Everything posted by Svelte
Toys R Us 25% Off Lego
I know it's exciting, but please specify which country you are talking about when posting this news - it avoids confusion with our members from all over the world! Or you could just post it in the Aussie sales thread Thanks
- City 2010
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Check the Tutorials index. Alternatively upload to flickr, which resizes images automatically, and then choose an appropriate size to link.
City 2010
It would be in AUD. That would put it at $US100-110, although many of the larger sets for release in Australia seem to have had (yet another) price jump for the second half of year releases eg Portal of Atlantis is supposed to be $170 and the Kingdoms Castle $160. I would say the $US100 price which was this designed for is accurate. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone considering the length of this thread
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Don't worry about it! That rule is there to force people to put at least *some* descriptive text in their entries, I don't mind if yours is a little more expansive
Prince of Persia World Premiere
Wow, Richard, looks like you had a fun time! What a great opportunity. Thanks for sharing some pics.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Day 1
I am the Sultan of Sveltana. My word is law. You hear and you obey. My beady eye is fixed upon you all. That is all.
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
As long as you have a max of three pics in the entry post You can link to your gallery, however. After the contest you can create a new detailed thread with everything in one place.
REVIEW: LEGO Prince of Persia Brickmaster Set
It could go either way. I didn't think the plate looked long enough for a 4 stud plate, and the colour of the plate that might be on top of it looks closer to the fuzzy background image than the other dark tan plates in the pic. So, we'll see It's hard to know what to leave out and put in. I was struggling against an urge to put in a second bamboo plant piece since these sets are usually symmetrical but it would be clearly visible in the pic that was released (and it isn't.)
10213 Shuttle Adventure
Yes, it could be. It's in shadow in the pic which makes it look darker so it is kind of hard to tell Whatever I say will be wrong, that's the easiest rule Thanks for the rotated pic, pedro. (Why don't more people think to do that?) That nose section looks awful with the black slopes. Everything else looks rounded and curve-a-licious but this seems oddly out of place and just pixellated and pointy. Surely there must have been a better solution? Would it have killed them to print a few of the longer curved slopes if they wanted the gradation from white to black?
REVIEW: LEGO Prince of Persia Brickmaster Set
LEGO Prince of Persia Brickmaster Exclusive- Build Your Own! Not one to be hampered by the fact that the LEGO Brickmaster Prince of Persia set (a) wouldn't be available for 4 months (b) will only be produced for US consumers, I decided to build my own based on the blown-up pic supplied by Inconspicuous. Now you can too! My version contains exactly 52 pieces, just like the original model, although since the small pic is still so blurry I had to do some guessing (eg is the dark tan 2x2 tile an ordinary version or jumper one? Considering the theme's emphasis on activity, I thought it more likely to be a jumper.) The parts are readily available from already pre-existing PoP sets such as the Ostrich Race (for tan plates), Desert Attack (dark brown spears), Quest Against Time (black clips and jumpers, snakes, gold parts, Dagger). You will also need an extra medium nougat arch (from Alamut). I also had to nick 4 white slopes from the parts bin and 4 of those 1x2 Technic bricks with 2 holes from the Indy Temple Escape. But really, most parts are pretty common PoP ones Here is stage 1 of the build: Stage 2: The trap is made as follows and placed on the mid-section: The final model: Dastan grimaces as he struggles manfully in his quest for the Dagger of Time - or maybe it's just indigestion from eating from one of the market stalls featured in Category 3 of the EB PoP contest When you pull out the gold-tipped bar, Dastan falls into a nest of snakes! GAME OVER! Thanks for reading! Now go, build your own! Or, if you're in the US, wait 4 months for your polybag to arrive! When we get bigger pics, I will be interested to see how my version stacks up To be honest the Brickmaster sets never look very exciting to me and I doubt so many people would subscribe if it wasn't for the SW exclusives. However, as a bonus set with a fig and play feature, this is pretty good, with lots of lovely parts 4/5. ** This review has been a community service announcement on behalf of Prince of Persia Month! **
REVIEW: 8683 LEGO Minifigures Series 1
Wow! I don't think I've ever seen such a comprehensive review! I do prefer fleshies these days, but all the new parts, hairpieces and accessories are beginning to excite me! As you say, it is intrinsically squee-making to see them all lined up together. I think that's why I'd prefer to get a box rather than have them piece-by-piece in a supermarket. It's a shame that the least desirable figs are the ones that are most common - perhaps because they don't have any new pieces and are more straightforward than the others. Thanks WhiteFang for this great review! You are lucky indeed!
10213 Shuttle Adventure
I think it's just dark orange No doubt Ricecracker will be along to disagree with me in a moment.
REVIEW: Portal of Atlantis 8078
Black Belville arches? Now there was a parts usage I didn't see coming!
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
No, it wasn't directed at you And there will be no PMs, just the cruel and dictatorial whims of the Licensed moderators
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
Is that your entry on your flickr page? It is looking pretty sweet As for figs, some people have been using a stubbly Indy head with brown hair as a Dastan substitute to pretty good effect Or check out the PoP avatar thread for clever inspiration Emperor Claudius Rome - you need to both reduce the size of your pics and also cut the number of images down to three. I expect entrants to be able to read and follow the rules with regards to posting their entries, so if you haven't submitted according to what the rules are, don't complain if you're disqualified when the voting commences. Honestly, the rules about posting are not hard to follow - I am not going to be hand-holding entrants to the finish line Any questions you may have will be answered in the Competition discussion thread.
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: Chat
Nizam is not a name, but a title. So it is entirely possible that a time-travelling clan of Realm Administrators got together to protect the Dagger of Time from interfering Princes
High-res pics of new Train sets!
High-res hero grogall brings us some huge official pictures of the new Train sets, 7937 Train Station, 7938 Passenger Train and 7939 Cargo Train Click on the image above to pore over these pics in our LEGO Town forum and join the discussion!
- City 2010
Prince of Persia Theme Month Game: SIGNUP!
Sign me up! I don't know anything about this game except it sounds insanely awesome!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
What! That's horrible news. It's bad enough when TRU does it. I have noticed K-Mart has done this in the past with exclusives, like some of the Power Miners/ SP3 sets.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Now noone has any excuse not to enter the PoP comp (Not that anyone had any before).
Who are you in The Prince of Persia?
The old image is sitting in your cache with the same file name, so you have to force your browser to refresh the page. On PCs you can usually hit F5.
Dystopia - Confirmation and Discussion
Thanks for a fun game! My only regret is I didn't get to kill more people Still, I did get the Games Moderator, even if indirectly
10213 Shuttle Adventure
It looks OK, but not a must-have. I agree with Mr Mandalorian, I'd have liked a more detailed shuttle although I guess it wouldn't be so displayable. The cheese windscreen looks kind of sucky, to be honest and there's not a lot there for parts fans (unless you love cylinders!) The timing is odd too Maybe it's a retro release playing on AFOL nostalgia since the shuttle itself is decomissioned
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