Everything posted by Svelte
Castle Sets 2010
Looking at the larger pic, it seems pretty clear that the new Castle is positioned on the box art much like King's Castle Siege or Troll's Mountain Fortress and is more the size of the latter - you can see that the section with the red-roofed tower is folded to the right-hand side (look at the green ground plates to see what I mean) - in the actual set I bet it sits in the middle of the back wall. The side walls are only a few of the new 1x4 wall panels wide so the interior will probably be pretty cramped, too.
Marrakesh Marketplace
Why does everything have to look like a videogame? TinyPies, this is absolutely stunning - one of my favourite MOCs in a long time! The level of architectural detail and the subtly blended colour choices are amazing. I'm always a sucker for dark tan! The use of droid arms on the call to prayer tower is brilliant. All your figs are great and the layout of the market is wonderfully done - I especially like the spread capes Really nice work and like TheBrickster I'd love to see expansions. It has that wonderful balance of design and detail but is still recognisably LEGO, like the best creations. Thanks for sharing!
Review: 7593 Buzz's Star Command Spaceship
Thanks for the sweet review! Your pics get better every time! The comparison shot with Zurg is helpful, too. Not the most enticing of the TS sets to me, but kids will love the spaceship I imagine. It's a shame we couldn't get more printed parts considering how good the other sets are in this regard, but it looks OK. Kind of pricey at $US29.99 I would have thought.
- City 2010
REVIEW: 7593 Buzz's Star Command Spaceship
Oky Wan Kenobi brings us a beautifully photographed review of the new Toy Story set, 7593 Buzz's Star Command Spaceship. Click here to view this great review and join in the discussion!
- 7593_1.jpg
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Poor Sieggy - did you at least get my Xmas card? Damn Australia Post
Review : 7592 Construct-a-Buzz
Thanks for the nice review! I don't think the super-detailed sculpt of Buzz's large head sits at all well with the blocky construction of the rest of the figure. They look like they come from separately scaled lines (kind of the inverse of the Reasonably Clever pic).
Prince of Persia 2010
I don't mind a few play features at all. I'm thinking of the SW craft, Agents vehicles or even Castle, where they can't help but stick 'em everywhere there's a bare stud
Prince of Persia 2010
I have to say I am delighted by the lack of vehicles! Most themes drown under vehicle overload - heck, there's even a new 2010 theme just for World Racers - so to have a theme that doesn't have wheels, hubcap pieces, catapults and flick-fire missiles attached to everything is a dream come true!
2010 Train Sets
We don't post any pics marked confidential or prelim, or deeplink them in discussion threads You can link to them, however, as you have done.
Castle Sets 2010
Is that gold/ tan cheese on the wheels of the little assault catapult thing?
Hero Factory 2010
Smells like Bionicle-sized constraction figs to me....
World Racers Summer 2010
Please keep discussion of the World Racers in Action Themes for the time being. Thanks!
7573 Battle of Alamut
The astonishing Alywin brings us a pic of the amazing-looking Prince of Persia flagship set, 7573 Battle of Alamut Click here or on the pic to join the discussion!
Red Moon Confirmation & Discussion thread
Replace him! Time is up! Dragonator, add him to your secret blacklist! Why is there always one slow coach? And no, I don't mean the mental state of the bus' tour guide.
Custom General Grevious
Your creation may be good, but your images are ludicrously large - I have removed all deeplinks. Please go back and resize them before reposting direct images. Not everyone has unlimited bandwidth. The maximum size we like at EB is 800x600 pixels. Check the Site Guidelines for more information. Thanks.
Prince of Persia 2010
No, although I am waiting to see what the big Alamut one is like If it is anything like the poster teaser, it should be sweet Sadly the 2 smaller sets could hardly be called sets at all without the figs and special animals. The marketplace one looks like it has some interesting parts, but the design looks like an early 2000s Harry Potter set. No Indy replacement, certainly!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I wouldn't take anything seriously from Sky News! This story is just a silly season mix of PR and hype, honestly. What's the story? Ebay scalpers? That was maybe news 5 years ago, if then. Two vox pops with sad looking parents who are actually standing in front of *fully stocked* LEGO displays and then an interview with a LEGO employee *who just happens to be standing in front of a display of next year's sets*? Come on! I don't even think retailers here have had any problems. From K-Mart's example, obviously they're quite happy flogging everything off in the lead-up to Xmas. From a retailer's point of view it is much better to have empty shelves just before Xmas than it is to have fully stocked ones afterwards when toy sales plummet. I think Aussie retailers are doing just fine
Red Moon: Chapter One
I don't know; there's something oddly pleasing about that phrase... I am getting so excited about seeing the eclipse. I just hope that blood red old sky doesn't make me look like a strawberry blonde. I've heard rumours of discrimination against such people in less civilised climes, like Great Britain. No offence, Siegourney Tesco withdraws ginger-themed Xmas card
Congrats Svelte!
You can keep on congratulating me; I don't mind
PoP pics popping up!
New pics of some of the 2010 Prince of Persia pics have surfaced, originally alerted to us by Dark Wanderer, with links from AlaPo. Click here to join the discussion.
Prince of Persia 2010
I looked when the SW pics were news, and nothing was there. And nothing is there again! Alamut sounds like the best one anyway. Anyone that saved the pics, please PM me!
2010 Train Sets
If the trains contain all the PF goodies, those prices wouldn't surprise me. Trains have always been much higher priced than regular City sets because they have engines/ track included. I don't see why LEGO would suddenly switch their 'all in one' sales model now.
City 2010
Let's all keep the discussion focussed on the actual sets, please - there's a dedicated sales thread for Aussie-related stuff and even a thread for City Sets Availability for those wanting to know what is out where. Thanks!
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