Everything posted by Svelte
MOC: 4-wide Classic Town pickup truck.
Fixed! Are you sure you want that pukey icon on the post?
Lego Quality Reference
Interesting news but all the 'be patient, give us time' disclaimers don't give me much hope things will change soon, if at all We're still waiting for LEGO to fix basic yellow, which they are churning out in substandard shades in new parts such as in the City Construction sets and the Anakin's Y-Wing. It's been over 2 years! Reddish-brown continues to be wildly inconsistent, blah blah etc etc. In short, improvements in colour either happen at a crawl and in some cases don't appear ever to be fixed. Personally I don't think their Quality Control team even has a handle on what their product line is supposed to be if it required negative fan feedback to indicate that something as basic as one of their core products (ie minifigs) was suffering so badly.
Squidman's Hovercycle
Moved! I love the use of that rock piece to hold the sign - I hate when they fall over continually! It's a simple solution but fits the SP3 aesthetic perfectly!
Spanish Imperial Galleon - Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion
Absolutely amazing! What a behemoth! I particularly like the angled wall sections of the cabin area as they gently but a little giddily (from a fig's point of view) slope up, and the use of those large cone pieces for lamps - inspired! I take it this is the project you were having problems finding consistent dark red for?
Infection - Day 1
I don't think we should be relying solely on medical checks since we know so little about these spacy wieners and their life cycle. For example, they may lay undetectable eggs in victims which later hatch, or their sausagey properties may resemble an extra few inches of lower intestine which don't show up on a scan. So while it's a good idea to check people, let's not rely on this completely. We should ask ourselves: what is the mission of the space wieners? How will they accomplish it? By what actions will their goals be achieved? Once we've identified what they're after, and by what means they will accomplish their task, it will help us identify the behaviour of the infected.
Dr. Inferno's Cargo Train of DOOM!
Amazing work, Oky! This is a fantastic combination of a MOC and the official set. Everything looks great and the train is a sweet design too. I love the sleek nose contrasted with the rough and ready chains holding down the Robo Attack mech. The official decals blend in seamlessy and the action functions are a must-have in any Inferno set! Black is a difficult colour to photograph but your pics are crystal clear too!
Infection - Day 1
Smoked wieners? What an intriguing concept. As a trained space security guard, I suggest we remain alert but not alarmed. Let's not split up when wandering the corridors, perform lonely searches for Jonesy the ship's cat, and if at breakfast you see a sausage wriggling amongst your bacon and eggs, shoot to kill and immediately summon a security officer!
Infection - Day 1
Space worms, eh? Nasty business. You know what it means? Any one of us could have a wiener inside them right at this moment and we wouldn't even know it! Rest assured, the security staff on board will remain vigilant! Perhaps one of the scientists may have some background for us on the behaviour, habits and moods of these spacy invaders?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
- Peril in Peru came in July last year to TRU. They knocked $10 off it for a week or so, but they only seemed to do limited restocks. S@H would be your best bet. - Venice Canal Chase is at K-Mart now for 15% off for $51 - the Yellow Lamborghini Car I've seen for 20% off at $80 - LEGO doesn't seem to really restock many of the Creator sets (eg Steggy, Beach House all had short shelf-lives) so again the Cargo Copter is hard to find - Prop plane I've seen at Myer - Advent Calendar was released via Lego Club, it doesn't normally get a retail release in stores
New element: Brick 1 x 1 with stud on 1 side
Great piece! It will clearly be a biggie for 2010. You can already see it in the Toy Story pics, for example: Good spotting, Rick!
- 10211 Grand Emporium
10211 Grand Emporium
peterab has it dead on. That was my suspicion with 10197, certainly, with the inclusion of the vehicle but simplification of the overall design. We have so many vehicle sets across all themes - it's nice to devote all design resources to making the modular set as beautiful as possible rather than splitting the parts budget to other priorities. For example, look at the Wind Turbine Transport set - instead of recreating an amazing Vestas-like turbine with a little house, we got a stumpy cylinder with a massively long truck! Kids love vehicles, so they go in everything - let's leave this line for the AFOLs! Anyway, I don't really think Lego would include a lorry in a department store set. Maybe a future modular apartment where a young couple are moving in furniture etc, but not here. Deliveries are usually made at the rear of a building, and the modular series is largely about frontage! It wouldn't fit. Hopefully we won't have too long to wait to find out!
The Big Bang Theory
Sheldon is perfect! Great hair and clever use of the 1x1 plates, too. I agree Leonard is the weakest, but fantastic work all around! Thanks for sharing.
- 10211 Grand Emporium
Ben 10 discussion thread
Thanks for the news, 3D Brickthing!
Infection - Confirmation & Discussion
Then it's Darkness Falls who Dragonator better kick!
Infection - Confirmation & Discussion
We're waiting on the host now Dragonator better slap him awake - that's what Regulators are for, after all.
Happy B-Day Dennimator
Happy birthday! Have a great day!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Well, there's no guarantee that DJs will stock it this year if they have the Carousel as their special exclusive. The Tantive IV and Fire Brigade may well be held over until next year, since they've only been out for 2-3 months. natelite, thanks for the offer. I will keep you in mind if I get desperate for anything
Can Indy and Prince of Persia coexist?
I agree completely! The PoP sets are limited to one era, whereas in 2009 only Indy mixed Thugge cults with Shanghai gangsters, blonde songstresses, saris, dinner suits, ordinary suits, peasant blouses... the list goes on! I will miss the great Indy figs.
MOC: Service Station
The layout looks nice with two 7993s. Is that drink machine based off the one in the new 2010 Airport set?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
No Emerald Nights at my local Myer, although K-Mart was reasonably stocked (still haven't seen any super-cheap 10195s). Was happy to pick up an extra Temple of Doom at $76.50 - maybe they received a dodgy batch, natelite, as one of them had a massive tear down the back. Fighter Plane Attack even at $51 doesn't feel like an amazing deal Noone around me seems to have any of the Castle sets, either. I think I saw one Trolls Mountain Fortress and a few Drawbridge Defences a few weeks back. I need to move further out to the 'burbs!
MOC - Department Store - City Corner Style
'Tis the season for department store MOCS! I like the effect of plates and tiles to give the impression of folded clothes and manchester I think you need another colour accent to give it a bit of a lift, maybe even some exterior plants would do the trick. Nice work!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Anything else good from the Myer sale?
REVIEW: 8398 BBQ Stand
I'm pretty sure it's tomato sauce, or ketchup. This is the week of reviving all my old reviews!
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