Everything posted by Svelte
Agents 2010 Sets Rumor
He says he doesn't remember anything about that here. Possibly another action-oriented theme? Hard to tell. Depends what happens with Power Miners in summer, I guess. I wouldn't be shocked if the Jan wave was the last one for that, though.
Agents 2010 Sets Rumor
I love Wikipedia, I do! I use it all the time. I just don't believe a word when people make up Lego releases and fuel baseless rumours on no pretext other than someone's fantasy. That annoys me because its gets people's hopes up and the rumours can be hard to stamp out. Not that long ago in Licensed, someone posted excitedly about a Flying Dutchman Spongebob set for 2010, which was a rumour that first started life as a wiki entry waaaaay back in 2006. See why I don't think they deserve the attention? Now, continue the discussion but I think we've had enough chat about wikis generally
Infection - Day 4
The tip came through Michael. I have no reason to particularly trust the original source. I already had my own suspicions about Engofi, so it seemed logical to choose him. I had one other hint about who to investigate, from a different source. All I will say is that they are not humanoid in appearance. I don't mind putting my life on the line here if it means we gain some progress today. To be honest I'd rather be tossed out the airlock or brutally murdered whilst I wander the amazingly similar looking sections of these flatpack corridors than unbeknownst to myself be infected with some wiener-shaped life form, losing self-consciousness as its sausagey infiltration takes place, no doubt laying millions of larval babies inside me ready to devour every cell, chewing away at me and eventually rupturing my vital organs until one day I explode into a cloud of malicious worm-shaped hostile aliens. Probably just before we sail into the black hole. *Barney whimpers*
City sets availability
I've merged this topic with the old one There are only 2 parts of the world as far as S@H is concerned - US and non-US - so if it's sold out in Aus it will be sold out in all the non-US countries, as well.
Giant Minifigure found on a Dutch beach in 2007
Why do you think a story over two years old deserved a new topic? If you'd used the search function, you would have found the two existing threads - one for the original fig in 2007, and one for another fig found in 2008. Please post more thoughtfully in future. Thanks.
Agents 2010 Sets Rumor
Did I specify Wikipedia? I like wikis, but as a source of factual information about forthcoming Lego sets, the fan-driven ones are worse than useless. Worse - because they're actively misleading. We've seen this kind of rumour many times before and it's better to nip it in the bud rather than get people's hopes up. Calm down and don't treat it as a personal attack
Infection - Day 4
Well, I explained all this in fairness to Security Chief Michael, who reported what I had found without distortion and at no particular benefit to himself. If Sarah Ohce *had* been infected then I wouldn't have revealed myself. Either Michael would have told everyone who I am or we would have spent another day playing 'But the investigator said that!' 'But they were wrong!' 'But maybe Sarah *was* infected - with a baby!' and so on and suchlike. Really, I am just trying to think of likely scenarios which would explain what I have observed (and been told) so far. Obviously someone out there knows more than I do. Maybe they can fill in a few gaps.
Infection - Day 4
Well, this is troubling news. And yet we draw ever closer to the sucking singularity as one by one wieners proliferate inside our bodies like mushrooms after a moist rain! I guess in light of yesterday's discussion, and the difficult position Security Chief Michael has been put in, the uninfected investigator should step forward and explain themselves... Oh, wait! That's me! Yes, it is I, Barney Vance, who has been drugging members of staff and dragging them down to med-bay to perform surreptitious body scans, and check pockets for loose change, empty condom wrappers and suchlike. I think you all deserve an explanation, as far as I have one. On Night 1, I attempted to investigate 'Big Suze' Antares, but was blocked. You think a commander of her experience would have some sense not to be posting in-thread bait trying to get the investigator to reveal themselves so early in the game... which perhaps suggests that she is not as innocent as she is pretending, and basically asking everyone and anyone to protect her from Night 1 on the basis she's the commander (and sooooo important) was a cunning guise. On Night 2, I investigated Sarah Ohce. The results were odd, but definitely conclusive - she was infected! Well, we have clearly seen since then that she wasn't. Gambling that not more than one of the security staff