Everything posted by Svelte
- 10211 Grand Emporium
Movies you can't unsee!
Avatar was admirable. I mean, I definitely found it impressive. I was impressed! But then a few weeks later I saw Sherlock Holmes and I thought - wow, this is everything that I want in a movie that Avatar didn't have - involving story, great characters, sense of humour, action - just all-round enjoyment. That was for me what Avatar lacked.
Movies you can't unsee!
Amongst all the orgiastic cultists and other lost cast members of Red Moon, I do remember sitting in the cinema at one point thinking 'Wow! They've really managed to match the colour of the bathroom in this scene to Nicole's dress!' Yes, that is my most enduring memory
Parts you have an unaccountable fondness for?
As a counterpoint to the other topic about which parts you wish LEGO would use less of, which parts do you have a secret fondness for? I don't mean the usual ones that everyone loves, but the ones that may be slightly oddball or even *whispers* <insert that tiresome argument>? They can be produced in the millions or only found in a select number of sets! As long as you them dearly. Try and tell us why you find them so appealing, too. I love this propeller piece, especially in green. Sure, it's massive, but there's just something about it which says 'giant cartoony plant' which I adore: A lot of people don't like these rock pieces, but I love these ones introduced in the 2005 Alpha Team sets - especially the frosted medium blue versions - great for icy landscaping! Sloping wedge pieces (both L and R versions). There's something very appealing about the way this gradates from slope to ordinary brick. It's a tricksy brick! I wish these were more commonly available in landscaping colours instead of white, as you can get such lovely natural looking curvature from using these en-masse. This cupboard piece is brilliant! I can't understand why they only used it in 3 sets back in the early 80s! It fits the standard sized cupboard trays *or* a 2 x 3 x 4 door piece and would have been great to flesh out home furniture displays like pantries or wardrobes. A missed opportunity! On another furniture related note, how could you not want this piece? I don't own it but who doesn't want a prefab minifig bath? And finally for this batch (I have more!) I've always liked the single column piece for architectural detailing. It somehow looks impressive and if the rest of your creation is detailed, it doesn't matter if you use the occasional large pillar
Red Moon Chapter 4
Oh, sweet queasy Jesus! This just gets worse and worse. *Sylvia ducks to avoid having any demon facehuggers flying at her from window level* *while she's down there - a feeling which is not entirely unfamiliar - she attempts to peer under the bus itself to see if there's anything hiding underneath*
Red Moon Chapter 4
TWIST! Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. I'm in shock! Did that happen while I was here? It must have. No offence to Jack, but that could have been me! I am officially creeped out. I would like to go back to the bus and away from this temple of doom as soon as possible. It was kind of amusing when it was a spooky ghost story with puzzles, but dismembered bodies and entrails and suchlike... it's all become horribly real
Parts you wish TLG would use less of
I toss my Spielberg and Creepy Bearded Man minifig heads in the trash nowadays. Yes! I'm shameless. I'd rather they spend eternity in landfill rather than find a home elsewhere. I agree about this one. They seem to use it a lot when 2 2x2 plates would do just as well, or as an odd-looking decorative piece. This piece, especially in pearl silver: This piece is less common now Exo-Force is dead, but still annoying: This is the worst flame piece LEGO has ever produced, and thankfully seems to have been replaced by the nice new 2009 one. I know, it's only in 5 sets but I have four of those 5 so it seems like I have more There's nothing wrong with this piece, but I hate they do massive runs of it without doing the matching roof pieces. It was bad enough in pearl gold, but now Kingdoms will have masses of these in dark green: I know I'm not alone in hating this overused piece. Sure, it was novel in 2005 but 5 years later we need something better! I understand the necessity of this piece, I'm just sick of them. I must have almost 100 in black alone:
Movies you can't unsee!
OK, I'll bite. I think the only movie I was seriously tempted to leave the theatre during was Rush Hour 2. Don't ask me why I went and saw that in the first place 'New Moon' bored the tears out of me - seriously, nothing happens for 1.5 hours and then there's 20 minutes of action at the end? - which is a shame as I did like 'Twilight'. I won't be going to see any more films in that franchise.
