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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. Hey! Draggy had a busy week with some very long days, so he's probably just a little tired. He also has another busy period around the corner, so don't be too unkind to the scaly scalliwag
  2. Yep, they just arrived this week! My cows now have some new friends! Yes, it definitely has a Dickensian 'Christmas Carol' feel to the set-up. I actually like the MMV better in dark red than the medium blue in the official set (As ISC mentioned, I have a dark green version floating around too ) With some mood lighting and a few ghosts, there's definitely potential to spookify these sets for a wintry Xmas eve tale! Now I'm going to dismantle all this and hide it away for a few months until December hits. Thanks for the frontpage!
  3. Svelte replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I don't know if he 'forgot' so much as he just doesn't like it or consider it to be part of City. However, the 10197 Fire Brigade and 10196 Carousel both contain figs, and I don't see any reason that a train like the Emerald Express is included but those two aren't. 2 polls - one for proper City sets, and one for Exclusives is not a bad idea...
  4. Squidtron eh? You're fickle! What happened to that army of one-eyed Snakes? (Wait - that doesn't sound right ) Actually, dark green MMV and dark red MMV can go together for extra Xmas fun! Thanks, Otter Prime! (Prime Otter? ). Christmas in Australia is a hot, humid affair characterised by lots of sunshine, lots of booze, and inflamed passions - so we like to indulge our cool fantasies of true Euro-xmas And no, no multi-storey Toy Shop this time round I quite like the complementary reddy-brown colours; I think adding black framing would make it look a little intimidating, and the roof would probably have to change colour too, but I'm not sure what you could do with it - no colour really seems appropriate apart from black. I can't wait! Since Hinck lives in Sweden, as you know, maybe he can pop by and offer some feedback
  5. Svelte replied to Klaus-Dieter's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I agree that this poll is very misleading - the Exclusive sets are NOT City sets and should not be included in this poll. I voted for the 7634 4WD with Horse Trailer - beautiful little vehicle, nice figs, great design, and many useful parts. A classic!
  6. As part of my review of the new set 10199 Winter Toy Shop, I was going to make a small little village to show how a larger Christmas-themed layout could be displayed. I had already built a re-coloured 10193 Medieval Market Village tavern in a dark red and white colour scheme. However, the set looked so lovely in its new livery that rather than stick it at the end of a review, I decided to add elements from 10199 (and other bits and pieces close to hand ) and create a brand new topic so it could be appreciated properly. Strictly it's not really a Medieval Christmas Village; with the carollers and decorations it's more Victorian-era, but keeping the name alludes to its origins as an official set Enjoy! The snowy streetscape, in full view: Our carollers' cheeks are red-flushed with the frosty chill in the air: A little boy still manages to catch fish from the icy village pond: At Christmas, even the farm animals sip from gilded drinking fountains : Some perhaps familiar-looking presents under the square's Christmas tree, which has suffered under a flurry of snow: These two villagers enjoy the vocal talents of the carollers' under a lavish wreath: Looking down at the village square - a St Nick-eyed view, perhaps? Finally, the Christmas tavern, folded up: Thanks for viewing! How will you lay out your Xmas display this year?
  7. Svelte replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Yes, these sound amazing I am excited by the idea that one of the smaller sets can be connected to the big Alamut set - that's a concept we haven't seen in a while
  8. Svelte posted a post in a topic in Frontpage News
    The news doesn't stop! 2 SP3 sets are scheduled for January including one which will have fans of purple & cheese smiling ... Thanks to member ForceMaster for the news. Click here to join the discussion!
  9. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I love that fig! The 1x3 tile with hinge has been around for a while
  10. Svelte replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Purple cheese :wub: I hate that they just recolour the aliens, though. An orange and purple Squiddy just doesn't seem right
  11. Svelte replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Yay for that amazingly beautiful Family Home! The dark blue, white and red colour scheme is stunningly beautiful and classy on that nice green lawn. I love the designs too, and I like the call back to earlier 80s sets with that alt-model that's just one giant roof Thanks for the links, legomilk, now I have something to get excited about for January! :wub:
  12. Svelte posted a post in a topic in Frontpage News
    Our valued member legomilk brings us pics of 3 new January Creator sets, including the amazing Family Home 5891. Click here for links to more pics and to join the discussion.
