Everything posted by Svelte
New LEGO clothing article
This looks like the *clamp* version to me. Work it, girlfriend! The soft, soothing warm glow emanating from your tummy is something we probably can all identify with.
New LEGO clothing article
Maybe this is the girl version? I'm not sure exactly what the rotating arm does, but from the posed limbs, it certainly captures every angle of exploration that one could want... in a flashlight. These will sell like hotcakes for stocking stuffers, that's for sure
New LEGO clothing article
I agree it looks comfy, and very airy, but it doesn't seem to offer much support at the back I do like the built-in flashlight - sometimes you need to make a 'quick getaway', and finding the exit can be tricky. This fixes that problem! Thanks for sharing!
The Visual Dictionary
The other Lego Book is riddled with errors, so I hope the SW Visual Dictionary is somewhat better Here's a few fun facts for fun fact fans! Greedo was only ever officially released in Benelux (!) The 14K gold C-3P0 is worth a staggering $200 The old moulded Yoda is identified as the 2009 Yoda The 2005 caped and 2007 capeless Grievous pics are transposed One battle droid is identified as having the modified arm so it can hold blasters when it clearly doesn't have that arm I am not kidding! And I haven't even had an exhaustive look at the book yet. The Brickset review doesn't really mention how factually dodgy these books are. Not trustworthy sources at all. I can't believe that they didn't run them past some AFOLs first to pick up these obvious and embarrassing errors!
SP3 Ultimate Poll Topic
I've merged the topics. BrickMonster, as a new member, you should take time to look around the forums and get to know them before creating new topics which in all likelihood have probably already come up. Also take time to read the Site Guidelines if you haven't done so. Thanks.
LEGO Phineas and Ferb Seperate Topic?
This doesn't belong in Community. Having been told not to create a separate topic, and having being directed to an appropriate discussion place, it is a bit unwise to start opening threads on the same issue here, there and everywhere. Please don't do it again. You have been warned.
Lego Book confirms Black Falcons as evil?
The factions included in the book are: - Black Falcons - Crusaders - Forestmen - Wolfpack - KK - KK2 - Fantasy The focus in the book generally is on the recent stuff, but it does kind of jar that they can include all the KK2 figs and 4 different types of skele without at least one pic of the missing factions.
Lego Book confirms Black Falcons as evil?
That's kind of mean Actually Shadows, of the 4 pages on Castle figs, I was surprised to see NO mention of Dragon Knights or Black Knights at all! Most of the other factions are represented, including KK1, KK2 and Fantasy.
Lego Book confirms Black Falcons as evil?
Reading through the 'Castle' section of the new 'Standing Small: A Celebration of 30 Years of the Minifig' (part of the new 'The Lego Book' release), the Black Falcons are called 'Bad Boys' and 'sinister soldiers', seemingly confirm their evil allegiances, a debate that recently emerged in Clone O'Patra's review of the 6009 Black Knight. What do others think of this? I confess I never thought of them as being 'bad boys' thanks to their smiling faces. Is the book canon? Should it have discussed the Falcons in this way? Has there been any other official word on this matter? What do you think? (Also in the Castle section, despite what it says on, the Fantasy small trolls are referred to as 'Troll Warrior Orc' and the ghost shroud mould is said to have been introduced in 1992, although bricklink and last year's Collector's Guide pinpoint its appearance to the Black Monarch Ghost's set of 1990. So maybe it should be read with a grain of salt Disappointing, however, for an official 30 year celebration text)
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Not true! I layby'd a spare for $212.50. It wasn't clearanced, and the salesperson checked. Maybe it varies store by store.
Prince of Persia 2010
Even better! Let's hope BrickCon brings us more news, but I'm not sure it will.
Mystical Castle - Discussion
It's obvious - threesomes. Or did you accidentally take the wrong meds again, Agnes?
Space Police 2010
As per Oky's request from the 2009 discussion thread, I've unpinned that topic and pinned this one instead. The Walrus has been busy so when he notices he may rearrange all this according to his own fierce hatred of pinned threads idiosyncratic whims.
MOC: Streets of London
Lovely lamposts and broken window. Top-notch!
Mystical Castle - Day 4
That doesn't make sense Isn't the point that the investigator always discovers the truth? Make up your mind!
Mystical Castle - Day 4
Investigate me! You will see that I am loyal! I am happy to be put to the test!
