Everything posted by Svelte
Star Wars 8121 Cad Bane's Speeder
The eagle-eyed lightningtiger and Anio bring us a sharp pic of the new Star Wars set 8121 Cad Bane's Speeder Click on the pic to join the discussion in our LEGO Star Wars forum!
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 2
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 3
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 1
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
*** ENTRIES NOW CLOSED *** Entries are now closed! Voting rules & threads will be posted in the next few days. The entries will remain open to allow entrants who haven't submitted properly to fix their entries - I will be PMing you shortly - but no new entries will now be accepted. Thanks, and I hope you had fun!
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Conclusion
Well, we got there in the end. Praise be to Ishtar! The Nizam were defeated. A shame really, since historically they were humble administrators and probably could have introduced a few benefits of civilisation, like cheese and indoor plumbing. Mae the pearl gold scorpions enjoy their empty new kingdom - since there doesn't seem to be much life left in these desert sands.... Not unless Rick, brickme, Darth Hawken, and Stash2Sixx are going to make babies with each other and star our Persian PoPulation proliferatin' profusely And my biryani is delicious, how dare you slander it!
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 4
Yes, I'm innocent, if somewhat resigned to my fate. I was amazed not to die last night, to be honest, but perhaps my patron goddess Ishtar is keeping me alive. Svelteflon - that's me! It seems that the most vocal are the ones who have created most obfuscation so I know which way I will be voting tonight...
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
*** THE CONTEST WILL CLOSE 24 HOURS FROM THE DATE-STAMP ON THIS POST *** Get your final entries in! No extensions will be granted!
MOC: PoP 7571 Fight for the Dagger minor mod
Nice mod! The long wall section can be annoying if you're trying to move it around so it's great to see a more compact, less airy version of the set. The arches do stack pretty well for plant boughs - let's hope we get these in red or choco-brown soon
City 2010
That creepy snowman with his spindly arms will haunt my nightmares. Not to mention he needs some face-Viagra for that limp carrot. I have to say, I like this a whole lot better than last year's mediocre effort. At least the City figs have the newer torsos rather than being worker drones. And the Santa is classic! I would rather have less good minifigs than more boring ones. The range of mini-models is oddly self-promoting, but it does go very well with the new City Truck 3222 and its LEGO boxes and of course make great additions to the Winter Toy Shop After a few years of 'meh' Advent Calendars I actually look forward to this one. The Kingdoms one still kicks its megablocks, however
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 3
He is a harsh master, but a fair one Of course if the current mayhem continues, he will be master of 1 biryani chef and a sleepy camel, so let's hope the outlook for peace in our fine Persian city improves
Castle Sets 2010
The big Castle set has just been added to for the US The other sets bar Impulses are there too
Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time
You're fond of sand creatures aren't you? Amazing work! This is *huge* and you've kept it under wraps all this time I would have been tempted to flash bits just to show off if I was building this beast. That is one serious commitment of bricks! I love how this is a diorama with cutaway access to the action scenes within, but also how the whole model works to follow the logic of the game I love a good playable MOC and this fits the bill for sure! Great creation, thanks for adding some magic to Prince of Persia month
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
lego-maniac is wise pedro, I wouldn't worry too much about adding extra images if it makes your overall MOC look small. You can put links in if there is another detail you want to show
Prince of Persia MOC: The Sands of Time Diorama
MCW Moderator and old-skool gamer LuxorV brings us an amazingly detailed and huge Prince of Persia diorama based on The Sands of Time game Check out the mammoth mayhem in our LEGO Licensed forum as the Prince evades the vile sand creatures and ascends the Tower of Dawn to find the Hourglass of Time.... Click on the pic above to join the fray, just in time for Prince of Persia month!
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Night 2
*muffled screams* Jamie! Jamie! *sound of rolled-up telephone directories being applied to human kidneys* Hey, do you guys want my double ka meetha recipe as well? *more muffled screams*
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Minifigs are now up at S@H for Europe/ Rest of world. At this stage it doesn't look like there's an option to buy a box where at least you are guaranteed to get 3 full sets. Bad news for Australians. $AUD4 is a rip-off. Here's a quick price convert from other currencies: 2EUR - $AUD2.80 2GBP - $AUD3.27 4NZ- $3.18 20SDKK - $3.76 25SEK - $3.66 They must be pricier here than almost any other country in the world I think I'll be buying mine from the US.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
$AUD4 is a complete rip-off. And it doesn't look like there's an option to buy a box where at least you are guaranteed to get 4 full sets either Here's a quick price convert from other currencies 2EUR - $AUD2.80 2GBP - $AUD3.27 4NZ- $3.18 20SDKK - $3.76 25SEK - $3.66 They must be pricier here than almost any other country in the world With no Toyworld anywhere near me and rip-off prices, I think I'll be going with the BBTS option. Thanks for the news! Also, the 10213 Shuttle is up at $160. Another unjustified markup over MMV and Emerald Night.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Night 2
I have just been cooking some delicious lamb biryani - a Hyderabadi dish, very popular, from the original city of the Nizams. Maybe if I make a delicious meal for them they won't make a delicious meal out of me First, we marinate chunks of lamb in a mix of garam masala, chilli, cilantro, mint, turmeric and garlic. Then we fry 4 thinly sliced onions in a heavy-coated dish in 2 ozs of butter and 2 ozs of oil until golden. Reserve the oil, then quickly sear the marinated lamb. Rest for a few minutes, then throw in the lamb, any extra marinade, the cooked onion and 1 cup of thick yoghurt. Season with salt. Simmer gently for 40 mins until lamb is tender. Meanwhile, half-cook 1 1/2 cups of rice (ie don't cook the whole way through). When the lamb is tender, spoon the rice over the top and then drizzle with remaining oil and 2 tbsps of hot milk in which 1/2 a tsp of saffron has been soaking. Cook in a moderate oven for 35-40 minutes until rice is done. Serve with raita (yoghurt, mint, coriander, tomato, cucumber) and, if you are a Nizam, the roasted baby of an unbeliever. Delicious! My lamb biryani brings all the Nizams to the yard! True story!
Joey's Sig-Fig Smileys
Yes, brilliant work I'll be sure to sprinkle some PoP smiley dust around the Licensed forum
Happy Birthday to our hilarious crafty nasty "Shadows"
I am pretty sure Shadir is a Nizam, and Nizam don't deserve birthdays, but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Somewhere out there is a camel with your name on it. Her name's Doris )
REVIEW: 7937 Train Station
The walkway is a nice idea, and well-executed, but the rest leaves me fairly cold. I think the taxi looks fairly awful, too. What a shame, they could have gone with a classic old-fashioned design but instead this looks more like a larger version of the postal van from 2008 I seem to be one of the few that really liked the 2007 yellow train station with black roof. At least it was a proper building with lots of great details such as the turnstiles, shop and roof area. I won't be rushing to grab this, but thanks for the early review!
Stretched Elephant
Hahahaah! Hilarious! I see a surprising amount of stretch Humvees around the area I live, and I always roll my eyes. Good to see that keeping up with the Nizams was a middle-eastern preoccupation too I like that the man from GE is apparently doing some pantless dancing in the background to earn a few shekhels
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Looking good Great design! The contest closes at the end of this week, so get those final entries in. It looks like competition will be tough with all the amazing work that's been put in
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Yes, that's fine. As long as you keep within the piece count. No extensions will be granted. The intention is to wrap up the contest and announce winners just as the movie hits worldwide release, and extensions would mess up that timeline.
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