was Infected, and trusting my results, I contacted Security Chief Michael. It is quite possible (according to scenario 4 as outlined yesterday) that I was stupid to contact Michael and, as an infected host for these space wieners, he used the opportunity of my disclosure, knowing it was false, to get rid of Sarah (who he would have known to be uninfected) and moi. The only other thing I learned is that he has a cozy cozy relationship with Big Suze, so if he is infected, then she probably is too. Possibly they are even in cahoots! On Night 3, on the word of an anonymous tipoff, I investigated Engofi, who I had been told was definitely infected. My results came up clear - the body scan showed him to be absolutely free of space wieners. Curious and curiouser. In conclusion: As far as I can tell I am not paranoid, since I'm not getting solely guilty results, so the conclusion is either I'm insane or I am actually right and Sarah Ohce was an unfortunate anomaly whose manner of death didn't reveal the subtle manner of her infestation. Personally the only way I can see forward is by voting off Engofi, which would confirm one way or the other what my role is, but I will understand if you don't want to rely on me any further, haha! Apart from that, I have little to tell you. Barney Vance, over and out
Agents 2010 Sets Rumor
Actually, these sound remarkably like the first two waves, anyway - jets, speedboats, lava bases. (Apart from the Crocman Escape, which sounds like a Batman set.) I don't believe a word of it. If you found this on a wiki site, you should have mentioned that in your post and saved us all the trouble
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Just the stuff from yesterday, Castle stuff. Nothing that exciting. But I did stock up on Indy as well I've already stretched this month's LEGO budget to a maximum, let's not watch it snap!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yes indeed! Especially if you kept it MISB! I think that's one of the higher priced ones, since the release coincided with Joker hysteria. I really don't see how they can price the Flagship. 2009 Jan and March releases - MMV and Emerald Night - $US100 and GBP70 - $AUD 150 2009 September Releases - Tantive IV and Fire Brigade - $US150 and GBP100 - $AUD280 If the Flagship is $180 and GBP140, that tells me that it has to be substantially more than $AUD280 - it's a difference of at least $US30 and GBP30 - say $50 minimum. But LEGO hates pricing things not in neat, round numbers which might suggest to me they'll just round it up to $AUD350. The 10196 Carousel is $US250 and GBP166 and $AUD400 so this pricing structure I've outlined actually isn't far out of whack in terms of UK pounds but doesn't make sense in terms of $US. Which is why I really don't know which way they'll swing. The other anomaly is that the price in Euros is supposed to be 150, which is the same as the Fire Brigade and Tantive IV We seem to have our prices calculated more off the pound/ US dollar than the Euro however. Of course, LEGO's bean-counters may have made a pricing adjustment due to the exceptionally strong dollar but I'm not holding my breath. My best guess is it will be $AUD300 at the lowest range and $AUD350 at the upper. I imagine that if the dollar is strong, buying it from the US will be a very attractive proposition once distribution amongst BL sellers is more widespread. You can see I've thought about this way too much! Thanks for the news! I probably would have got this if K-Mart hadn't cleaned me out for the week!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Nay. I grabbed the Indy Temple of Dooms when they were at $76.50 and the only Castle left is that Chariot set.
10210 MOD - Brickbeard's Revenge
I agree, but this was the 'quicky' version I can't say that I like the mermaid as a figurehead, to be honest. Suggestions are welcome!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Did Chatswood restock those? I was there 2 weeks ago and the most interesting thing they had was clearanced Combine Harvesters! There were still heaps of Venice Chase and Fighter Plane Attack sets this morning at Bondi J if you ever make it across the bridge AT-OTs were also $150 according to the sales chick's price check. These K-Mart sales really are ridiculous! None of the other retailers are following suit, so I wonder why they're being so aggressive. There will be no new launch of the Jan sets before Christmas and there's still 4 weeks to go. You think they'd want to hold on to *some* stock! I suspect K-Mart knows that Indy and Castle are kaput, so they just want the stuff off the shelves ASAP, but their discounts across other lines are pretty good too.
10210 MOD - Brickbeard's Revenge
I am more than happy to do one, when somebody sends me a BSB - preferably MISB Christmas is coming up, you know...
