Everything posted by Svelte
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Wow! I can''t remember a sale season so packed with treasures. We need never use S@H again - just wait til July of the next year!
I didn't like the new red and black dragons, as they look a little cartoony. The green, gold and silver one is lovely though, although they are all a bit too large. I liked the Vikings style dragons, but hated the click ball joints. Poor dragons, half of them looked injured by constantly flopping in the middle or having their legs sag all over the place unevenly. It was nice to have something more brick built though - I just really dislike those ball joints.
Latest updates on LEGO set sales
As reported elsewhere, the DS 10188 is now available for preorder for $AUS400. This makes the sale season easier, as I know what I'm looking more forward to now
Lego Death Star 10188 - Pics at last!
And Australia for $399.99! UK is GBP 199.99 Great price!
Foggyville is in ruins!
There must be some way to use Power Functions to slightly electrify the borders of Foggyville. Nothing too extreme, just to give a slight unpleasant 'bzzzzt!' Some talented customiser will no doubt have a solution .
Your 2009 Set Theme List
It is interesting that legomilk seems to imply that many of the 2009 theme birthdays will be large sets. Maybe they're standalones? On the other hand, how much larger can sets get? I think 08 must have been one of the biggest years already in terms of set size and production - there's so many massive sets (approx 1000+ pieces) and a lot of them are arriving in the second half of the year as it is. It boggles the mind!
Indy Contest - Secret of the Silver Swan - extended mix
Thanks for all your kind comments, guys. They are much appreciated. Adam, I wasn't deliberately thinking of Narnia but probably subconsciosly the influence is there - the stone table cracking is the giveaway I think Plural, I am glad you noticed the contrast between the studdy ground and smooth walls - I wanted the terrain to be rough and exposed on the top of the hill with the circle - blasted by wind and suchlike - and a bit softer below the cliff. BTW, the plot written isn't supposed to be of the whole movie, just the introductory act - I might edit my entry to make this clearer. I look forward to seeing everyone else's entries - only a few days to go! Woo!
Bat mocs'N'Mods Treat 4
Excellent work, Batbrick! You have done such a great job updating Two Face's van and the Penguin sub that I may have to copy your ideas myself - you've saved us all a lot of work! Truly amazing what a difference getting rid of the crappy technic shooters makes in terms of opening up a set. The refined colours on the Penguin sub are very nice as well . The modified Robin Speedboat suits Robin's official vehicles perfectly and is a very nice little design. The only think I don't like are those pearl silver pieces on the Whirlybat - they look kind of out of place, maybe because they look like they're pointing up and out at an odd angle which goes against the sleek minimalism of the rest of the design? Or maybe it's just because they give me flashbacks of the ugliness of the Mr Freeze set Bat Buggy! All in all, though, definitely
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Dwarves Mine will be around for a while. It's no longer a limited edition and is now available all over the US. It's the S@H 'exclusives' which are only available during sale season which are worth looking out for in the next few weeks. I wouldn't get the Passenger Train as a new trains system is due to launch in 2009 - probably worth waiting for. I only ever saw the Cargo train in Myer on 2 separate occasions and only very briefly, but it does reappear in the lastest Oz catalogue so maybe it's getting a limited re-release. Sinner, thanks for the news re the Eiffel Tower. Myer sale as well! Too much to choose from! Not enough cash!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I agree with you re the lack of detail of the Falcon, radiant7. I had the same issue with the UCS ISD, which is cool to look at but you can't do anything with it. For me Lego is as much about all the cool detail and functions that go into a set as it is about size and being an impressive sculpture. On that basis the 10188 is a much better buy for me personally. (I will also try and pick up a Motorised AT-AT in the sale if I can.) Sometimes though in sale madness it's hard to resist the sight of an aisle of giant boxes with 5000+ piece counts and Must... be... strong... I also always usually layby large sale items I'm not sure about as at least you can change your mind and you only lose a couple of dollars rather than having to resell the thing once it's open. I did notice on that FBTB thread that someone mentioned that Myer has a toy sale starting 5 July - I haven't seen any news about that here or on their website either.
Second MOC: Corner Tower
Really, really nice. Often Castle MOCs can look a bit 'samey' if you know what I mean, but I really like how different and original this looks. It has its own distinctive architectural feel. And you've found a use for those gold roof pieces! The fact that it is modular is even better. I would love to see a whole castle built like this as well. Top-notch work, sir dano!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Usually stock does appear on shelves pre-sale so this isn't surprising. $775 is still way too much if that is right, though. It's full price in the UK is 350 GBP, which is only $720AUD. A discount on an overpriced set doesn't necessarily make it a bargain. If it does end up at that price I'll pass and save some money for the August sets which are both beautiful and playable $180 was about what I thought the AT-AT would be and not bad at all!
