Everything posted by Svelte
Spongebob line over soon?
I entirely agree with Oky on this one. I don't trust this website at all. We'll wait and see what happens, but I personally wouldn't expect new Spongebob in 2010.
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Why don't you just put your linky here? I was too exhausted to look it up! It is a brilliant set, but it is testament to the creativity of all the Pirates fans that have really kept the flame alive with all the brilliant work here on EB that I can easily think of lots of MOCs that surpass it in some way!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
starwars shop is having another 25% off sale friday-saturday. sadly no tantives or endors left in stock. boo!
Carats 4 Carrots
I that temple Now make one in dark tan. Pwease. Pweeeeeaaaaaase.
REVIEW: 10210 Imperial Flagship
Set: 10210 Imperial Flagship Theme: Creator/ Theme-Killing Grand Finale for Pirates! Pieces: 1,664 Price: US $179.99; CA $229.99; UK GBP; 139.99; Germany Euro 149.99. (No price was announced, but it's something probably truly terrifying in $AUD, since the Fire Brigade and Tantive IV were $US150 and UK GBP 97.85 and were already $AUD280 - I would guess between $AUD320 and $350, which is why with the dollar at near parity with US price I didn't mind getting this off Bricklink. Yay for early Xmas present!). Resources: Brickset; Bricklink Special Note: With Brickshelf perpetually on the blink, I've finally abandoned it as a hosting site in favour of flickr. The 500 wide pics below contains link to higher res pics on flickr; most of the review text remains the same. The order of the pictures should be near identical. In some way this has improved the succinctness of my review, as flickr allows you less blather. So you can either read the review here or on flickr, zooming in on those pics which interest you and leaving comments there. The flickr stream is here; I recommend clicking on 'Detail' view so you can see the commentary as well. Introduction Like the 10193 Medieval Market Village before it, the January 2010 Exclusive slot comes as a theme-killing extravaganza, an end-of-world party to beat all others: the enormous 10210 Imperial Flagship is a behemoth unlike anything that has gone before it, and it will be a long time before we see anything like it again. Buy one. Sell your grandma! Buy several more! It's not perfect by any means, but for me it's easily the best and most enjoyable non Star Wars Exclusive since the release of the 10185 Green Grocer of March 2008. Beautiful parts, a fun build, an impressive model, and loads of playability - this is what LEGO should always be about A must-have for any AFOL and probably lots of kids too - once they offload grandma Part 1: Box, Parts & Instructions The front of the box - it's the collapsible version with side tape, thankfully. The box is the same size as that of the 10196 Carousel. The rear of the box, with a nice angle shot and lots of closeups. Annoyingly, these aren't reproduced in the instruction manual so I've posted closeups. The minifigs - 9 in all, only one of which is new. There are a few animals and the shark to round out the complement. No monkey! I am pleased to report that all the figs are great quality and lacking the lemony tinge which afflicted many of the 09 range. A lovely piece of artwork on the bottom of the box - it's been a while since we've seen this much attention to detail! Those lights in the cabin almost make me want a light-up Power Function included! Another piece of artwork showing a parchment-style rendering of the cannon bays. More lovely attention to detail. This piece of artwork would make a great Piratey poster. Too bad Pirates is being discontinued in 2010! Set function pics include the Captain's organ (!), anchor overboard, and Brickbeard in bondage. Brickbeard still in bondage and the wheel in operation. More box art showing the Piratey-looking cook (I forget the nautical term!) in his compact galley and some soldiers playing with cannonballs. Two instruction manuals, 70+ pages each. Colour consistency is OK but I found Book 2 suffered from blurry print - like everything else from LEGO these days, seems to be suffering in the quality control department. The instructions aren't up, so below are links to the inventory. Heavy reuse of the dark brown Castle parts palette from 2008, with some new stuff thrown in, mainly the hulls, sails, red-brown masts and dark brown curved slopes. