Everything posted by Svelte
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
I hate contest entrants who don't get round to voting 2pid pedro! At least your entries make up for the oversight
Three Skaters hanging out
Sssh! Don't spoil the illusion! Also, 19 bigs?
Three Skaters hanging out
Great sidewalkeage!
REVIEW: White Boba Fett polybag
Hahahahah! Honestly, I almost wish they'd kept this to the limited Toy Fair run so that millions of SW fans could drool over it as an uttainable and expensive idol of desire. Once you see it up close it is kind of.... *shrug*
Lego Games 2010
Are those 2x2 corner tile pieces new? (Games aren't available here so I have no idea.)
Dystopia: Conclusion
Yes! It was me. I could either kill everyone or kill all the insanes to win, and I had to get the psychiatrist too. I just got lucky in my first two nights before my own life was tragically cut short If the insanes had contacted me I would have probably gone with them, but it was not to be. I'm with the angels now... With the angels in heaven...
- EB Members Title Archive
MOC/ WIP: Le Passage by MetroiD
EB Fellow and Classic-Town blogger MetroiD brings us an impressive Town MOC/ WIP - Le Passage, inspired by the narrow, winding streets of an old European city. Click on the pic to view this great creation in our bustling LEGO Town forum.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
** You have less than 12 hours to get your final votes in! **
Yavin IV Final Scene Diorama
I meant to comment when you first posted this but got distracted Amazing work and very visually impressive! It looks so clean and well-organised, a real MOC that 'breathes' in terms of space but isn't lacking in detail or execution. I really like the columns with the bracket technique to hold them all together They look great. Great to see a big build from our SW moderator before he finishes his modular Yellow Castle project
Votes - PoP Month Caption Contest!
Lots of funny entries, but Fugazi's made me laugh the most! 'Tamina: Dastan, when I asked to see your one-eyed monster, your gynormous red cock, THIS is not what I meant!' ZincSpoon gets the honourable mention
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Caption Contest
You can still vote for your favourite! Do eet! Do eet now!
Votes - PoP Month Caption Contest!
LEGO Prince of Persia Caption Contest - The Votes! To Vote: Read through the entry thread and pick 1 favourite Quote the caption in this thread, with the name of the person who made it Voting closes 3 days from the time stamp on this post The winner will receive a PoP promotional Duplo brick!
Three Clowns hooting horns
I know you dislike Star Wars, but this does suggest an alternate history where Senator Palpatine declared the creation of a 'Clown Army' Nice work!
MOC: Lotso's polyester girl (PG)
No; the second one I'm mentally confused today. I tried to walk into the LEGO room to find something and it spat me straight back out... I am going to have to make some room come June.... Wait! That's next week! PS, shutup Rick!
MOC: Lotso's polyester girl (PG)
*stares* I like the first comforter better
MOC: Lotso's polyester girl (PG)
Great minds think alike Tell me you didn't pay retail for that, Sieggy!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Those prices are horrendous! As bad as Star Wars! $39 for that Dump Truck is an insult. $160 for the Train is hard to justify when the Alamut set was $140 and both are $USD80. For diehards only, methinks.
REVIEW 7789 Lotso's Dump Truck
$39? *Svelte faints*
REVIEW: 7566 Farmer
Cute review! Loving the piggies! From the shine and lustre of the piggies and the fact they are included as regular parts, I suspect these aren't made where all the other softer, specially bagged pieces are, which is good news If only they would lose the dog and give us another piggie! That would have been brilliant, TLG! As it is, there's a pig coming in one of the Advents and also in the Burrows set for Harry Potter so I will add to my porcine ranks then. I do like that the red/ tan stand is consistent with the large Farm colour scheme.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
In my experience most staff have absolutely no idea what is going on in-store I think emily assumed that since the official retail price is $3.99 she got 25% off, whereas it's more likely she got 20% off the $3.75 Target price which is also $3
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Caption Contest
Entries are closed! Voting will commence soon!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I queried this at one Target and was told that the 20% off LEGO was only for 1 week - the two week toy sale was for Preschool toys only (it actually says this in the Catalogue although it is pretty confusing) Lucky you! I tried it on and they wouldn't have a bar of it Annoyingly, the Ttarget near me had no figs and 20% off (stocktake reason) and the one further away had the figs but no discount!
MOC: HMS Indefatigable: Airship
Intriguing concept! You seem to delight in taking large, difficult to use pieces and building something unlikely around them. I like the interplay of curves and slopes, and the chunkiness of the parts you've built, but I have to confess that I dislike that zeppelin piece and don't think it's a good LEGO part at all. I would much rather see the ten-times larger Siegfried version of a floating airship As you say, it just seems a little small. And it needs handrails! This looks like a very dangerous place to be
Happy Birthday!
Woot! It's about time. You are always saying how you never get to buy anything
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