LEGO Doctor Who minifigs by Mr Spielbrick
Wow, that Captain Jack is amazing! Totally spot on - your best fig yet. The hair is absolutely perfect, in Series 1 it was a bit shorter and spikier than it was in Torchwood and S3. Great work, Mr Spielbrick.
LEGO Collector's Guide & LEGO Collector - Premium Edition
I had to order one. Can't wait, I'm really looking forward to this catalogue. 'Exclusive Lego gimmicks' sounds like a phrase deliberately designed to whet the appetites of completist AFOLS
Ideas for new City sets
I also suspect we'll get a new hospital next year, but I doubt we'll get anything as big as the new Police HQ - we haven't even had a fire station as large as the last two police stations, and that seems to be a very popular City subtheme (the 07 Fire HQ selling 500,000+ units). I do think we might see a larger building on flat baseplates though. TLC seems to produce themes with some action-oriented idea driving them and the main focus on vehicles with maybe one large building, so sadly I doubt at a retail level we'll see malls, parks, schools etc (unless there is the potential for them to be eaten by large animals or invaded by criminals!) but a large bank seems a natural fit and would go well with all the Police based stuff.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I don't know... in previous years when stores have had shop at home exclusives sometimes we've been lucky. The previous (minifig) Millennium Falcon was in Myer for $100. And I'm sure the ISD 10030 was marked down to $400 when it was first released in stores here (DJs maybe). Admittedly that was a few years ago. But K-Mart isn't a 'high-end' retailer (like David Jones or Myer) where you would usually see the big sets like this, so I can't imagine the price could be kept astronomical compared to their usual stock. I guess we'll find out soon!
Fabuland Star Wars Death Star II
Lovely work! Now can you do a Fabuloutlandish version of 10188 for us, pretty please?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
That is amazing news, radiant7! I tried to find these pages this morning but couldn't! There will be an AFOL stampede at K-Mart next Thursday for sure. I seriously can't believe 10178 or 10179 would get a retail release here. And there should be a substantial discount too! What do we think? 20%? 30%? NOW I'm excited. EDIT: Ten minutes later, I'm still excited. Kid in a candy store doesn't cover it! How am I gonna sleep until next Thurs? And just after getting the mid year Lego catalogue yesterday with all the new Lego loveliness as well! I think now, if ever, the Aussie sales deserve a thread of their own.
7666 Hoth Rebel Base in UK again
This also has reappeared in the midyear Australian catalogue so it looks like the re-release is general. Still not worth it though - and the price is even worse here - $AUD100, or about 48 GBP.
CONTEST: Design your own Indy Movie! DISCUSSION
Batbrick could tell you - he's the Bond expert. The Agents line inspired him to watch all the films again so it must be fresh in his mind
Indy Contest - Secret of the Silver Swan - extended mix
Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Silver Swan It is 1938 and Europe is on the eve of battle. The industrial war-mills of Nazi Germany billow black smoke across half a continent. So far the effect of the Nazi menace has not yet threatened England’s green and pleasant shores. At St Cedd.’s College, Cambridge, Dr Indiana Jones is taking a well-deserved sabbatical and visiting his old colleague, Professor Edgar Turnweather and his daughter and assistant, the auburn-haired and tempestuous Felicity. One of Turnweather’s recent archaelogical digs at an ancient Stone Circle near Salisbury has uncovered evidence of the existence of a supposedly legendary Celtic artifact – the Silver Swan. In Celtic tradition, the Swan was a shape-shifter who could take human form – indeed, the typical tale of the swan maiden who is forced to marry a mortal is common in many folklores. Amongst Druids however, the Swan also represents the soul and is associated with All Hallow’s Eve, the Festival of Samhain, also known as the Devil. The swan is also believed to assist passage between worlds. Little does Professor Turnweather know that his research into the Druidic cults is of particular interest to the supernaturally-influenced higher echelons of the Nazi Party, who believe that the Silver Swan’s transformative powers may assist them in the coming war. What better secret agent than one who can change from man to bird and back again? And indeed, what better way to insure victory than to open a gateway between dimensions and strike a deal with the Devil himself? Nazi spies have been dispatched to keep a close eye on Turnweather and his friends. Meanwhile, Indiana Jones has been fending off the advances of Felicity Turnweather, not wanting raise the ire of his old friend the Professor. Spurned, the hot-headed Felicity storms off to investigate the Stone Circle site all on her lonesome. When she fails to return by midnight, Indiana suddenly becomes worried. What if reports of recent Druidic activity are