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 A random instructions page shot showing the attachment of the figurehead. Lots of polybagged goodness and some unbagged parts. Lots of double up bags. Yes, there are some large hull pieces but you certainly do feel the 1600+ piece goodness. As for the beautiful sails - we get 7 of the large ones and one small one. The canvas is the type that's been in use for a few years and is slightly off-white. They really are pleasing to the eye and much nicer than the 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty sails. All the hull pieces come in the choc-o-goodness deliciousness of dark brown. Brickbeard's Bounty used only 2 of the mid sections; the Flagship has 4. I do wish they'd designed the bottom mould to be a bit more stable as the parts tend to come apart during early parts of the build. These pillars are new in red-brown. These red-brown Technic connectors are used for the masts (91x pieces). The curved slopes in dark brown are new in this set (18x). Other cute inclusions include the sawhead shark, a pearl silver pan (goodbye pearl silver!), the blade from the 8962 Crystal King set, and 12x dark tan jumper plates. Yay! 5 dark blue plumes, previously only available in the 7079 Drawbridge Defence sets! Lots of red-brown umbrella handles and bars with stops (lots more than pictured here, anyway). Exo-force arms seem kind of out of place and 8 clip flags in ordinary blue. Loose in the box came the correct new minifig dress as seen on the right (blue detail print). Bagged was the version on the left in red - it looks as if Lego realised their mistake last minute and tossed in the extra dress. Woo! I wonder whether this means the red dress is in a different set or was just a total cock-up? In any case, we get two new dress prints from this set! Part 2: The minifigs! As I said before, the figs are all good quality and much better than some of the dodgy lemon-handed horrors in last year's sets! The Imperial Captain has a blue plume and gold epaulettes, while his lieutenant has the tricorner hat with a red plume. Four standard Imperial redcoats with printed Shakos. Nothing new here. The chef has short legs but oddly on the box art is battling an Imperial solder - a spy, perhaps? Brickbeard doesn't get the printed Pirates hat - boo! - but the Captain's daughter does look delicious in medium blue. The face is the same as the Cranky Queen from 7079 Drawbridge Defense. Reverse print of the new torso. Blue definitely looks more colour-coordinated. Maybe she wears red when she's angry. Like the Hulk! An interesting choice for the vessel's figurehead, but less odd-looking than the realistic mermaid fig adorning Brickbeard's Bounty. Comes in dark bley as in the 6299 Pirates Advent Calendar. 3. The Build - Lower Decks We start the build with the base section attached via 2x4 bricks underneath the hull plates and 2 end hull sections attached via Technic pins. The bottom of the ship remains delicate until reinforced with bricky goodness as the build progresses. A lovely palette of dark brown, black, tan, medium blue and dark blue plates add colour but is not overwhelming. Very tasteful and quite original for an Exclusive set. Lovely work! Amazingly, the top 2 sections attach only via 4 studs each in the middle there when the ship is complete! The new dark brown slopes are used in an attractive SNOT technique to bulk out the prow. However this is the weakest design element, in my opinion. The SNOTTY sections attach to the large hull piece via the hole in the modified bley plate ONLY and at the top via the half Technic pin when the upper deck sits over the top! Weak! This means that you have to be super careful when handling this section as it is very liable to break. Really bad design and I'm amazed it passed the review, frankly. I admit it looks nice but it's a bad, bad idea. A great play feature is the ability to raise and lower the anchor by spinning the wheel on the top deck. Here, it's lowered. And when rotated, the chain coils up and the anchor is raised! Brilliant! Of course, when this section collapses due to the delicate prow SNOTwork, this feature makes it more annoying to fix as the chain and anchor get in the way. Poor Brickbeard only gets a tan plate as a bed inside his little cell. Boo! Not sure it's wise to lock the prisoner in with the anchor mechanism... The completed base section with prow and masthead. You can see that each of the sails will be independently attached to each modular section. This is a clever solution to the problem of making a giant ship that is easily movable and accessible. From the originally released pics, I did find the rigging technique a little simple but I have come to really love it and the aesthetics of the Flagship honestly don't suffer from not having string rigging run all the way through the sails. Closeup of the prow. I can't say I love the soft Technic bars added as detail and the 1x1 redbrown cones do tend to pop off. And here we have the exploded SNOTTY section! You will soon learn to pick it up the right way, kids 4. The Build - Middle & Aft Sections The second stage of the build is the middle deck and masts. The masts each contain a 32x Technic axle through the centre for stability, which works a treat. At this scale, the pillar pieces look good too. The build is a little repetitive using Technic axles and connectors to make the wooden side poles but they are mainly of different lengths, so it's not bad at all. Certainly I found this build a very enjoyable one, and with a minimum of repetition compared to other large exclusives like the 10196 Carousel or 10189 Taj Mahal. Yay for working access to the below deck