Everything posted by Svelte
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Since the Prince of Persia is a line almost completely unlike any other LEGO line in that it has basically no vehicles (apart from 2 carts and some ostriches), and only 2 flick fire missiles, draw your own conclusions. I mean, this is a line where the Alamut set mentions tipping boiling oil on your enemies as a play feature, how cool is that?
Who are you in The Prince of Persia?
Hahah! Cute! Watch out, I bet Disney made you sign a 456 page non-disclosure agreement
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Yes, there's nothing more appealing than the thought of dozens of kids and AFOLS furiously masticating small polybags with their thumbs and fingers trying to identify what's inside and probably breaking the softer plastic accessories Everyone does seem a little over-excited at this point in time, pre-release. But if what Brickset says is true and Wave 1 will be around until September, once the initial buying frenzy on behalf of AFOLs ends, I see no reason why restocks won't feature a more balanced selection. It is really only AFOLs who are going crazy with anticipation at this stage. Once these hit US Bricklink in vast quantities it will soon become apparent that if you want, say, 24 Cheerleaders, it's going to be easier just to buy them from there.
Dystopia: Day 1
That's only true numerically. When you allow for 'the human factor' it is much easier to identify and eliminate one suspect out of three than it is to gain consensus on four or five Insanes out of a spread of twenty-odd.
Red Moon: Chapter Six
Quick, Diesel! Stab it! Stab eet! Aim for the eyes - that always works in the movies!
Happy Birthday Izzy!
I don't know... she *is* from Brisbane...
Dystopia: Day 1
I am just going by Samantha Wonderfield's reasoning. Anyway, I personally think it is better if we aren't going to vote today (as looks to be the case) to go into the next day with some kind of strategy. Otherwise we'll all just stand around the beach saying 'Oh noes! Who could the Insane be?' and waiting for evidence to drop from the sky... Actually, considering the manner we got here... maybe that's kind of plausible!
Mine? Mine! Mine.
Love the lit dynamite and the creepy blind frogs and shrooms! Nice rock technique keeping it slim and vertical - quite different from the more squat mine MOCs we often see
Dystopia: Day 1
If today ends without a conviction, hopefully we will get some clues 'tonight' which will help us decide tomorrow. That's how things usually work. I suggest any investigators we have with us or anyone with useful special skills check out the Coast Guard.
Dystopia: Day 1
This is actually pretty clever thinking. The chance of one out of three being an Insane is much higher than if we voted off the rest of the group. Since there seems no obvious method of determining who is insane, then it's a numbers game - and your method does give us good odds. Hmm, maybe we should go for Officer Drake first - if anything, it would spare us the lengthy oratory and high school literature lessons... I mean, don't you think that's out of character for some US Coast Guard jock? For all his talk, he was only here 5 minutes before he suddenly abandoned everything he'd been taught about legal process and agreed to join a lynching mob... Haha, Drake me old mate, I'm only kidding! I say, let's keep a close eye on these Coast Guard fellas and get rid of the most annoying suspicious one tomorrow.
Prince of Persia Lego and Gold Plastic Syndrome
This has been raised before with pearl gold somewhere in the forum and as far as I remember, the colour mix in LEGO's ABS is entirely different. I wouldn't panic.
Dystopia: Day 1
I have to agree. All we have is the *second hand* testimony of a few unidentified survivors who said they saw a dying woman whose words they repeated verbatim to the rest of us. It is just as plausible they stabbed her themselves, isn't it? We all seem to be pretty gullible considering we are taking on trust the word of someone who stumbled out of the bushes with blood all over their hands and a quick cover story...
Red Moon: Chapter Six
Stanton, use your sword! Didn't one of the mysterious treatises say that the sword could fight demons? Failing that, I would like to turn sideways. I am so svelte slim that my silhouette is practically invisible side-on. The demon will never see me!
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
Empty fun, but it seemed a waste of an episode just to launch a new range of Daleks that didn't do anything. Felt like fluffy marshmallow filler to me - all sugar, no nutrition! I would have preferred to see the episode that was hinted at with scheming Daleks doing something instead of a genesis episode that didn't really hold up as a standalone story.
Dystopia: Day 1
Hi, everyone - Cyril here. (And anyone making fun of my name will be punched on the noggin ) This is all pretty weird and out of my ordinary realm of experience. I don't know what's more disturbing - the ineptness of the rescue crew or this odd theory that Insane people are amongst us and want the non-Insanes to die because they want this island all to themselves. If they really felt that way, why not just charter a plane to this island? Or use an Insane travel agent? Something in the boiled fish stew doesn't add up here... This kind of reminds me of one of them TV shows set on a tropical paradise where things go horribly wrong and the humiliations and degradations never seem to end... Yeah, 'Survivor', that's it. I guess there's one thing I can do to make myself comfortable right now *unzips pants* Oh yeah, that's better.
Red Moon: Chapter Six
It seems that this room is laden with traps and death-dealing obstacles I advise you all to use extreme caution when touching or prodding anything. Either that or get someone we don't care about to do it, like Stanton.
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
Nice work with the gem in the upturned goblet, SuperBagel
Happy Birthday Izzy!
OMG! OMG! OMG! Happy birthday Miss Iz! Have a great day! I am sure you will be well looked after By the way, birthdays occurring in foreign countries don't count so you get an extra year's grace.
MOC: Medieval Market Village Diorama
Check out Piglet's amazing Medieval Market Village Diorama in the LEGO Historic Themes forum Click on the pic for more views and to join the discussion!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Yes, you can participate, as it says in the rules. Since you joined before the start date, you can vote too. Yes, brickbuilt animals count as bricks. Why? Because they're made of bricks! Yes indeed. Try the puppets; I hear they're delicious (Bad joke.) Camel is 1 piece, back filler counts as pieces, saddle counts as 1 piece. Hahahaah! Too clever
City 2010
The door piece just looks stupid, compared to the scale of the rest of the truck. More like a door for the driver's cat or something rather than a fig. I hope in 2011 LEGO comes up with a new piece that is functional but more to the scale of their current designs.
Favorite Prince of Persia Piece/Mold
*sobs* Too... many... to choose... from... I'd break it down into minifig/ non-minifig parts. In the brick department, the useful new arch is the clear winner, followed closely by the quarter dome, which is just so globulous and shiny, it's impossible to resist. For minifigs... it's even harder to choose. The keffiyeh is great, so is the pointed helmet, and I really like the claw minifig hands too And the camel is pretty amazing as well
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
You still have 4 weeks to perfect it. I'm sure the set will be in stores here before the contest closes if you're desperate It can be from a movie, any game, or completely from your own imagination.
Creature from the Black Lagoon Vignette
Great work TB! I like the colour gradation in the underwater section and the tangling seaweed looks great. What mystical treasure lies inside that 1x2 LEGO brick?
MOC: The Creature from the Black Lagoon
EB's master of the macabre and keeper of the kooky - the one and only The Brickster - brings us a terrifying underwater glimpse of The Creature From The Black Lagoon in his latest vignette Click on the image to see this vile vignette in our LEGO Action Themes forum.
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