true? Could it be that the Druids age-old practice of blood sacrifice is being resurrected at Salisbury? And what is the significance of the mysterious solid silver swan statue which Indy has found concealed in Felicity’s study? ___________________________________________________________________ Indy arrives at the Stone Circle in the early hours of the morning. The site is abandoned, save for the cooing of the owls and the squeaking of local bats: Unable to see a clear path to the Circle, he uses his whip to fasten onto a gnarled branch and drags himself up to the abandoned circle: Where is Felicity? The earth seems to rumble slightly beneath his feet. He listens closely... is that chanting? He approaches the stone altar in the centre of the circle. Tracing his fingers over engraved imprints on the stone, he realises that the marks match the design of the Silver Swan statue left in Felicity's room. Quickly he positions the glinting artefact in the middle of the stone table... Closeup of the Swan (made from all metallic silver pieces bar one pearl silver tooth): Excited, Indy does not notice that a motorbike has pulled up in the clearing below. Klaus Krankenherzen, Nazi agent, switches off the ignition and pulls out his pistol, ready to ambush the meddlesome American: Up above, the stone table in the centre of the circle rumbles and cracks open. Indy grabs the Silver Swan and drops through the secret passage which has suddenly been revealed: He finds himself in a warmly lit subterranean temple, the stone walls drooping with vines. Two Druids have tied Felicity to a stone bench and dressed her in sacrificial white robes. The female Druid leader raises a glinting blade above Felicity's chest. 'In the name of Samhain, take the blood of this innocent and reveal yourself to us, O Dark Lord!' screams the Druidess. Back view of the temple: Indy uses his whip to deftly flick the dagger away. He knocks a sconce from the wall and sets the straw-covered floor of the temple on fire. Amidst the flames and confusion, he spies an exit hewn from the rock of the rear temple wall. He grabs Felicity and bundles her to safety: Indy and Felicity follow the gloomy tunnel through the rockface. Glimpsing moonlight, Indy pushes aside the undergrowth and the pair find themselves at the exit of the secret passage, located just below the Stone Circle itself. 'You took your time!' yells Felicity. 'Lady - you should be grateful I came at all,' Indy says laconically. 'Really?' purrs Felicity. 'Why? What else is that whip handy for?' 'Enough chatter!' snaps Klaus as he steps from the shadows, aiming his pistol squarely at Felicity. 'Now, Dr Jones, you will hand the Silver Swan to me...' Design notes: * Stone table really opens to reveal subterranean temple! * Altar piece lifts off for easy access to temple interior! * The escape passage seen at the rear of the temple interior does actually connect to the exit as seen here: The foliage is hinged on a shortened technic pin: * Director's cut - alternate sacrifice scene!
CONTEST: Design your own Indy Movie! ENTRIES
Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Silver Swan It is 1938 and Europe is on the eve of battle. The industrial war-mills of Nazi Germany billow black smoke across half a continent. So far the effect of the Nazi menace has not yet threatened England’s green and pleasant shores. At St Cedd.’s College, Cambridge, Dr Indiana Jones is taking a well-deserved sabbatical and visiting his old colleague, Professor Edgar Turnweather and his daughter and assistant, the auburn-haired and tempestuous Felicity. One of Turnweather’s recent archaelogical digs at an ancient Stone Circle near Salisbury has uncovered evidence of the existence of a supposedly legendary Celtic artifact – the Silver Swan. In Celtic tradition, the Swan was a shape-shifter who could take human form – indeed, the typical tale of the swan maiden who is forced to marry a mortal is common in many folklores. Amongst Druids however, the Swan also represents the soul and is associated with All Hallow’s Eve, the Festival of Samhain, also known as the Devil. The swan is also believed to assist passage between worlds. Little does Professor Turnweather know that his research into the Druidic cults is of particular interest to the supernaturally-influenced higher echelons of the Nazi Party, who believe that the Silver Swan’s transformative powers may assist them in the coming war. What better secret agent than one who can change from man to bird and back again? And indeed, what better way to insure victory than to open a gateway between dimensions and strike a deal with the Devil himself? Nazi spies have been dispatched to keep a close eye on Turnweather and his friends. Meanwhile, Indiana Jones has been fending off the advances of Felicity Turnweather, not wanting raise the ire of his old friend the Professor. Spurned, the hot-headed Felicity storms off to investigate the Stone Circle site all on her lonesome. When she fails to return by midnight, Indiana suddenly becomes worried. What if reports of recent Druidic activity are true? Could it be that the Druids