Everything posted by Svelte
REVIEW: 7752 Count Dooku's Solar Sailer
The Star Wars sets always seem to get the stickers wrong on the box art. The Hyena Droid set also has the stickers on the large curved bley bricks completely misaligned on the cover art, but correct in the instructions.
City '09?
I wasn't sure as I'm not familiar with the RC train but thanks for letting me know However it is interesting they are still advertising these trains well into 2009 since they've been available since 2006, which makes me think (as others have said) that we won't be getting the new train system this year after all...
City '09?
There's a glimpse of some kind of car transporter in the bottom left hand corner of this pic. Is this a City set? The car looks kind of odd but the colour scheme of the truck seems to be Cargo green. Also just noticed from 7637 we get the Indy container in green!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
You must be very patient. How often do we get that kind of discount? Thanks for the BigW link, Monki.
Indy 2009 Discussion Thread
They love putting guns in prelim pics, and then taking them out when the sets hit production! These sets look OK. It seems as if after a promising start with some interesting temples and traps, Indy is turning into another vehicles-based theme - this time for retro aircraft, cars and trucks I guess I will have to wait and see what the other sets are like.
Castle sets 2008/2009
Drawbridge Defense is the clear winner here. That architectural detail is amazing Troll's Mountain Fortress still isn't impressing me. I would have liked to have seen them do something completely different design wise, sort of how Volcano Base completely stands out from the rest of the Agents line in terms of design and landscaping, but this looks just like an 'evil' version of the standard Castle layout. That chariot is also a little odd.
REVIEW: 7636 Combine Harvester
Great review, and I liked how you integrated the City Construction Site truck and your own MOC at the end I am looking forward to Farm arriving very soon, and this set is definitely a must-have The green and white colour combination is distinctive and the whole look of the machine is impressive. As I've said elsewhere, Lego should release yellow antennae onto Pick-A-Brick so people can bulk up on crop parts and have something tangible to harvest.
Is there line to be drawn when making MOCs?
Art is worth being passionate about You know what I find truly offensive here? That carpet Seriously, if you look at the other MOCs in the brickshelf gallery, this builder usually goes to some trouble to do some nice riverscaping for his many floating craft. Here it looks as if 7893 Passenger Plane has crash-landed in a sea of beige porridge
Legoland Sea Life Tour
Interesting to see, but the experience is not a patch on your series of Divers reviews from last year. I still need to pick some of those sets up Too bad the dollar crashed making bricklink much less attractive! WF & TB, is there an index of 'real life' or promotional Lego builds anywhere? I'm thinking of the specially built store displays and also things like this or the Vestas airport display in Singapore. Maybe it would be a useful resource just to see what gets put out there by TLG. We don't see many promo builds in Australia, lacking a Legoland or even a Lego brand store, but we do get weird things like giant brick-built monkeys, Darth Mauls and suchlike. I am always interested to see what other countries have on show.
Meet John and Jane Minifig!
I can't wait for the new Farm sets - that's why I was practising some landscaping Hoard your yellow antennae, people! They've gone from bricklink! Actually it would be nice if Pick-A-Brick started selling the yellow antennae so people *could* make their own crops.
Review: 8018 AAT (Armored Assault Tank)
Here's a few views of the stickered version, just for comparison. God bless navy blue!
Bley or Gray?
That is fascinating reading, Deepwoods. Please keep us all posted. It's hard to know how much exposure it is safe to allow a model, especially when you live in a country like Australia that has some of the strongest UV rays in the world (inhabited countries at least). If sunlight is not a factor that would certainly make a difference in how I display creations. Colour is still all over the place. CP5670, you may remember from my 7685 Dozer review that I thought yellow looked compared much more consistent compared to 2007. However, when I came to build 7633 Construction Site, dark bleys were all over the shop (pun intended) - there were really obvious differences between bricks and panels and probably 3 separate shades of that colour alone. Very offputting! Red was also affected with the tiles - there was a great difference between the 1x2 tiles and 1x6 tiles. Last year red-brown seemed to be problematic with the Castle sets, but it does seem better in 10193, although there are a few inconsistencies. It's hard to keep up!
