Everything posted by Svelte
Red Moon Confirmation & Discussion thread
Just to let you know I'll be away from tomorrow morning and return on Wednesday 28 Jan. Let's hope I don't get possessed by demons in that time. Even if I do, I expect to return and find my immaculately coiffed naturally blonde hair exactly as I left it.
Red Moon: Chapter Three
If you look at the original pic, the hand was in a different position. At the very start of the day I moved it, and something happened behind the walls, but we saw no visible result.
Red Moon: Chapter Three
I can't believe you are all so calm with that spooky presence in the room! Obviously on the tour bus ride in you all took your complimentary Xanax pills as provided by management. Clearly the shadow is trying to tell us something about the west library, or entrance to it. Perhaps to reveal the clue that we need to progress? Wasn't this the entrance where the statue arm was originally in a different position? Maybe we need to do something else here? We have matches now, can't we light the torches the statues are holding?
10211 Grand Emporium
Odd yet disturbingly true Australia is the new Billund I think the Grand Emporium will tie for me as best modular building along with Cafe Corner Jamie, I hope that when it is released you may be able to share with us some pictures of your earlier builds or concepts of the Grand Emporium, as you did in Brickjournal with the alt-10182s that were shown. I'd be interested to know if your original plans for the interior were different. For example, obviously with a detailed interior we aren't getting the beautifully tiled floor of the Green Grocer, for example, so it would be nice to know if there was a 'designer's own MOD' that we could glimpse which might include this extra level of perfection
MOC: Corner office building
Lovely work! The colour scheme is great and the building looks beautifully designed. I especially like the combination of the latticed door pieces with the smaller windows to create supersized windows in the middle floor. I like the through-lines of tan at different stages, but I would suggest maybe bringing down the 1 brick high line of tan at the top and bottom by 1 plate thickness - it looks maybe a touch too thick. I like the use of teeth, but perhaps instead of using them continuously as a decorative wrap, I'd alternate them with some other decorative piece, like a modified 1x1 piece or even just a 1x1 round part. Your pavement is very nice too, with the through-line of dark tan
- The EB Glossary
MOC: Corner Office Building
badsneaker shares with us a lovely modular-style corner office building: Click on the image above for more pictures and to discuss this amazing creation!
Prince of Persia 2010
It is. It's listed as April in the Oz catalogue, but clearly Disney is being funny about releasing set images.
Red Moon: Chapter Three
Clearly the pillar under construction has a round hole rather than a cross axle-shape like the other pillars. I know we can't touch near the scaffolding, but does anyone think of it any significance, or think we have an object that may match or correlate with the differently shaped hole? Can we plug anything we have into the cross axle holes in the other pillars, maybe?
5x Cafe Corner MOC
For that price, I'd rather just get 4 proper MISB sealed ones and have the joy of deboxing and building with fresh shiny bricks rather than just picking up and reinstalling someone else's work in a new location. I don't think they look so good in a strip anyway, I'd be tempted just to have a 64 x 64 layout rather than a 32 x 160.
Your worst fear...
By that stage, human technology will have progressed so we will be able to cybernetically incorporate LEGO into our living tissue. Some of us will choose Bionicle-type claw extensions, otherwise will use Technic frames in our legs to act as bone replacements, and others (like me) will walk around with a Cafe Corner permanently attached to my cranium as headwear. The future is terrifying
- 10211 Grand Emporium
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Cafe Corner is one of those boxes which is difficult to keep nice anyway, since it has the flimsy thin front cardboard and the tearing side flaps. Thankfully all the new Exclusives do have the collapsible boxes which makes storage handy. I wonder what the deal with the big black sticker on the front is? US version maybe?
MOC: Jurassic Park Jeep
marcosbessa brings us this eye-popping Jurassic Park Jeep MOC: Click on the pic to comment on this amazing and colourful creation!
- jp3MOC.jpg
Pictures of bags in Town Plan?
The build happens in four parts, but there are a lot more than 4 bags There's also loose pieces, like the train base. I guess you could go through the instructions with the bags you have and see if the parts match up. That probably isn't as tricky as it sounds. I do have a pic somewhere of all the bags but it may take a day to dig it out. From memory, there's an awful lot
Mix, yellow or flesh
From what I've seen, all the figs are just ordinary fleshy - no variety at all, unlike last year's Indy sets.
- 10211 Grand Emporium
Rock Monster Keyring Removal Procedure
You have to give them back
Rock Monster Keyring Removal Procedure
Aaah, the cycle of life. It's a shame these are so disposable. As collectibles, I've never really seen the point of keyrings since you can't use the LEGO ones without them getting scuffed quick smart. That said, I have 2 Catwomen ones lying around in a cupboard if you want to 'fix' her
Red Moon: Chapter Three
Can we remove the torches? If so, I'd like to take one once Samantha has finished with it. They might be useful after dark.
Red Moon: Chapter Three
I hope I haven't broken anything I'll let someone else play around with all the arm permutations if they so wish. I hear Samantha is good at shaking strange men's appendages I'd like to peer into the small chamber and see if I can make out anything, if I may.
MOC: Jurassic Park Jeep
Same! This is a sweet creation!
Red Moon Confirmation & Discussion thread
I think the pacing is perfect and I actually like a well-placed 'cliffhanger' of a few days between chapters to build anticipation. Obviously excitement is high judging by the people continuing to play the game in this thread!
Red Moon: Chapter Three
My! As a renowned interior designer and natural blonde, I've certainly had some eclectic clients - I had to recreate the temple interior for a job. Sourcing all the finishes for those demon statues was sort of tricksy. Ooh, is that a loose brick I spy to the left of the central platform? I'd like to look under it if I may. I have always relied on the kindness of strangers dark tan. I'd also like to shake hands with that sticky-up statue on the left-hand library as I pass. Can you tell us any more about the construction works, Mr Willoughby?
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