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Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
What are you doing in this thread? You should be watching K-9 on Ten
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
I forgot to ask entrants to include piece count (since its a requirement its under 250) Pepper and Inky, can you add this info in? Thanks!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
I've also added a space for us to praise and critique everyone's entries - - since that doesn't belong in this contest discussion thread proper.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
OMG! The first entry has arrived! Fast Pepper is fast!
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest - Entries Discussion Thread
Since unlike other contests we're not asking for separate posts for each entry, yet we recognise that will all your hard work you would probably like some feedback on your MOCs ahead of the public vote, this thread has been created just so you can talk about the actual entries that have been made so far! Questions about contest rules etc still belong in the Contest Discussion Thread. Thanks and enjoy!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
As long as there is some stall-like structure to go with it, sure. For example, a little Arabic Punch and Judy puppet show would be a great entry Someone - do that Yes, that's the idea - but it doesn't have to be a theme, it could be any standalone set.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
The Category does specify BAM (Build a Market Stall), not several. If you want to do more, we can't stop you, but the public voters may think your creation is too far outside the rule limits. Be mindful of your 250 piece maximum in this category. And yes, a baseplate is 1 piece.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yay for Prince of Persia! Weird that the smaller sets are better value in comparison to the US price than the largest one. $18 for the Desert Attack is amazing considering the $23 price for the SW Battlepacks and Army Men set $30 for Ostrich Race is good too considering the Indy Chauchilla set was $AUD40 compared to a $UD20 price (same price that Ostrich is.) Good value! And no doubt even more attractive once they hit sales here.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Oh, that's no good. I was only checking quickly. Maybe over the next 24 hours they will appear. They seem to go in batches - usually Australia is last to go live so I assumed everyone else could get them. Wait and see EDIT: Yep, they're all showing up for me in the countries you mention. Look again
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Read the rules again! It does not have to tie in with any specific game or movie
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
To add to the excitement, all the sets are now available for Europe too from S@H
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
No, it was done as quickie job just for the contest Here's the overall view: The griffins are Hippogriffs, but they're a common motif in Persian architecture (google Persia griffin). I've been waiting 6 years to use them properly!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
They don't fit, really. They're just eye-candy Well, that's not quite true. I would classify the Alamut Gate as a Category 1 UCS-style Persia set, and I would explain that in my short paragraph. It will be up to the public vote to see how well members think entrants have conformed to the category rules. It could be... as I just said, you could enter it as a UCS style set... or throw in a few bandits and a play feature - then it could certainly fit in Category 1.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
It could be based on any of the games or the movie, as long as it *looks* like it could be an official set. This doesn't mean that you would have to use a Dastan fig, however. You can use any parts to represent whatever characters you wish, whether they are official characters or your own creation. And just because it is Licensed doesn't even mean you need to use fleshies - yellow figs are perfectly acceptable. Staff don't enter contests - they usually have their own category
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Check out the trailer - it has lots of reference pics. Honestly though, you are not bound by the movie or video game - anything Middle Eastern in flavour will do.
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
REPEAT AND RINSE: You do *not* need any official PoP sets, parts or minifigs to enter. Use an Adventurers fig. Or an Indy villain. Or a re-dressed Agents fig. The only limit is your imagination!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
LEGO Prince of Persia - The Eurobricks Contest Prince of Persia month is here! To celebrate the launch of the movie in late May, and the amazing LEGO theme it has brought us, Eurobricks is hosting an exciting contest with something for everyone. Check out the full details of all categories and rules in the Contest Discussion Thread in the Licensed forum. And did I mention that major prizes are being donated by the LEGO Group ? Your time starts now! Entries close Monday 17 May!