  13. Svelte posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Set Name: Winter Toy Shop Set Number: 10199 Theme: Exclusives Number of Pieces: 815 Minifigs: 7 Price: $US59.99, $AUD109.99, EUR59.99-69.99, GBP39.15 Year Released: 2009 Links: Brickset, Bricklink, S@H 1. Introduction The last Exclusive release of the year, the 10199 Winter Toy Shop, is a treat for Christmas and Town fans alike! Featuring an all-new tree design, an exclusive minifig head, and lots of wonderfully detailed mini-toys, this set is sure to be the centrepiece of many festive Lego layouts. But is this just a treasure trove of parts or is it destined to be a design classic? Read on and find out! Mr WhiteFang Esq. requested I review this set, so this one is dedicated to him! 2. Box Art, Parts, Instructions The front of the box shows the contents of the box in all their glory: The back of the box shows beautifully detailed set close-ups and all the figs. I really like the wintry night sky - it definitely adds to the mood of a chilly festive eve: Some close-ups of the action. In this one, the Toymaker picks up a cat by its tail, much to the horror of the little boy outside: The Toymaker sweats as a glowing orb downloads PDF building instructions for the yellow 8169 Lamborghini Gallardo KP 560-4 directly into his brain: 'I sure hope the quality of yellow bricks has improved!' says an angry TFOL well-versed in hot topics on internet discussion boards: Jane and John Minifig decide to give Lady Snow-woman realistic mammary glands - look at the way they're holding those 1x1 round white plates! A beautiful and innocent scene in the wonderful Christmas village... hang on, what's that I see in the bottom corner! OMG! For Lego box art, this is practically hardcore porn! I'm, not sure I want to know where the female fig's other hand is! You know the old man that gave the girl the present is like 'Heheheh. Score! But just because the box is blue, doesn't mean it's Tiffany inside, darlin'.' There's just one instruction booklet. Sadly none of the brilliant pics on the box are actually inside the back pages. Boo! I really wish Lego would be more consistent about reproducing unique box art inside the manual. As someone with limited space, who tends to flatpack or toss out boxes, I would much rather keep an archive of the lovely box art somewhere logical like the instructions rather than see 6 pages of ads for sets we've all seen a million times. A random instruction page, very helpfully showing the Jacki-in-the-Box build, for those who wish to build it at home : There are 8 bags of parts, unnumbered: About half of the bags, debagged. You can see how great the selection is - lots of small pieces in a variety of colours, and a good mix of basic bricks and plates, with just a few nice large specialty bricks (like the Belville arch). I love stashes of small, useful parts, especially 1x1 plates. We get those in dark red, red-brown, white, light bley, green, tan and dark tan alone! (close up pic here) The rest of the parts. Ye shall never want for green plates again! Pieces of interest include dark red curved bricks, black windows, lots of dark tan tiles, the round-ended white Technic pieces used as turbine tips in the 4999 Vestas set, yellow light sabres, trans-clear globes for the lamp, and the yellow Belville snowflake (unique to this set). My two personal faves are the bley double-sided inverse slope (so cute! I have an irrational love of that mould from its use in the Adventurers Egyptian sets for Anubis heads), and after the non-printed abomination in the 7637 Farm set, it's nice to see kitty return with eyes and whiskers! We also have 4 classic pine trees, 2 of the the larger black 3 high windows, 2 purple light saber blades, 1 Belville arch, and the rope which can hold attachable clips: All in all, a great selection of parts in useful colours, with nothing really out of place and some unique pieces. 3. Minifigs! The figs are a mixed bag. There are a lot of unprinted torsos and the same old heads, but some nice surprises as well, such as getting three female figs and three different colours of short leg (tan, purple, and navy blue). The saving grace is really the new 'O' is for 'Orgasm' face as seen in these two carollers. Also note the lady caroller has a lined cape (made by simply putting 2 capes on back to back): We get 2 more generic civilians, but at least the Toymaker has the double-printed Farm torso: And 2 skiers! You can see the little girl is a bit of a princess - her ski poles match her pants colour! I do like that tan hairpiece, too, since I never bought the 7627 Rogue Shadow or 8401 City Minifig Collection: I wasn't expecting great things from the figs, but they are much better than I thought they'd be, with 1 new head and a colourful variety of pieces and accessories (eg 2 red neckerchiefs, different coloured ski poles etc). They are certainly better than the limited selection for the 10196 Carousel, at any rate , and better than most Advent calendars with their pattern of 1 chef, 1 fig from each Emergency theme, and a token female. 