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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. Haven't you been watching the Clone Wars?
  2. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Great pic, Oky! Thanks!
  3. Dear Eurobricks Members, As our beloved site continues to grow and expand, so too does the team that brings you the best and the brightest LEGO set reviews in the whole AFOL community! We Teachers are committed to making the Reviewer's Academy as inclusive as possible, so with that in mind I am pleased to announce the launch of a new Teacher's Pet program. Here's the deal, in summary: 'Teacher's Pets are those who are keenly interested in the reviewing process but don't have the energy or time to commit to the full 9-review intensive grading process. By signing up to be a Teacher's Pet, you will gain an exclusive 'Apple' tag and be required to cross-check a Teacher's grading in ordinary reviews. For example, point out where the Teacher may have missed a dark-edged photo or made an inadvertent spelling error. Teacher's Pets will provide an invaluable service in ensuring 100% quality reviews are produced by the Academy. Sign up today! As a pilot program, the Teacher's Pet scheme is subject to revision at any time.' This is a great way for your voice to be heard! As this is a trial, places are limited to 20 sign-ups at the moment. We have 10 red apple tags and 10 green apple tags to give to those who are ready to take the first step. Simply post in this thread with the words 'I am ready to become a Teacher's Pet!', state your preference for a coloured tag, and we will be in touch with more details very shortly. Here are the tags: Red apple: Green apple: Thanks!
  4. Yeah, put your money where your mouth is, cheeky dinosaur It's so hard to tell what's fake and what's real. If you'd asked me if a prototype looking white Mandalorian would be released as an exclusive 6 months ago I wouldn't believe you. But apparently even Bricklink says the white ones will be as common as muck soon since they're this year's 'novelty' item.
  5. I hope these aren't going to be made in China
  6. When I wear my bonnet and push the pram with my cat Sable in it, wearing a frilly bib, no one bats an eye! But this is King's Cross after all. Here's an extract from today's e-news from the pastor of the famous Wayside chapel which is just a few doors down from this fine MOC in real life: Local colour ON!
  7. Svelte replied to gormadoc's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    I suspect that the mould was changed purely for a practical reason - to sit more solidly in the new double katana backpack piece, probably. I don't have a spare old katana at hand to check this out but I honestly don't see why they would change the mould for any other reason.
  8. Maybe what Castle needs is a proper UCS-style set, as many people have suggested in this forum over the years - something in between the intimidating mega-MOCs that we see in the CC contests and the more cleverly, 'technique-oriented' Exclusives such as the Modular Houses. Something with a nice level of detail and interesting design, but not so massive as to require a 64x64 layout, for example 10193 MMV is a lovely set, but not really revolutionary. I was surprised that it didn't inspire more similar creations or expansions to the villages, to be honest, as Cafe Corner did. Maybe MMV was very nice, but just not exciting enough to inspire such devotion?
  9. Do I even need to answer this question? Yes, it's the new type. Look a pic up on Bricklink. My work is done!
  10. Svelte replied to Ricecracker's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
  11. Just so you know, there is no strict front-paging policy - news and competitions attract first priority but we do recognised older set reviews of interest and great MOCs too Unfortunately, whilst its true that the Staff of Eurobricks are rewarded for their labours by being regularly showered in chrome bricks, leaked sets from the Vault and massages from LEGO set designers, occasionally real life intervenes and the Staff might have other work or personal concerns that mean not everything gains the attention that some people think it might deserve. To adapt an old showman's adage, you can't please all of the people, all of the time Personally I think EB tends to go on swings and roundabouts - there have been periods of intense SW related frontpaging in the past and I have no doubt those days will come again.
  12. Yes, the traps can be activated at the same time - they don't collide The light-up feature only works if you insert the dagger on the left hand side.