New 2009 sets(all)
What I don't like is that with the hideous new shutter pieces, the windows on the house become 10 studs wide (including the span of the shutter.) They look silly and way out of scale.
10193 Medieval Market Village
All I meant was that the idea of doing a small hinged building on plates which connect via a technic pin may catch on, just the way you have done your own We will probably see a few medieval villages.
Review: Indiana Jones Classic - 7683 Fight on the Flying Wing
It's a common problem. Mine was grey-mustached as well. Even on Lego's replacement parts page it shows up as grey Great review, iotacode. I found the stickers some of the worst yet in a Lego set. The isometric angle means its almost impossible to judge where they go without guessing and the box-art doesn't help. I liked the fuel truck; I watched the movie again recently and the preliminary version that everyone seems to prefer seems too big.
10193 Medieval Market Village
Fantastic Albero! You have really made the whole scenario much broader and more impressive. I've thought of doing this but I only finished building mine today. Noone seems to have discussed this yet, but 10193 almost invents a new modular standard - the X by 12 hinged plate housing module connected by 1x1 technic brick and pin. I think we will see a lot more of these little building modules, similar to the outpouring of creativity after Cafe Corner was released.
The moderators are murderating signatures!
If you're one of the 2 per cent of EB mods that had nothing to do with these mysterious changes, copy this text and post it in your sig! Or not.
Bley or Gray?
Since light bley and dark bley are relatively new colours, I wonder if anyone knows how much they will yellow in comparison to the old greys? It doesn't seem like long enough for anyone to judge how the colours will fare with age and UV exposure. Has anyone left a bunch of bricks in the bright bright sunshine for 6 months to find out?
Review: 8018 AAT (Armored Assault Tank)
Great review, Erds. Fantastic pictures I think the Jan Star Wars launch has been top quality, with all the sets being pretty good. This is one of my favourites, even if I am in the 'new Yoda is creepy' school Like you, I don't have the old one so it is nice to have the little green munchkin at last and the paint job is excellent. The build is fun and solidly brick-emphasised. I agree that the normal blue angle wing pieces on the side guns would have been better as dark blue. I would have liked the turntable to be a click one rather than loose as the top gun section can swing around a little. I also think this is one set where the stickers do complement the build and design, mainly by keeping the through-line of blue down the front of the AAT. Maybe I'll take a pic and post it in this thread so others can see the difference, if you don't mind.
Meet John and Jane Minifig!
Thanks for all your comments everyone and good spotting for those that spied the rock monster early on! It was a lot of fun to do. It's amazing how well the aesthetics of classic town and more modern pieces (hair etc) can blend in.
Meet John and Jane Minifig!
