Everything posted by Svelte
Honda Jazz Advertisement
It's NOT real, as the description says but at least they're 'not real' MegaBloks. I saw this last night on TV and wasn't sure if it was LEGO or not. Glad I wasn't fooled!
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
No; you can win once, and that's it for the rest of the advent calendar season
Fence building techniques
Why post a whole new topic just to announce a new technique and then say you're too tired? When you are ready to show us something, PM me and I will unlock this thread.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Just remember (or favourite) the URL: Simplicity itself!
Pictures from Lego Catalog 2010
Yes, it's more likely that these are older pics than the ones on Amazon, which *aren't* marked confidential! I wouldn't be too disheartened about the different fig here. Remember how the Indy Jan releases last year had completely different figs?
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Santa CopMike is on his sleigh at the moment doing a last-minute stopover before returning to the workshop to get everything organised. Air traffic is hell around the North Pole at this time of year Patience! All will be revealed in a few days
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Why would that be a surprise? In the badge shots, we can't see even half of the figs properly - the caveman, space dude and cowboy all look empty-handed, but from the Brickjournal business card shots, the caveman comes with a club, space dude with a laser gun, and cowboy comes with 2 pistols... I do wonder if there will be a printed insert in each bag to show what all the figs are supposed to look like, otherwise how will kids know, let alone AFOLs?
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
We haven't seen pics of the complete figs, so for all we know they may come with accessories we can't see yet I don't know why everyone seems to think these are indicative of new themes. Surely, if anything, it's the opposite. What would be the point of having a fun trading collectible series if the figs are going to appear mass-produced elsewhere in whole themes? Yes, I am sure the parts will be reused (at the supposed figure of EUR50,000 a new mould, they will be wanting to recoup investment on all this stuff) but, for example, that figure is more likely to be a specific Robin Hood rather than a generic forestman presaging a whole new Castle line.
Infection - Day 4
Surely the day is over now? It seems like we have been discussing these issues for what feels like 96 hours.
Infection - Day 4
What pumpky said. Unvote: Suze/ Shadows. Vote: Engofi/ Eskallon.
Infection - Day 4
The thing about the results, as I outlined at the start of the day, was that there hasn't really been time to work anything out conclusively. To reprise: Night 1 - Investigate Antares, blocked Night 2 - Sarah Ohce, anomalous but definitely infected Night 3 - Engofi - not infected. Hence the plan to vote Engofi off to see if I was insane or not. I understand that it might be a bit of a waste considering how useless I have otherwise been but being blocked on Night 1 has meant that we only have one day to judge from, and that day was disastrous I get the feeling that I might not be insane and there was something special about Sarah Ohce that we are yet unaware of which led to her odd results. If that is the case, though, it could be true of any one of us so none of my results will ever be taken as reliable, which I completely understand. Maybe I should just go stand in the corner with all the other silent crew.
Fabuland Housewives Season II Premiere
OMG! OMG! *faints*
Smiley Selecton
Don't take it away! That's one of my favourites!
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Thanks for making sure my image didn't look too straight, Sieggy! Go Captain EB!
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
And thanks to 3D Brickthing for adding all the lovely digital effects!
Infection - Day 4
I agree. Which is why I thought it sensible to vote for Engofi. At least then you would have some way of verifying what I was saying. And if I was wrong (again) then you'd know I was either useless or lying, and at least could get rid of me with a clear conscience. But in my opinion Big Suze created today's mess as a distraction - you can see right from the day's start she was sowing the seeds of disruption to avoid being investigated, as many of us wanted to do. We seemed to agree to a course of action, and then it was spectactularly derailed by Big Suze's sudden side-swipe pursuit of Lah'Rok. That was no accident. If she was that concerned about him, why couldn't she just block his action tonight and let us proceed according to the logical method outlined by the very rational-sounding Ada Bergsnodt? At least then we could verify if I was going to be of any use, or if I should be next on the hit-list. No, yet again, night quickly approaches and the spanner thrown in the works has mired voting in confusion and indecision
Infection - Day 4
On a personal note, I'd just like to point out that if I was going to infect people, I'd prefer to do it the old-fashioned way - by putting a wiener inside them, not faffing about with body scans. I agree, half the crew seem missing. Probably Big Suze has been biatching so much they've voluntarily stuck their heads out the airlock to avoid her diatribes.
Collectable Minifig Madness
grahamh_100 and sir dano bring us a pic of the first wave of collectable minifigs coming in 2010! Click here to join the discussion.
Happy Birthday to Rick, Aramor and Kanal-K1 !
Happy birthday guys! I love Cutlass' colour-coded greetings!
REVIEW: 8189 Magma Mech
EB devotee Oky Wan Kenobi brings us a shiny review of the bulbously blue-headed badass of the new Power Miners wave - the 8189 Magma Mech. Click here to view the review, quiver in delight at the news of metallic silver treads, and join the discussion!
Infection - Day 4
I get the feeling that Michael would vote for Big Suze if he could, but finds himself unable to That, coupled with the initiative Big Suze took in putting the kibosh on the Engofi gambit, makes me think that at least if we vote her out, we won't have to listen to her petulant biatching about how we're all a bunch of losers blah blah for the rest of the voyage Unvote: Engofi/ Eskallon. Vote: Suze Antares/ Shadows.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
There's a special calendar page set up by our talented walrus Siegfried - each day at a specified time the randomly selected winners will be revealed! Don't panic! Points are not subtracted for typos. Using an innocent child as an appeal to the fuzzy side, on the other hand... Yes; everyone, but CopMike, since it's his baby! This is one of the few contests where staff can win a prize too
Infection - Day 4
If she had scars on her chest because of a Caesarian birth, then she was 100% not human in any case
Infection - Day 4
Very disingenuous, Big Suze. You really don't want to be investigated, do you? You've been laying the seeds all through today saying that no matter what happens, the result of the investigation is not to be trusted, when the whole point of voting of Engofi is to test whether the results are insane or not and provide a way to move forward. If Engofi is infected, it's pretty clear I'm insane. If he isn't, then Sarah was an anomaly which the AI - which you are now suggesting to be infected - has yet to explain. Since everyone seems to want to test *you* next, you are finding ways to get out of that situation. Changing your mind and going after another player is a not very subtle way of trying to derail the vote so we can't test whether Engofi is infected or not and (hence my results) and so that even if I do investigate you tonight, there will be no benchmark or control to measure the results against. In other words, it will render the last 2 days discussion useless. I wonder why you find that prospect so appealing?
Infection - Day 4
Sounds like a reasonable plan to moi! Vote: Eskallon/Engofi Cheipo
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