Indiana Jones theme discussion & speculations
I kind of get the feeling that's the point. Like many other toy companies, LEGO is focussing on big, event movies with immediate return on the investment with options for future product development but no long-term commitment. AFOLs like Indy, so the perception may be that sales are good, but the fact that most if not all of the sets have had to go on clearance in both markets to shift them (US and rest of world S@H), which doesn't really say to me 'Outstanding sales!' overall I said right from when Indy was announced that I didn't see how it could be a perennial theme - Indy is nowhere near as big as Star Wars and kids (the major market of LEGO) really aren't as broadly familiar with the movies from 20+ years ago. Hell, if I had young kids I'd have reservations about even letting them watch something like The Temple of Doom It is a shame, I think Indy is the best minifig line there has ever been, but it's not really a surprise.
10210 MOD - Brickbeard's Revenge
Not much gets past you, does it? Ideally of course, one would want a 10210 in Imperial colours *and* a Piratised version I even think the shape of the sails sit much more nicely on the 10210 masts than they do on the flex tubing. The other nice thing about the more solid masts is that if you move one cross-beam, the whole lot moves, so you lessen the messy effect you can get from random play with Brickbeard's Bounty.
EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2009
Cute table, Erds. My entry!
Castle Sets 2010
I agree completely. 7094 King's Castle Siege is a great set, with the enclosed back everyone always wants, 900+ mainly useful parts, and no raised baseplate Yes, the interior was lacking but certainly no worse than many other sets. If LEGO produced something similar by reducing the scale slightly and adding an interior, I'd be happy. I'm not so keen on animal factions again after KK1 and KK2, but it will all depend on fig design. And I'd prefer it if the 'evil' faction wasn't all furrowed brows, narrow squinty eyes, unkempt beards and, post Agents and Pirates, gold glinting teeth
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Nothing will go as crazy as Batman did. Not even MISB old SW prices hit the roof like Batman has. Everyone sort of knows Indy is dead so those who want to stock up will have had plenty of time to prepare. Batman went insanse since they didn't do a second production run of the 08 sets, so everybody who had put the (frankly mediocre) sets on their 'Buy later' lists got a nasty surprise when they sold out the first round. I'm sure Indy will increase, but not at a level comparable to Batman. Lego still can't even clear the Indy sets from S@H unless they go on sale But yay for K-Mart's bizarre 'everything must go within 2-3 months' approach Grabbed a Trolls Mountain Fortress for $80 and another Drawbridge Defence and got the 1/2 price discount, which means about a 50% markdown on retail overall. I also noticed that the Venice Chase sets are now marked down to $40 now too Bargain! A great set, if you buy two you're basically getting one free. Ambush in Cairo and Chauchilla were still holding their retail price.
2010 Set Discontinuations
*snip snip* That's not really the reason. LEGO produces a number of sets each year which are *intended* to be discounted heavily, and which don't have the regular run of 'normal' theme sets. Rick has listed a few of these. In the UK some of them were even cheaper, with a 'retail' price of GBP35 but a 'reality' price of GBP17.50 (such as the 2007 Green Truck). Last year's Coast Guard track was an example of this mid-sized City 'special deal'. K-Mart in Australia has been particularly aggressive with its sales, yes, but most other retailers are still holding the fort on retail prices (apart from the usual % off sales).
10210 MOD - Brickbeard's Revenge
92a I was asked whether the 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty sails are compatible in the review thread for the 10210 Imperial Flagship, and the short answer is yes! Here's a quicky MOD to show you how easily the Flagship can be converted to nefarious Piratey purposes. This was done in a bit of a hurry, so excuse the dodgy photos! Click on the pics below for 1024 wide versions. Side view: Random Pirates ahoy! Yes, I know, I should have fixed the 1x2 blue plates. But I was in a hurry! Digging out all my old figs made me realise that the red bandana on the short chef in 10210 is the first time it's appeared since the original Pirates line. The family Brickbeard and their new prisoner. The 10210 just keeps on givin'!
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
There's always one
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Yes, they're exactly the same size.
Infection - Confirmation & Discussion
Well that explains it, but it's still kind of annoying, especially in Mafia games where things move so quiickly. I replied to one post which I thought was complete, but by the time I had done that another paragraph had been added which directly addressed me. Later readers of that conversation may have found it odd that I hadn't addressed the original post fully, but that was because it had changed in the meantime. Are we supposed to wait 20 minutes then to make sure no new info is added? That's why if I'm multi-quoting I generally open a reply in a new tab, edit it, and then submit everything at once.
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