Everything posted by Svelte
What is the hardest Lego set you have ever built?
I agree that repetition is different from difficulty. My mind is not equipped to understand Technic models (), so something like the Motorized AT-AT central engine section was tricksy. I had problems with parts in the wrong spots without really having the eye to see what was wrong without rebuilding. I think of it in terms of how much I anticipate a re-build. There are sets that are repetitive that I could build again and again, like the Modular Houses. Even a rebuild of the Death Star was fun and gave me a new level of appreciation of the design Probably the one I'd least look forward to rebuilding is the 10196 Carousel, which combines lots of Technic framing with very repetitious steps (8x this, 16x that).
Prince of Persia 2010
One-shot licenses! It's the way of the future, kids The PoP sets won't last 6 months on retail shelves, probably longer at S@H - just like KOTCS. Since LEGO is so cozy with Disney, we should be looking at imdb to see what's slated for production in 2011. And, yes, I am crazy! Although the fact that the minifigs were sort of similar - headwrap, similar torsos, drug-addled eyes - could be why one was dropped and the horse added.
Do you like studs hidden or showing?
I prefer some studs, as I like my MOCs to look like LEGO, and part of the same LEGO system that I played with as a kid. There's an element of nostalgia in that, I suppose. But I also like LEGO to be playable and I hate minifigs that constantly fall over on smooth surfaces so I always have studs somewhere for practical reasons. The stud is the defining aesthetic component of the LEGO system, and to erase it completely seems needlessly snobbish (OMG! Realism!) or somewhat obsessive-compulsive. Out damn stud! As Lady Macbeth might say. To compare two builders who seem to share similar interests () I have to say I prefer I Scream Clone's work to kris kelvin's for this very reason. Compare and contrast the recent Western MOCs! To me, ISC's Saloon MOC looks more fun and organic, and isn't ashamed of its studdy foundation - it's an inviting balance of detail and playability. While kris' work is beautiful, I find it a little too polished. Looking at Pif Paf City you can see what Siegfried means about using studs to add texture (like the road works or missing planks on the brown building) - once you start, then you sort of have to tile everything else as contrast. Great builders, very different styles - but I believe the stud should be celebrated not hidden away! The Emerald Night must be one of the most studless official System models ever made at such a scale. It was instantly what I thought of when I saw this topic (before I read the first post). It's a beautiful train but I don't think I'd want everything in that style
The internal LEGO Color scheme
The amazing Jamie Berard said that they had actually gone back to pre-coloured ABS pellets for dark red, which explains the dramatic improvement in consistency. It still doesn't explain why 'new' dark red is so different to everything that came before Sorry - I should have posted this in the Quality thread a while ago I'd still like to know if the one gold colour listed on this chart replaces the previous two versions of gold - metallic and pearl - as seen in the dramatically different colour used in the Atlantis tridents and gate pieces (which also arguably could be separate golds).
Limo and helicopter 3222
Why can noone spell 'helicopter'? The other topic is 'helecopter', this one is 'helicoptor'
The internal LEGO Color scheme
I think the colours are as follows: # 18 - Nougat - is what we commonly call Dark Flesh # 283 - Light Nougat - is what we commonly call Light Flesh and #312 - Medium Nougat - probably the new caramelly colour seen in the Prince of Persia Battle of Alamut set
The internal LEGO Color scheme
I thought Phosphorescent Green was the 'glow in the dark' colour used for Bionicle spines etc, but I may be wrong.