sections! Great touch. I was always annoyed that you couldn't drop through the top grille plate on 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge! The Flagship takes shape as the midsection is placed in position. As I said before, it only attaches via 4 studs in the middle. Amazingly sturdy! The last part of the Flagship is the aft section with Captain's Cabin. Another working access hatch - woo! The rear of the Captain's cabin. Check out the plumage window detail! Personally I think Brickbeard has the better colour scheme (dark red and gold) but this is nothing to sniff at and the Captain wins on acreage. Notice the lights in the lamp are 2 shades of trans 1x2 round plates - more superb attention to detail. It's a very bulky and solid construction - one of my favourite parts of the ship. The poop deck lifts off to reveal the interior of the Captain's cabin. Yes, he has a large organ which he likes to operate when noone's around. On the other side, we see a chest of drawers with a map, a treasure chest, and a 'poison bottle' (trans blue cone with sapphire stuck in it). What with that enormous organ, I'm not sure if this really is poison or the Captain's lubricant of some kind. Close-up of the organ. It's cute! Not as good as some of the entries in Eurobricks' own Captain's Cabin contest early in the year, but sweet for an official model. Below deck is the galley, which has drumsticks on a rotisserie, a cook chopping a carrot (including a 1x1 round plate representing a slice!), fish and some pots and pans. Wonderful! Notice also the rudder there. 5. The finished set! And here we have it! The last section clicks into place onto its 4 studs and the Flagship is complete! It is indeed amazing to behold and will easily dwarf any non-UCS Star Wars set in your collection. It was a fun build, with just the right amount of detail, and with some clever techniques. This is one of those rare sets which actually looks better in real life than on the box art! I was a bit dubious about the sails and masts at first but I am completely sold. Look at those billowing sails! Fantastic stuff! Again, look at the way those sails sit - stunning! The edges of colour along the cannon deck are just right - not too gaudy but enough eye candy to brighten the ship! A pic from the other side. Still beautiful! The subtle colour of the sails really makes a difference. You can see the reverse of the front sail doesn't look out of place, but with bright printed cloth as in Brickbeard's Bounty, you can't really say the same. The dark red is very noticeable on the reverse side. Heaven for Pirates fans! Who would have thought we'd ever see such a beautiful official model produced in-house? The shape of the complete assembly, from bottom deck through to the poop deck, is wonderfully resolved with great natural-looking curvature. A closer view of the cannon decks. I don't mind 4 cannons but only having 2 ammo crates in white is a bit cheap. Boo! Reverse view - nice rear! You can see how subtle the sails are here once again. I almost forgot to put the figs on! The set works great as a display model by itself but for some, figs are everything Imperial Soldiers take to the high seas! "No offence, fellas, but where's Johnny Depp when you need him?" "I don't suppose I can interest you in the purchase of a Caribbean timeshare, Captain? No?" "You'll never take me alive! Brickbeard always find an escape route!" And finally, a comparison shot with the Brickbeard's Bounty. As a wise Stash2Sixx once said, 'Brickbeard just pooped his pants!' Conclusion Parts: Great dark brown parts pack, with some new stuff in red-brown and the amazing sails 9/10 Design: Pretty spectacular, apart from the dodgy SNOT prow. Boo! 8/10. Figs: Nothing new for Brickbeard or the Imperials, but at least we get 2 dresses for the Captain's daughter 7.5/10. Build: Very little repetition and broken into easily manageable subsections. A solid and immensely pleasurable build. 9/10. Playability: Lots of fun features like working hatches to lower decks and the anchor. Lots of fun! 9/10. This set is the bees knees' - if a Disney license ever does eventuate for a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' line, it will be a shadow of the former glory that is the Imperial Flagship. Honestly, I can't imagine LEGO ever going all-out on a ship any time again soon. This is one of those classics that will be remembered for years to come. And wouldn't a whole fleet look nice sitting on your mantelpiece? Is it better than the Black Seas Barracuda? I couldn't say, as I don't own the latter - I did think from the first pics that the rigging wasn't so great, but my reservations have been allayed and I like the easy access of having the ship break into different sections. In the absence of any officially designed set by talented AFOLs such as Bonaparte or Captain Green Hair, this set is as good as it gets Forget the January 2010 sets from Atlantis, Space Police 3, Power Miners... scrape together your spare change, do yourself a favour and grab yourself a 10210 Imperial Flagship instead!
