older sets and pieces to capture the Classic Town feel (such as Willie's hair and all the dark green foliage). After all the super-detailed buildings we've had in the last 2 years, I had gone through a stage of considering this early 80s house too small to fit in with the current buildings, but I think it works nicely here as a farm homestead.
  21. Svelte replied to Darth_Ewok's post in a topic in Community
    Underneath all the ink, he actually had the skin of a...
  22. Svelte replied to Darth_Ewok's post in a topic in Community
    That guy thought his tattoos were tough, until he saw *this* guy:
  23. Svelte posted a post in a topic in Community
    Happy Birthday, KimT & Bobskink! Yay for the Age of Aquarius! Enjoy your reign of terror while it lasts, kids And may you be showered with chrome-plated Ahsoka minifigs on this special day
  24. Svelte replied to thefyfe's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I don't think it's that simple. They must be mixed from the start, as I got one from the very first day of release and it was grey. There may be a regional difference - maybe the US has brown and Europe/ rest of the world is getting a mixed lot?
  25. Svelte replied to Darth_Ewok's post in a topic in Community
    J Edgar Hoover wasn't impressed. He had the dissident cheeries rounded up and they 'disappeared'.
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