LEGO Prince of Persia Month - the Eurobricks Contest
Prince of Persia The Eurobricks Exclusive Contest (Click on the pic for larger version) Prince of Persia month is here! To celebrate the launch of the movie in late May, and the amazing LEGO theme it has brought us, Eurobricks is hosting an exciting contest with something for everyone. Check out the full details below. And did I mention that major prizes are being donated by the LEGO Group? Your time starts now! Entries close Monday 17 May - post all contest-related questions in this thread Category 1 - Expand the Theme Prince of Persia has one of the smallest lines ever produced - only 5 sets. Expand the official universe by creating your own version of a LEGO Prince of Persia set. It could be a building, battle-scene, vehicle, or whatever you can imagine, and range in size from a chariot to a full UCS-style temple. It could reflect scenes from the movie or video game series, but doesn’t necessarily need to. It should look like a set that LEGO might actually produce. No minimum or maximum part or minifig limit Entry should include the name of your creation, and a 1-paragraph description written in the style of a Shop @ Home blurb You do not need to use any official Prince of Persia parts or figs to enter. See the full list of rules below Post your entries in the Category 1 entry topic located here First Prize: 7573 Battle of Alamut, kindly donated by The LEGO Group and shipped courtesy of the Eurobricks staff. Second Prize: To Be Confirmed (TBC) Category 2 – The Persian Version aka The Persian-ify Could you make a desert oasis from a Belville set? Or a sacred temple from a modular building? How about a mechanical chariot from a Technic bulldozer, or caravanserai from an Emerald Night? Put your skills to the test by Persian-ifying a set from an existing LEGO theme. You don’t even have to use parts from the original set, but you can if you wish. The aim is to produce a Persian-spirited version of an existing set, populated with minifigs and details which might occupy the POP-verse. No minimum or maximum part or minifig limit Entry should include the name of your creation, a 1 paragraph description of your set’s Persian-specific features, and a link to the Brickset reference page of the original You do not need to use any official Prince of Persia parts or figs to enter. See the full list of rules below. Post your entries in the Category 2 entry topic located here First Prize: 7571 Fight for the Dagger, kindly donated by The LEGO Group and shipped courtesy of the Eurobricks staff. Second Prize: To Be Confirmed (TBC) Category 3 - BAM (Build a Market Stall) The Alamut bazaar is a bustling hub of commerce – but that merchant seems lonely with just an apple cart and a camel for a customer! Create an add-on to the official 7571 Fight for the Dagger set by designing your own unique small-sized Market Stall! It can be in any style you wish and sell any product! 250 pieces maximum, not including minifigs Any minifig accessory held in a fig’s hands or worn on its body does not add to the part count; any fig accessory or part not used on a fig does count (eg if a merchant was holding an apple, it wouldn’t count, but it would if it was sitting in a bowl as part of the stall display) Entry should include the name of your creation You do not need to use any official Prince of Persia parts or figs to enter. See the full list of rules below Post your entries in the Category 3 entry topic located here First Prize: 7570 Ostrich Race, kindly donated by The LEGO Group and shipped courtesy of the Eurobricks staff. Second Prize: To Be Confirmed (TBC) RULES APPLYING TO ALL CATEGORIES The contest will run from now until midnight May 17 2010, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)! You may continually modify and update your entries and entry posts right up until the deadline One entry per category per member and no recycling of old creations Custom decals and non-LEGO string and cloth/canvas/paper are allowed. Third party commercial parts (e.g. Brickarms, Brickforge) and customised minifig parts are not allowed. No clone brands or digital entries No minifig limit Post 3 pictures in the relevant contest entry threads (maximum size 800x600). See the Tutorials Index for help with resizing images and deeplinking. Judging will take place by a public vote. New members joining after April 16 are eligible to enter, but only members who joined before April 16 will be eligible to vote. The word of the staff is final. They may have their own secret special prize to be awarded in each category on their unknowable and capricious whims. Anyone asking questions about the secret staff prize will be automatically disqualified. Seriously, don't even mention it Have fun!
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 1
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entry Thread - CATEGORY 1 - Expand the Theme ** POST THE NAME OF YOUR CREATION, SHORT DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH, AND YOUR THREE ENTRY PICS HERE ** All questions should be posted in the contest discussion thread.
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 2
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entry Thread - CATEGORY 2 - The Persian Version ** POST THE NAME OF YOUR CREATION, YOUR THREE ENTRY PICS, AND SHORT DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH HERE ** All questions should be posted in the contest discussion thread.
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entries - Category 3
LEGO Prince of Persia Contest Entry Thread - CATEGORY 3 - BAM - Build A Market Stall ** POST THE NAME OF YOUR MARKET STALL, PIECE COUNT AND YOUR THREE ENTRY PICS HERE ** Talk about the amazing entries and give feedback to their creators in this thread. All rule related questions should be posted in the contest discussion thread.
Happy Birthday Zorro
I am zorrified I didn't know of this occasion sooner! I trust your Zorroscope reading is fruitful on this magic day! No need to drown your zorros, it's time to party!
Review: 8097 Slave 1
The problem with all the Slave Is since 2002 is the following piece, which I think was originally struck just for Jango's Slave It: The problem is that its sucky in any other context and to be frank it doesn't do a very good job of capturing the more curvature of the actual ship, which is much rounder - not flat with a bit of slope and a zig-zag edge If they really wanted to go all out on this set, they should have redesigned this aspect - which we've been saddled with since 2002 - along the lines of what they *have* done with the dark green quarter-doughnut pieces. Maybe the next revamp in 2013, 2016 or 2019 will finally improve
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