Meet John and Jane Minifig! In which the Global Financial Crisis hits Lego Town Note: This little story was originally supposed to be an addendum to my 7633 Construction Site review, to show the sets in action in a more detailed setting. Like many things in life, it spiralled wildly out of control! At first it was just a baseplate with some farm type landscaping, but then I added the classic 6372 Town House and expanded from there. After reading through the tutorials in the Reviewer's Academy I also tried improving my photography workspace so this is an exploration of that project too. As you can see, a couple of cheap lamps and some thick white board *does* make all the difference! I obviously need another light source but for a mid-week project this turned out pretty well, and I actually like the noirish shadows. Enough introduction; enjoy this twisted 'Dick and Jane'-style parable as the credit crunch hits Lego town! Meet Jane and John Minifig. Jane and John live on a farm with their daughter Jill and her pony, Daisy. Here is their farm; it's huge! Here is a lovely cherry blossom tree on top of the hill. Here are the crops. They are ready for harvesting! The two kittens Bobo and Jojo keep the crops free from rodents. Jill likes to feed her pony juicy carrots. Jane says, 'Would anyone like pie?' Bobo comes running. 'Not for you, Bobo,' laughs Jane. 'It's not mouse pie!' John is proud of his vegetable patch. He grows pumpkin and cauliflowers bigger than your head! One day late in 2008, Gary the Accountant pays a call to the farm. 'Due to recent events, your share portfolio in Inferno Industries is valueless,' says Gary. 'Furthermore, the banks are foreclosing on the second mortgage you put on the farm to pay for Jill's college tuition. The property has been sold to a construction consortium who are going to silt up the river and build a retail precinct over your land. You have 14 days to get out.' 'Thanks for dropping by!' say Jane and John. 'Shall I stab him through the heart with my enormous carrot, Daddy?' asks Jill. 'No sweetheart,' says John. 'I am sure Gary is a nice man and did the best he could. After all, if you can't trust your financial advisers and investment bankers, who can you trust?' 14 days later, the sky seemed to darken as the first of the dozers moved into position. First to go were Jill's flower beds. Jojo the black cat ascended unexpectedly early to Kitty Heaven when he got in the way of the yellow dozer. Next to arrive was the front-end loader: It went over the fence... ...and started demolishing the crops! And kept on demolishing them! A dump truck arrived to clear the debris. It also took away a rare and valuable palm from the front garden, Daisy the pony, and Jill, who had lost her mind with grief. Bye-bye Daisy! Bye-bye Jill! John went mad too. He had to be carried away with his prize cauliflowers! Nobody knows what happened to Jane. She was last seen in the company of these two construction workers. Say hello, boys! The big dozer moved in to take care of the house. SMASH! went the roof. CRASH! went the front door! The workers congratulated each other. 'Job well done, guys!' The site of the former farm, once fertile and lush, now looked bleak and empty. But not for long! Soon a bustling construction crew arrived! After all, governments were encouraging everyday consumers to spend, spend, spend, to prop up the weak economies, and to spend money, you needed shops to buy stuff from! Soon, the workers had built a small mall. Business was slow at first. But construction worker Creepy Beard 1 cut an under-the-table deal for his twin brother Creepy Beard 2 to set up a BBQ pigeon franchise. Soon, all of Creepy Beard's construction worker pals were shopping at the BBQ stand too! Before long, the former rural paradise had been transformed into a bustling consumer precinct. Not a tree was to be seen on the strip as the dealers, panhandlers and street-hos moved in! Visitors came from all over Lego City to visit the famous Cafe Casino. The live shows at Cafe Casino were renowned! One of the most celebrated dancers wore a riding cap and bore a strong resemblance to Jill. She even carried a riding crop! She was always accompanied by her two red-headed mafiosi pimps and her transvestite costume maker. 'Shake ya money maker, darlin'!' says Gary the Accountant. But what about Jill's daddy? Well, there was a homeless beggar with a cat who looked a bit like John. Rumour had it he had put out his own eye and cut off his own leg to attract more sympathy from passers-by! Cat food doesn't come cheap you know! However nobody ever found the mortal remains of that loving wife and mother, Jane... So there we have it - a heartwarming tale of global financial markets in action! We hope you enjoyed the story of Jane and John and Jill and the transformation of their little farm! THE END!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
K-Mart often discounts on RRP for the higher priced sets for new releases. I think the Construction Site will be one of those sets that all the retailers price around $99 for a special sale at some point in its life, like last year's Police HQ or the Agents truck. Still nothing at my local K-Mart, which was well-stocked in 08 stuff, but Target had the full new range of 09 sets
10193 Medieval Market Village
25 extras seems like a lot but sometimes they make mistakes. A lot of 10184 Town Plans came with a whole extra bag of 1x2 dark bley jumper plates, to no apparent purpose. The larger set, the more extras you get, too.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
They're really going all-out with the figs, aren't they?
New pirate Tan raised baseplate.
I like the piece, and as brickzone says, they fit nicely together, as in this creation originally featured on The Brothers Brick: I also like that they are not truly a baseplate but more a giant, hollow brick which you can put on top of a studded surface, again as shown in the above pic.
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