age-old practice of blood sacrifice is being resurrected at Salisbury? And what is the significance of the mysterious solid silver swan statue which Indy has found concealed in Felicity’s study? ___________________________________________________________________ Scene 1: Secret of the Stone Circle Indy arrives at the Stone Circle in the early hours of the morning. The site is abandoned, save for the cooing of the owls and the squeaking of local bats. Unable to see a clear path to the Circle, he uses his whip to fasten onto a gnarled branch and drags himself up to the abandoned circle. Where is Felicity? The earth seems to rumble slightly beneath his feet. He listens closely... is that chanting? He approaches the stone altar in the centre of the circle. Tracing his fingers over engraved imprints on the stone, he realises that the marks match the design of the Silver Swan statue left in Felicity's room. Quickly he positions the glinting artefact in the middle of the stone table... Excited, Indy does not notice that a motorbike has pulled up in the clearing below. Klaus Krankenherzen, Nazi agent, switches off the ignition and pulls out his pistol, ready to ambush the meddlesome American. ___________________________________________________________________ Scene 2: Dressed for Death! Up above, the stone table in the centre of the circle rumbles and cracks open. Indy grabs the Silver Swan and drops through the secret passage which has suddenly been revealed. He finds himself in a warmly lit subterranean temple, the stone walls drooping with vines. Two Druids have tied Felicity to a stone bench and dressed her in sacrificial white robes. The female Druid leader raises a glinting blade above Felicity's chest. 'In the name of Samhain, take the blood of this innocent and reveal yourself to us, O Dark Lord!' screams the Druidess. Indy uses his whip to deftly flick the dagger away. He knocks a sconce from the wall and sets the straw-covered floor of the temple on fire. Amidst the flames and confusion, he spies an exit hewn from the rock of the rear temple wall. He grabs Felicity and bundles her to safety. ___________________________________________________________________ Scene 3: Escape to Danger Indy and Felicity follow the gloomy tunnel through the rockface. Glimpsing moonlight, Indy pushes aside the undergrowth and the pair find themselves at the exit of the secret passage, located just below the Stone Circle itself. 'You took your time!' yells Felicity. 'Lady - you should be grateful I came at all,' Indy says laconically. 'Really?' purrs Felicity. 'Why? What else is that whip handy for?' 'Enough chatter!' snaps Klaus as he steps from the shadows, aiming his pistol squarely at Felicity. 'Now, Dr Jones, you will hand the Silver Swan to me...' TO BE CONTINUED.... (Note that this is only the first introductory act of the movie; the story continues in true Indy fashion with exciting escapades, chilling chases and amazing misadventures until the true secret of the Silver Swan is finally revealed ) Design notes - see also full entry thread here: * Stone table really opens to reveal subterranean temple! * Altar piece lifts off for easy access to temple interior! * Secret passage actually connects temple to exterior! * Silver swan statue really transforms minifigs into large birds (Actually... not really )
CONTEST: Design your own Indy Movie! DISCUSSION
Sinner, I had a question about the entry process. Mine has a few 'play' functions where I'd like to show before and after (eg trapdoor opening, before and after etc), but rather than just linking to a brickshelf folder of images without notes, I wanted to put links in the story to an image where I wanted to show it in more detail and in narrative order. Ie, have the three main pics only in the entry but then link parts of the text to specific brickshelf images. That way it would be optional for the viewer to look in more detail if they wanted to without violating the three pictures rule. Does this make sense? I wouldn't be saying 'click here' - it would just be within the story itself. eg, 'Indy hooked his whip on a gnarled branch and dragged himself onto the rocky outcrop. Before him he could see an incredible vista' [insert main pic 1 here] Otherwise I'd like to just do a separate contest entry thread and link to that from the main Indy Contest thread but I'm not sure since we're supposed to be keeping entries succinct that that is in the spirit of the contest. Advice appreciated!
Review: 50 Years of the LEGO Brick
Thanks for the great review. As you say, nothing revolutionary, but it is well-presented and there's lots of stuff I would never have seen so I'm definitely going to pick up. The gold stickers look cute too
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Page 54 and Page 55 Disappointing there's none of the new lovely SW stuff you found in the retailers catalogue, hollisbrick. Boos! Last year was pretty good with discounts on the second half of year releases. Maybe since Target is holding off til July 24 they've got something saved for then...
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