4. The Build I - The Great Outdoors The first stage of the build is the outdoor seating area and snowman. It is interesting to see how the parkbench design has been tweaked - notice the 4x tap parts underneath to give it a bit more stability and an improved appearance? The white plate also holds 9 1x1 round white plates to act as snowballs! The snowman is OK, with the clip piece as a scarf an inspired design choice, but I don't know about the antennae for arms. It feels a little small compared to some of the Advent snow-beings. Still, this is a nice little vignette: The lamps are beautifully designed and hold together well - a brilliant and simple technique! The build so far! Already we have an impressive and rich wintry festive scene! You can see that the snowfight has already started! 5. The Build II - Tree, Ladder & Presents Next up, we build the large tree and its surrounds. The tree is built up of rotating green boughs over a central axle. Here's the axle section and base: Here are the green bough sections, which are placed on top of each other at 90 degree turns to give a more organic look: The completed tree is lush and leafy: This sturdy ladder allows minifigs to climb up and hang decorations: Now where have I seen this before? The Jack-in-the-Box design which kickstarted my 21 days of different avatars (I was intending for 24 but then Mystery Castle 2 started One day I'll post them all! ): The teddy bear holding a flower and a gift-wrapped box: Electric lights to hang on the tree - and yes, they are as prone to twisting and tangling as the real thing : A little scene with all these elements together. Again, this makes a lovely standalone small vignette: 6. The Build III - Toy Shop Now, to the largest part of the set - the Toy Shop itself! I avoided spoiler pics on S@H, other reviews, and in the instructions before building, so I was pleasantly surprised by the level of detail in the interior, such as the tiled floor and the chunky chimney. Here's a build shot up until the halfway mark, showing how the toys inside can be glimpsed inside through the frosty glass. Notice also the green stained glass above the door: From behind, the dark tan floor is very nice and really adds a level of polish to the interior: A close-up of the toys - a Train Tech special and a jetpack robot! The unique decorative detail above the windows is formed via a somewhat complicated Technic assembly to which white roof plates are later attached so that they can be at right angles to each other. To be honest, I'm not sure it entirely works Sure, it's clever technique, but it's a touch too clever for such a small building - it takes up valuable space where a nice attic could have been included, for example. I would have much preferred proper roof slopes and a brick build rather than this not-particularly attractive and somewhat complicated approach. If it meant losing the dark bley Technic liftarm decorative detail, fine - it looks somewhat grim in dark bley anyway. (The small tower roof uses a similar but scaled down technique.) Here is the Technic frame which the roof attaches to: And in position: Two cleverly built curved walls are designed to fit underneath the Belville arch to form a continuous wall - they are attached by clips and bricks with bars in a method also familiar to anyone who has built the 10197 Fire Brigade. I assume the designer of that set, Jamie Berard, was involved with the 10199, either as principal designer (or at least doing a design pass) - since he is a new member here at EB perhaps he can tell us I do like this clever technique a lot more than the roof design Voila! The completed Toy Shop! Some alternate views: The interior reveals the little workshop above the ground floor where the Toymaker bangs away at his creations. The ladder providing access to the ground floor is just the kind of touch AFOLs adore: Here is the Toymaker's work bench and his latest creation: My favourite detail is the blocky stone chimney - note the top vents are rotated at a jaunty angle to the rest of the chimney