Infection - Day 3
Great, she's some kind of Typhoid Mary? Yes, let's take her back to Earth Not! I don't know why she has been so needlessly vague and not just explained everything simply. If we do get rid of her, maybe we should just shoot her out into space still breathing - she can't do us any harm then, surely?
Brickshelf up, down..who knows!
My reviews are kind of long, with a lot of text. It's a lot of copying and pasting to do both sites. However it is preferable to post reviews directly onto EB rather than just flickr for the sake of the site. I actually quite like the flickr format, as you can flick through the thumbnails and then hone in on stuff that interests you. Kind of a 'Would you like to know more??' situation I'm kind of a late adopter to that approach, but it makes sense. The downside is that you do lose the overall structure of a review. Brickshelf may well return, but the thing with the outages is that, like strokes, they seem to be coming more frequent and severe in their effects. It doesn't bode well for future reliability. Cheap for the hosting or for the unfettered feelinsg of mastery and control over your domain?
Brickshelf up, down..who knows!
I've given up on Brickshelf. I have a few reviews I'd like to post, but I can't wait any longer. Plus, the more you use flickr, the more intuitive it becomes, and at this point it would be hard to go back. This will probably mean a change in review format though, as I don't relish posting all my comments on flickr and then re-doing them in a thread on EB
Infection - Day 3
I don't know how any of you lily-livered milksops ever made it through Starship Academy You're the most ineffectual and indecisive bunch I've seen in all my days as a member of the SSS. It really isn't that complex. Head of Security Michael says he has been contacted by someone he says he trusts who believes that Sarah Ohce is infected. There are a few scenarios: 1) Sarah is voted out and is found to be infected, as Michael says. Yay! We have purged ourselves of a menace, Michael is vindicated, and the investigator can be trusted. A win for the non-infected. 2) Sarah is voted out and her alleged baby is found to be infected, although she herself is uninfected. Yay! We have purged ourselves of a menace, Michael is vindicated, and the investigator can be trusted. Plus, an evil baby got tossed out the airlock. Another win for the non-infected. 3) Sarah is voted out and found to be uninfected. Michael looks bad, but as he says he is prepared to face this on the chin. Either we believe him or it may be, as Florentzia says, the investigator is paranoid or insane. Michael can then tell us who the investigator is and they can face the music. If they are loyal, I am sure they will corroborate his story. At least then we know who the investigator is and what use they are for further encounters. Another win for the uninfected! 4) Sarah is voted out and found to be uninfected. Michael blames the investigator and claims innocence. If Michael is infected, this is a great way to get rid of both Sarah and the investigator. However, if the investigator is unreliable, this is no great shakes anyway. Indeed if this scenario played out it would be very telling and Michael would face very close further scrutiny in any of his further actions. So, not a huge win for the uninfected but at least it would give us more information to go on. I don't really see what the moral dilemma is here, people, except that Susan 'Big Suze' Antares is confusing everyone by claiming to have dark, dark suspicions and secret knowledge which she doesn't seem too forthcoming with. Plus, as Florentzia says, Suze's hovering finger over the 'edit' button is kind of distracting, since I've found that I've replied to posts that have had stuff added to them by the time I've composed my own reply. In conclusion... unless Sarah has some amazing and confounding special skills we don't know about, I recommend she be voted out for what her status will reveal according to all of the above scenarios. After all, if the infected are going all this way to pin a conspiracy against Sarah, it would seem they already know what her amazing special night action is and will pursue her - by other means - once night falls once more*. *Well, of course, except we're in space and there is no real night - the AI just dims the lights every sleep cycle
Infection - Day 3
I certainly don't want space baby poop floating around our zero-G atmosphere, especially if it's infected. Vote: Sarah Ohce/ Sir Dillon.
Atlantis 2010
*hands Vertea a shovel and bucket* Let us know how that goes
Shipwreck Hideout - not so limited anymore?
More often than not, 'limited' is just another word for 'exclusive to one particular store'. In that sense, a set can be said to be a limited edition as the production run is usually smaller than for the regular sets (which makes sense if you're only selling the set in one store or chain as opposed to all of them). But it doesn't necessarily mean they are rare or special in any way (at least before they sell out!). I think generally for Europe/ Rest of world sets they seem to leave the 'Limited edition' artwork off most non-SW boxes, probably because the distribution arrangements across so many countries are wildly different. In comparison, the North American market is much simpler so even things like the Farm sets had 'Limited Edition' branding on them as they know with certainty that only TRU is stocking that line.