Your Indy Collection/ Layout
Thanks for sharing your pics everyone and for Jimbee for starting this topic! I've recently been packing a whole lot of stuff away. The collection of the first wave of Indy sets has been sitting on a shelf for two years was one to be dismantled - its rare I have anything assembled that long - and it did remind me how well the sets were designed. Yes, there are some exciting new licenses and themes, but Indy is definitely special Z06, I especially like your display, although I agree with Jimbee that the Temple of Doom is an absolute pain to display. I ended up dismantling the mine cart and kept the altar section just by itself for a while.
Movies you can't unsee!
I love Uma's flowery lair and ubercamp turn as Poison Ivy. That hair! And tedious as Eyes Wide Shut is, it's beautifully shot. I can't say I've ever had the urge to watch Battlefield Earth, however
Atlantis 2010
HE No credit is needed really, they're all from kris abel's blog anyway.
Red Moon Chapter 4
Thanks Siegourney! I fear one arm may be broken. I may be stoic and Nordic, but even I have my limits. I would appreciate some medical assistance and a splint - preferably not made of demon bone, thanks Yes, it was foolish of me to climb the scaffolding. But atop the planks, I spied a shining golden crown! I'm like a magpie that way, stick a bit of shiny bling in front of me and I can't resist! However once I got there the crown was missing! Odd, I know. And then I noticed out of the corner of my eye that someone was running from the temple into the courtyard! I didn't see anyone else, so it looks like that person may have taken the crown. I wonder if it was significant? I wonder if it forms a set with the sword? Maybe there's more items tucked around here somewhere. Anyway, it seems as if someone in this group now has the crown. Did anyone notice anyone coming out of the temple before I started screaming like a mad banshee?
Ideas for new Disney licensed sets?
I wouldn't exactly be shocked by this news if it ends up being true Also, kris abel said there would be a new line based on a Pixar release for 2011. Any ideas what that is?
Red Moon Chapter 4
Take me Siegourney! Take me! *falls willingly into Siegourney's arms* Wait, what's that splashing sensation? Feels like droplets of rain in here... Oh, that's just Samantha salivating.
Happy Birthday Teddy!
Teddy! Birthday Happy
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
I meant princesses/ daughters, but edited that out. Point taken however! Bad girls and witches obviously go for the brown/ dark green look. Peasant girls standalone!
Toy Story discussion thread
If there were pics, and we posted them, we'd probably be asked to take them down in any case. As Oky Wan says, Disney is being very protective of its property. Now that we've seen the (hideous!) Duplo Cars, I am curious to see what they do with Duplo Toy Story.
Red Moon Chapter 4
When Siegourney checks in, and if she agrees to come fetch me, then I am happy to go with what's been discussed. Then I can share with you all THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING CROWN that I espied earlier on these planks o' danger.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
OMG! OMG! These are amazing prizes indeed and well worth the wait! Thanks CopMike! I do find it funny having all the female figs with printed dresses from 2007 lined up, that they're all in shades of blue! I wonder why that is?
Red Moon Chapter 4
That's the exact four words you should NEVER say to a hysterical woman! OMG OMG! *mentally runs around in circles in distress* I shall pray to the patron saint of modular buildings, St Jamie of Billund, to see me through this panic attack. *deep breathe* *clenches Kegels whilst thinking of St Jamie* OK, I'm ready when you guys are
Red Moon Chapter 4
That sounds feasible. Do you have some lovely throw cushions to put on the scaffolding first? I don't want to break any more bones when I land. Er... maybe the Sword Bearer shouldn't have the tip of the blade pointing directly up at me when I let go, just in case. Sylvia Kebab is not on the menu, boys.
Red Moon Chapter 4
Help me! Pleeeeease! Help me or you will never know what I found atop the plankwork! Somebody better come up with a feasible rescue plan soon! I think one arm is broken and I can't hold on much longer with the other.... Who's the fattest? If worse comes to worst, they can lay on the ground and I can just land on them. Delicately! Or maybe Johnson can talk into a sealed bag and fill it with enough hot air to form a balloon... Heeeeelp!
Red Moon Chapter 4
Help! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP! Ack! I think my arm is broken! Help me! I don't want to fall! I'm too lovely to die like a soft peach dropped from a great height! Heeeeeeelp!
Space Police 2010
That new alien looks like a Terileptil to moi.
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
It's a shame we didn't get to see any of the proper sets. I hope they make it to New York in a week's time.
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