This is a really authentic-looking and lovely design: This shows the set with the light-up brick activated - it certainly has a bright glow! It needs to be held down, but it isn't too hard to build a workaround to hold it in place - I presume it is designed this way to minimise battery usage. However for a permanent Christmas display, AFOLs might want to rig up something more permanent. Does anyone know what the standard battery life of these PF bricks is? 7. The Complete Set All the parts of the set can now be integrated: (Click here for an 1024 wide version) The Toymaker attaches a carrot nose to the snowman: This woman is helping decorate the lovely tree: These carollers sing a tune whilst the white cat plays with the Xmas lights: And inside the Toy Shop, a girl picks out a teddy bear as the Toymaker smiles benevolently from above: I think one of the best aspects about this set is its potential for expansion and recombination. Click on the pic below to check out my 10193 Medieval Market Village/ 10199 Winter Toy Shop mash-up! I can imagine whole Christmassy villages built in such a style, with a mix of small shops and houses. I really anticipate seeing what the AFOL community comes up with in the lead-up to December 25 - I am sure there will be some impressive creations! Spare parts are the usual mix of extra tiles, antennae and 1x1 round plates, as well as an extra 3-long length of tubing for the Jack-in-the-Box build: 8. Overall Rating Minifigs - Many great parts and accessories to match - much better than I expected. 8/10. Playability - Lots of figs and small items, and a lot of room for posabilityand customisation - 8/10 Design - Despite the claim on S@H that this fits a 10184 Town Plan layout, it doesn't really. The style of build is very different, and this feels more like a Gingerbread House than a 1950s service station or cinema Where this set really excels is in the fabulous Christmas tree, and the small details such as the train, Jack in the box and other toys. The shop itself is quite nice, but made up of maybe a little too many colours and with some fussy techniques such as the roof plates, where simple slopes would have been better. 7.5/10. Parts - A great parts pack for small pieces and green plates, although I think the final Toy Shop has a little too much going on, palette-wise. 8/10. Price - Great value if you're in the UK or US - not so much if you're anywhere else. This is at least $AUD10 too expensive, perhaps more. In comparison, the 10193 Medieval Market Village is $US40 more than this set, but in Australia the price difference between the two is also $40AUD , making the 10193 a much better proposition. We're used to getting more value from S@H Exclusives, not less. At least keeping it under $AUD would have felt a bit more comfortable. 6/10. Final rating: A solid 8/10. A definite must-have for any AFOL's Christmas layout! Thanks for reading!
  14. Obviously in an advanced state of crystal addiction, rock monsters turns sickly yellow, their eyes go bloodshot red, and dead black sores form on their skin
  15. Thanks for the news, CaptainRex110! Frontpaged!
  16. Svelte posted a post in a topic in Frontpage News
    Our very own CaptainRex110 brings us never-before-seen pics of the 2010 Power Miners set, 8189 Magma Mech! Click here to join the Power Miners 2010 discussion!
  17. Umm, so are you voting or not? Like Sir Thomas Mallory, you seem to express the intention to do so, without the actual follow through
  18. Svelte replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    That theory is reiterated in the minifig book produced with 'The Lego Book', where they mention that Vladek's direct descendant is Ogel.
  19. The only investigator that has revealed any findings is that loon Richard the Guard. Here's what he said yesterday (emphasis added): At best, he's a paranoid investigator, meaning he finds everyone guilty, which is useless to the loyal cause. At worst, he is just a Dragon using smoke and mirrors to distract us from his previous reluctance to vote. He doesn't seem particularly repentant about imploring us NOT to vote for a confirmed Dragon yesterday. Not even an 'Oops, my bad - sorry folks!'
  20. Svelte replied to Inconspicuous's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I didn't read that as meaning you were going to show every step; just select ones. Boo! Maybe you could 'accidentally' knock it on the ground while it's visiting your house. Then you would be forced to rebuild it, right? You might as well take some pics if you're doing that anyway...