  13. I have a feeling that is likely. It seems almost noone is interested in this set
  14. Theme: Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time Set: 7572 Quest Against Time Pieces: 506 Price: $US49.99; $CAD69.99 Resources: Shop @ Home, Bricklink, Brickset Introduction The second largest set in the Prince of Persia theme doesn't seem to be looked on with much enthusiasm by AFOLs, perhaps because it doesn't have the eye-catching design of the Battle of Alamut or any of the unique animals in the smaller sets. However with 500 pieces in very useful basic bricks, this is a great value set with some fun play features. Join with me into a dark and mysterious journey into danger as explore the very lair of the Sands of Time... ** All pics link to high-res flickr versions for detail fans ** Box, Parts & Instructions The front of the box. 506 parts is pretty good for a $US49.99 Licensed set, and it's 99% bricky goodness - only a very few Technic pieces - just one of the reasons I am loving the Prince of Persia line so much. The side of the box again shows character names. The Hassansin leader is called 'Zolm', which sounds like the noise a brass gong makes when hit. Maybe that's why he's hiding out in a desert cave with snake friends who can't call out his name mockingly.'ZOOOOOOOOLMMMM!' The back of the box shows all the traps and tribulations Dastan will face whilst Princess Tamina stands at the entrance looking impatient! (And beautiful.) Two instruction books, with the usual US-printed colour issues. In Book 1, dark bley looks black and in Book 2, it looks light bley! Some poster art from the back of the book. Oddly this echoes the actual promo pic from the Jan Aus/ NZ catalogue, except that was built with real bricks. Maybe they render and CGI-fiddled with it afterwards. This is a nice call-back to the Indy line which had similar stylised art. Random instruction page showing the front section. The shape of the lovely gate is actually obscured by all the rocky stuff and traps which is added later, but it's a nicely executed and very architecturally-different little mini-model in itself. People interested in the parts inventory look here - Page 1 Page 2 There are 5 polybags, no loose parts. This is the first LEGO set I've ever seen where *just* the minifigs get a whole bag unto themselves. I wonder why this is? All 500+ lovely parts spilled out seductively. The primary accents are dark bley, dark tan, and medium nougat, with smatterings of trans-yellow and tan. (There are also lots of the new 1x1 brick with stud on 1 side in black, but I didn't notice these until I was building ) Lots of trans-yellow parts with some plates and 1 round brick. Glowy! More dark brown spears, carrot torch, and some nice gold pieces. We also get an extra Dagger in this set. In medium nougat, we receive 6 arches, some bricks, and 2 exclusive Lion head pieces. Lots of dark tan 8x8 plates and some tiles. Minifigs! Dastan and Tamina - we've seen these 2 already. Zolm the snake-wielding Hassansin Leader has milky, blinded eyes. Spooky-do! This set would have been more appealing to collectors if they didn't dump him in a magnet set too. The head in full and the torso print. No rear printing on the head or torso. The Nizam has golden-embroided long robe with rear printing on the back of his torso. Beautiful print! Dastan does look like a scruffy scrubber next tio the sharp-featured Nizam, I'd probably give him the Dagger of Time too! The Build - Part 1 - Gate section The first section to be completed is this spiky-edged gate with accents of gold and medium nougat - a visually impressive treat in itself - I would quite like to see a whole set done in this harder, more menacing architectural style than what we see in the Battle of Alamut set. The wooden spikes don't do anything apart from turn - maybe this is in the movie since they don't act as a trap here. As you pass through the gate, beware a swinging scimitar which scythes southwards! The Technic pins connect this section of the build to the rear module. There are two traps on either side of the front of this playset. Both are activated by pushing the curved submodel on the right of this picture into the model. It only moves forward one stud but they do work very smoothly. The dark tan 2 x2 tiles with 1 stud are there for 'parkour' play and are actually pretty good for holding your fig in position just strongly enough to be knocked over or beheaded! When you push the bley section as marked by the red arrow, two swords swing down and shred the foolish victim. GAME OVER! The bloody blade! Again, pushing the area marked by the red arrow flips the blade solidly down into the middle of the main model. GAME OVER, Dastan! Mwahaahah! Build Part 2 - Rear section The second part of the build constructs the rear section of the set. There are only 2 of those rocky mini-BURPs in this set The trap here is a 4x4 plate which sits on only a few studs and which can easily be flipped up by pressing a 2x4 bley tile downwards. GAME OVER , Tamina! The finished penultimate submodel. A random skele head and torch add some detail. I do really like all the rocky detail included in this set. Look at all those dark bley slopes and cheese! The similarly-themed subterranean 7199 Temple of Doom minecar chase set suffered from having too many colours and no real consistency in design - this set looks a lot more naturalistic and useful for MOCers. Pirates and Castle fans will love it as a source of basic dark bley for mountainous landscapes Nizam helpfully indicates where the final submodel will sit, surrounded by modified plates for easy removal. And here we go. The final submodel contains the Power Function brick and lots of yellow, representing the Sands of Time (I'm guessing)! There are splashes of medium nougat too. The Sands of Time a-glow! This is a great feature for a $US50 Licensed set and I bet kids will love it. When the Dagger of Time is pushed into a 1x1 Technic brick, the Power Function brick lights up in this beautiful display. The light stays on when you leave the Dagger in, too, unlike other models where you personally have to depress the light brick to keep it going. A darker and more sinister view. The yellow glow represents the swirling miasma of the mysterious Sands of Time! The finished model (I recommend clicking for larger versions of these pics; they look much better this way ) The finished model is one continuous cave, unlike the box art, which has broken it up to show more detail. It is a lot less random-looking and probably more appealing arranged this way, I have to say. Looking up from ground level at the entrance to the cave shows just how far Dastan has to travel to reach the Nizam. The size of the model is pretty good in my opinion - not too long (like the Temple of Doom mine car set which is difficult to display) and with the right amount of detail for its size. The play features are all pretty good, work well and are easily re-setted for repeat enjoyment. GAME ON! Rear view. There is some empty storage space below the Sands of Time model, but there are a few rocks here too, which is a nice touch. Maybe the Nizam has a chillout lounge down here. Side view! Finally, extra parts. I missed a few spots where the dark bley was meant to go, and added them after taking this pic Conclusion Minifigs - 8/10 - the only unique minifig here is Zolm the Hassansin Leader, and he's available in a magnet set. This is the only other set to feature Tamina and I don't mind having an extra Nizam with his gold disco duds. Parts: 9/10 - A MOCer's delight! A treasure trove of dark bley slopes and cheese, with generous helpings of other colours too. The medium nougat lion heads are exclusive to this set. Maybe a bit dull if you already have lots of rocky parts, but I imagine Pirates and Castles fans will enjoy this set! Build: The traps are all well executed (haha!) and there are some fun techniques which you could replicated in your own creations. The light-up feature is a big bonus and the dark tan 2x2 tiles with 1 stud really do help minifig poseability for parkour play! Overall Rating: 8.5/10. Like a lot of others, I found this the most visually unappealing of all the sets, but what it lacks in unique design or animals, it more than makes up for in parts and playability. I couldn't imagine getting all the other sets and not this - it really does add a different locale to the Prince of Persia LEGO universe of desert traps, mad markets, and the Alamut fortress
  15. Nice quick Photoshoppin'! Now you can go back and remove all the dark corners from my pics, since I always have so many I never bother removing them I am not sure about removing one wall from the Alamut set and straightforwardly replacing it, as it weakens the fort. I think expanding the walls and enlarging the interior, and then adding the market to the inside, might be one way to go. Personally I want to get a few Alamuts to make a lovely walled fortress/ town. We definitely need some pics of all these sets together
  16. No, there are no pins, and I don't see how you could clip it into the available shape anyway. Maybe they meant 'attached' as in 'adjacent' and you just place the market outside the gates , which would make more sense in term of a fort layout anyway.
  17. Good idea! I have the three smallest sets all displayed together now and I was just thinking this morning that they needed a tan baseplate to add to the desert feel
  18. There is already a topic about this. No need for another. Thanks.
  19. Svelte replied to Joey Lock's post in a topic in Community
  20. Haha! I agree. I am sticking with 'medium nougat' myself. If only because it's 100% more delicious-sounding! As for licensed sets being overpriced... Nobody is really sure what the non-NA market prices will be, but I think the Prince of Persia line represents substantial value for any theme, let alone a Licensed one. Just look at the Star Wars line for example of overpriced license. The 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder with 176 pieces is the same price as the 7571 Fight for the Dagger in $US, yet contains considerably less interesting pieces and figs (apart from 1 exclusive fig noone could even remember without looking her up on Wookiepedia). I love that the Prince of Persia line is 99% old-fashioned bricks, too, not Technic pins and beams. (I don't even think PoP will end up as expensive as SW, however.)
  21. They do! But only in the Grand Emporium set so far The new arch piece will also come in black when the Portal of Atlantis set is released.
  22. I'm not convinced the set is that expensive. 238 pieces for $US30 isn't bad. Plus, the set is a lot more substantial than the box art suggests. Actually it reminded me of the Harry Potter set 4706 Forbidden Corridor from 2001. It was a Licensed set with 4 figs, a specialty mould animal, and a tower with a staircase In 2001, it's list price was $US30 and GBP25 (according to Peeron and brickset) so almost 10 years later you can't tell me a similar set with the exact same price doesn't represent good value
  23. No, but Quest Against Time has a spare
  24. According to the wisdom of the wiki, a dromedary *is* a one-humped Arabian camel. This is an Arabian theme, that's close enough for me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dromedary
  25. I took one but it was too blurry to add in this review I will take another and add it just for you Ras74
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