The internal LEGO Color scheme
Yeah, the horse has kind of bolted when it comes to colour names. I really don't want to have to relearn them all again I wonder if the 312 Medium Nougat shade is the new Prince of Persia colour in the Alamut set? The other nougat shades seem to correspond to flesh tones. If this is the 2010 chart you'd think any new colours would have to be included. And unless they have stopped producing metallic silver and gold, and pearl gold, altogether then how do the golds sit under 297 Warm Gold? Is the new metallicy-pearl Atlantis trident/ gate piece colour a complete replacement for the other shades of gold?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
The Creator sets were all available at K-Mart, $14 for the small ones and $65 for the Apple Tree House (as posted on a previous page). I saw the car too but didn't check the price.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
The early figs we saw of Toy Story figs had the marks on the inside arms, as do the final figs, so how they appear at Toy Fair is more than likely what we will get. I don't see anything wrong with discussing quality concerns. I mean, someone has to since LEGO pretty clearly doesn't care much themselves (despite what the annual reports say). I've had dodgy figs where the printing is substandard, the colour of printing doesn't match, the plastic is translucent, and the figs have ugly square marks on the inside of the arm and I really don't want to see more of the same thing. I've been waiting 3 years since they first started messing up colour for someone to fix it, and it hasn't happened yet, so I'm a little sceptical of any official claims made by LEGO. If they can't get basic yellow or reddish-brown right after all this time, I don't have any confidence that someone is going to wave a magic wand over the crappy factory and instantly fix it. I can understand the economics involved of this type of production, but I don't have to like it or subsidise it. It's not nostalgia for the 'old days' or AFOL auto-whining to question why certain products are not the same quality as they were a few years ago. Personally I think LEGO should tread especially carefully when it comes to figs, since in the wider public consciousness they define LEGO. If they damage their reputation here, it could be difficult to fix down the line. At some point everyday consumers are going to think of LEGO and think not of the wonderful joy of bricks, but of largely empty cardboard boxes, horribly crushed sticker sheets, wildly varied brick colours, and tacky looking figs.
City 2010
I haven't built mine yet, but it does look good. Looking through the instructions, I was really impressed they included 'business' type seating instead of the usual rescue stuff (which I was subconsciously expecting). It really adds to the high-powered air-taxi feel of the build
Prince of Persia 2010
Pfft! Which is more crazy - thinking that Amazon used dodgy washed-out images, or that LEGO invented a whole new version of browny orange when they're constantly telling us that they're reducing the parts selection and chopping back at the colour palette?
Prince of Persia 2010
I already said I changed my mind. Keep up!
Prince of Persia 2010
You're all crazy. He's in 7572, Quest Against Time.
Prince of Persia 2010
For the pricepoint, it wasn't going to happen. I'd rather have the horse than the Hassassin, which is probably what it came down to. Battlepacks ON!
Prince of Persia 2010
I agree. I'd rather have the lovely horse and dark tan bush than some random bits and bobs. I do like the jewel holder design and flaming dish in the prelim. The horse's saddle definitely looks sand blue. It was originally found in some of the LEGO Games sets - check the Bricklink catalog listing for this piece here:
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I wasn't planning on picking up the Airport, but $114 is a price that's hard to beat for a new release that doesn't seem available anywhere else yet (I'm sure someone will have it at $99 before Easter ). The limo and heli set looks like a great one too.
PTVII - Staff Winners
I was away when the results came in, so congrats to Erdsy and SleepyOwl I am pleased that my simple creation depicting the post-naval friendship between a retired Imperial captain and his cabin boy followed in third position
TOMBCLONE: Wild West MOC Series
I love that saloon - especially the detailed balcony supports detailing I like how you've photographed it so the bricks look like dark tan and dark brown too
REVIEW: 3181 Passenger Plane
Thanks for the review, doodz! This is the rarest of creatures - an Aussie-first retail release and exclusive review Now do the airport! And the limo set! The plane looks OK. I do like the overall shape, but for the size you really don't get much more interior than the really old classic small planes like the 6597 Century Skyway plane - just a row of seats one in front of the other as in that more compact set. Compared to the 2006 7893 Passenger Plane, which had a better interior, this is a little bit of a let-down. I can't help but feel that there must have been some compromise between size and detailed interior that would sit somewhere between the 2006 and 2010 versions. Still, it's nice to see a more brick-built version, although I am still not convinced by that nose piece. The price seems OK too. Thanks again for the review!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I popped into my local K-Mart this morning (Bondi Junction) and they'd just started unpacking some Duplo and the Lighting Repair Truck - didn't see anything else but it looks like City is hitting NSW now too. Hopefully they will be stocked by the weekend.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Looks like K-Mart will be cutthroat competitive with pricing this year too That is exciting about the limo set I hope it reaches Sydney soon...
Your worst fear...
Well, now. It looks like you've answered your own question of what could kill EB Seriously, if this is discussion is going nowhere - which it isn't! - it will be closed
Prince of Persia 2010
Disney is really clamping down on these, despite the fact that the releases are only a few months away The first post will NOT be updated for the time being since we'll be asked to remove them anyway. Save the images (if you already haven't!) while you can.
Prince of Persia 2010
Thanks for the supersized scan, pedro!
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