  21. Well I have to say, it's nice to see you vote... for a change Since you story about whether you're insane or paranoid seems to change day-by-day (and you were wrong about Simon) and you used the story to excuse your lack of votes, I'm now inclined to think you're very probably a Dragon and have been misdirecting us. Congratulations! You've just made the list of top Dragon suspects! If I hadn't presented my case against Lady Harcourt and Simon yesterday, we'd probably all still be squabbling. Unlike others here, I am not afraid to rely on my convictions and present them for judgment by my peers. I have been wrong in instances, sure, as many of use were at the start of this investigation, but as a group we've bagged 2 Dragons in 2 days, and that seems like pretty good work to me I doubt the loyal citizens here will forget my part in that success.
  22. I was under the impression that there was nothing factual to be drawn from the day's vignettes - didn't the voice in the sky say this at some point? I am just a mere noob...of life... so maybe he could clear it up. The same with inferences to be drawn from the 'so and so is late' issue. Personally I haven't paid the pics such detailed attention that I notice every day who I am standing next to (not speaking with) I'm more concerned to see whether I am still alive!
  23. Svelte replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Yes, I meant 'dark flesh'. I find the terminology confusing as Bricklink lists what we normally think of as fleshie as 'light flesh' and what we think of dark flesh (Indy 09 summer sets) as just 'flesh' http://www.bricklink.com/catalogColors.asp
  24. Honestly, people, you should all know by now that unless a set has a vehicle 4-stucks wide, in primary shades of yellow, blue and red, and features a civilian bank or cafe, it is unlikely to please Klaus-Dieter Yes, I sometimes wonder too why he likes posting comments in new themes threads when it's pretty clear what his response will be, but he does have the right to an opinion. Since that opinion is predictable to most of you, I suggest you just shake your head a little, take a deep breath, and move on Please DO NOT respond in thread with personal comments, and if you feel that the discussion or a particular post is overtly personal, use the REPORT button to alert a moderator. Thanks! On another note, I think it's great that EB attracts visiting designers from TLG, and really adds to the discussion. Having gone through design review panels and so on, I'm sure they're relatively thick-skinned when it comes to people criticising their products Bearing in mind that they may be floating around is no reason to censor your comments, but an additional reason to make them thoughtful and well-reasoned.
  25. 1) The killer from last night is obviously not Simon, but someone new.The King did say that they found the sword in Simon's rooms, I'm fairly sure he would have mentioned it if the prisoner escaped and went on a killing rampage before being recaptured. Let's not get confused by coming up with wild theories. 2) Guard Nicholas, thanks for your detailed analysis. However I don't know how much weight the voting patterns of the early days hold, since Day 1 was basically just to get rid of annoying Maid #1, and the 2 subsequent days were a hotbed of confusion with the Ambassador vs Ambassador action 3) Since I was right about Simon being a Dragon, I am fairly sure my theory about the Dragons voting to get rid of Lady Harcourt to throw suspicion off themselves, but refusing to vote for co-conspirator Simon is correct. This means Lord Edward Griffin, Ambassador Ralf Simnel, and Nicholas are all under suspicion. Nicholas was an early voter for Simon, so I tend to think the people to watch are Lord Griffin and Ralf Simnel. Despite Simnel's earlier protestation about naps, the day was very long and he had plenty of time to vote if he had chosen to do so - it wasn't a rush day like earlier days. Looking at the voting table, my suspicion is most firmly on Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx. Day 1 - votes for someone unpopular but useless (the annoying maid), and is the first to vote, showing he can vote early when he wants to Day 2 - doesn't vote at all - probably unsure of Lord Harcourt's (Neutral) alliance Day 3 - non-voter Day 4 - late voter for Lady Harcourt (in line with the theory that the Dragons turned against Lady Harcourt to protect the rest of them) Day 5 - votes for someone useless who nobody else has voted for, ie Admiral Thomas Mallory He has all previously voted/ unvoted Agnes, showing that his tactic is to cast useless votes and then unvote and vote someone else if he feels pressured, probably to distract from his erratic voting pattern. On this evidence, I Vote: Lord Edward Griffin/ Stash2Sixx. There are obviously other Dragons amongst us, but I feel that he is the clearest and most present danger to this Alliance! The three who didn't vote in the last 2 days will be watched very carefully indeed today, since at least one of them MUST be a Dragon *narrows eyes* Praise be!
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