Infection - Day 3
A baby, if anything, is probably more dangerous to this ship than a space wiener. At least space wieners lay dormant inside you and don't cry, puke and excrete bodily fluids everywhere. On the other hand, Sarah raises an interesting point. I wonder if the investigator has any way to distinguish, for example, between an alien infection and a really colossal case of ringworm? (This is actually an infamous Guinea worm, but whatevs.)
What did you buy today?
Target Country? Actually, you can get some OK stuff there. I still regret not buying an Adventurers Oasis Ambush MISB set which was there in 2003 or 2004 when I was just coming out of my Dark Ages. (Even then it was $AUD25 which wasn't exactly a bargain). At least you're in NSW now. Which means postage = cheaper
2010 Set Discontinuations
mania3 works for LEGO, so I imagine he has seen a list of stuff to be marked down. Sheesh, the Gunship has only been out for 15 months! I think the V1-9 and Magnaguard are on the list as they've been slow sellers. Otherwise it looks pretty much as I'd expect I'd also think that there'd be a few slow-moving Exclusives on that list, too. Maybe the Volkswagen and possibly even the Green Grocer since the Lego store calendars and the S@H catalogs seem to discount it wherever possible.
2010 Set Discontinuations
Thanks for the list, mania3. There was some discussion about this in the Aussie sales thread - no real surprises, although it's sad to see Indy 09 Wave 1 go to clearance so soon. I'm surprised they're discounting Pirates so soon - I thought mid-2010 was the cutoff date. I guess for non-US S@H a lot of this stuff will go on sale right after Xmas, as happened last year (stuff that isn't sold out, anyway).
What did you buy today?
I'm trying to be understated Yes, it's a new concept for me. I don't think the frontpage is that desperate Is there a DJs in Wagga? Where's that Carousel?
What did you buy today?
- 10113rear.jpg
- 10113front.jpg
- Infection - Day 3
Secret staff meetings as game evidence? How meta can you get? I've been on a holiday... of life, you dolts. If that is some kind of reference to your bosomy goodness, Commander, I think that qualifies as sexual harrassment- Infection - Day 3
I find it deeply hypocritical that Cmr Susan Antares wants me to blab about my top secret security guard duties but has singularly failed to reveal anything herself, except that she has dark, dark suspicions about pretty much everyone - probably including Jonesy the ship's cat! - and herself has been pursuing people for no good reason except she doesn't really know anything and hates to be left out of the loop. Under the present circumstances, I am only sharing any sparse tidbits of information I glean with those I trust. Which, to be honest, is not many of you. Florentzia is the only one who's made any sense so far, in my opinion. When I signed up to the SSS (Space Security Service), I took an oath to protect friendly sentient beings and damned if I'm going to let an hysterical and accusative commander, who to be honest is probably number 1 on the space wiener hitlist, harangue and belittle me. Hello, this is only Day 3. Which means only 2 nights have passed, although it may seem longer. Sure, there's a black hole around the corner, but time slows down as we approach the singularity, which means that by the end each Day could end up lasting two or three years in our perceptions Let's not rush in where angels fear to dance on the head of a pin. By which I mean, it may be too soon for anything of vital importance to have been revealed.- Toy Story discussion thread
OK, enough off-topic discussion. This thread is to discuss the Toy Story Lego sets only - it is NOT a forum to vent your spleen on the movies as a whole, or Disney as a global corporation. The next off-topic poster gets a free warning - and this thread will be locked for 24 hours!- Infection - Day 3
Whenever I close my eyes, all I see are horrible visions of engorged, angry-looking red wieners bursting out of people's bodies I really don't know what to think, but Florentzia seems vindicated for the moment. Which means that those that were so keen to toss her out of the airlock better have a reasonable explanation about why they went after such an improbable target.- Has #10199 winter toy shop been discontinued?
As ever, the first thing to do with this kind of question is specify which market you're talking about (US or rest of the world). In the non-US market, as has been said, the set has been backordered twice - to the 8th Dec and now to the 18th Dec - which means Lego is doing another production run. This may not be the case in the US, where it has bypassed backordered and jumped straight to sold out. I had heard there may have been a limited number of sets produced for the US, so it may well be that 'sold out' means exactly that.
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