Mystical Castle - Day 4
I still say Lady Beatrice is the most dangerous amongst us. See my post on the previous page. But also: FACT - It was Lady Beatrice's words on Day 1 that revealed the existence of a Sorcerer and Wizard. The Sorcerer proved to be Neutral and the Wizard a Citizen. I wonder which faction that puts Beatrice in? At first we all thought Lady Beatrice was a blabbermouth, but in short order both the Sorcerer and the Wizard were voted off. She suddenly doesn't look so stupid now, does she? FACT - Beatrice not only exposed her own husband, but was also cheating with him on his rival. Both men were subsequently killed in 2 days. FACT - Two days in a row, Lady Beatrice has used the 'Oh noes, if everyone else is voting a certain way, I guess I'll cast the deciding vote!!11!!' tactic to distract attention that she is carefully gauging the mood of the crowd and then voting at the end to throw suspicion off herself. FACT - Beatrice explicity said yesterday 'Sirion has stated anyone who casts the last vote for him is a Dragon. What if he is loyal? Will I have to come tumbling down tomorrow becuase of that! It seems so sad that to get rid of one I may lose myself'. Her tactic today is distraction to take away from her own admission that the person to cast the last vote is actually herself. FACT - Beatrice also said this yesterday: 'Moments ago, I was told by Sirion that I had to take back my vote, or die. He said that he saw what I was going. He said that I got rid of my husband, and then him, and that his last act in this game would be making everyone see the truth about me.' Since Viripont was found to be innocent, Beatrice's statement was clearly a lie! I don't know how everyone is letting this point go! The next day, the man who supposedly tries to kill her is a martyr and she starts putting words in his mouth as to who is guilty. Remember that she explicitly asked Viripont to identify who he thought was suspicious and he refused. I advise you all to read through the last pages of Day 3 once more and see how Beatrice has behaved. I don't know why the Dragons think I'm such a threat, but I have done nothing wrong, and someone with information clearly knows I didn't leave my room last night. All along, I have repeatedly stated my position that I hate magic and wish to see it cast out of this kingdom, so my motives were voting have been transparent from the start. Unlike Lady Beatrice, I have not played the fool, lied, made up stories, slept around and put accusing words in dead men's mouths. I have said my piece now and I shall say no more on these points. I know it is a difficult time for all of us, but I hope that reason and logic can lead us away from the chaos and mindless accusations that the Dragons would foster.
Mystical Castle - Day 4
Then I implore you all to unvote whoever it is you have voted for, and get rid of the deceptive and lying Lady Beatrice! Agnes the maid is easily led, but not as dangerous as Lady Beatrice. Right from the start Beatrice has divided us and made up lies such as Viripont's supposed death threat yesterday. The evidence is damning.
Mystical Castle - Day 4
This is a very interesting quote. It leads me to believe that you would have to vote for yourself on the basis of who Viripont thought most suspicious, looking back at the evidence of Day 3. Let's see what you said yesterday: 1) So by your own words, you say that Sirion thought you were a Dragon! Shouldn't you be voted off first then? I think your moves today are a desperate ploy to cast suspicion on others is designed to distract only from your own bad behaviour in the hope that you will be forgotten. Furthermore, you also claimed yesterday: 2) So, Lady Beatrice, the man who threatened to kill you yesterday if you didn't change your vote - even though you hadn't actually voted at that point in the day - is suddenly your hero the next day? I am beginning to suspect that this note was a lie, and not even a desperate ploy for attention, but part of your deliberate strategy to confuse and divide us Loyal citizens with your treachery. Why would the Ambassador threaten to kill you if he *was* a loyal citizen, as we discovered? Confess! You made the whole thing up to further distract us from your own deceit. 3) Let's look at the facts again - Lady Beatrice has managed to take out her own husband, a Neutral magician from another kingdom - damaging the alliance - and also cast the final and deciding vote against Viripont, a man who (she says) threatened to kill her and who she denied she was fooling around with. At first I thought this was because of her loose tongue, but I think I believe now that this is an act (as the Ambassador must have suspected, and as Beatrice herself feared would come to light), that in fact Beatrice is a Dragon who has successfully gotten rid of TWO opponents to her cause and lied bald-faced to the rest of us. Don't trust her! Her snake-like tongue and lies are far more dangerous to the Alliance than any magician! Vote: Lady Beatrice/ Zepher
Mystical Castle - Day 4
I find it hilarious that many of you who voted against Viripont are now, after his death, his staunchest supporters who are willing to take his vague hints as fact. We have already seen that there are Neutral players in this game... of life, so I don't see why it is so hard for you people to accept that others may have their own agendas. The purging of perfidious magic is a strong cause of mine, and my soul will not rest until is stamped from this fair kingdom! I have never in any day pretended to vote for anyone other than the annoying maid and magic users! There is still not a shred of evidence that any of you have against me. Hugh the servant has said that I did not leave my room and thinks I am innocent - perhaps he could clarify since he seems to have some concrete evidence about my movements that the rest of you lack. You will be committing a grave sin against the Lord if you vote for me. It seems that speaking my mind passionately has singled me out. I note that the Ambassador's own desperate tactics to save himself by casting hints and being melodramatic seem to have worked posthumously. Perhaps I should take heed of his tactics: "Keep a close eye, loyal Citizens, on those who seek to execute me! They will be after you next!"
Whats the diffrence between 6651 and 7731
Sebie, you do not need to create 2 topics - you should be able to edit in the pics if you wanted to add them to your original topic. You may wish to read the Site Guidelines if you haven't already done so. Whilst we do not expect perfection, we do like our members to communicate with correct spelling and clarity of expression. For example, check your spelling and try to make your point as clear as possible - in what way do you want to know how these sets are different? Obviously one is from the early 80s and one was released last year, which means they have different parts and approaches to design. What exactly are you asking? Thanks for considering these points. I have locked your other topic.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Ja, I saw that too It looks like they restocked as well, since I haven't seen any in my local K-Mart since the July sale. I wonder what the mark-up must be if K-Mart can presumably still make a profit on these at this price? Any retail experts around? Definite bargain And at my local, it wasn't marked as clearance either, which means you can layby them at that price There is hope for the overpriced Tantive IV set yet! It's just a shame it's such a lottery about which sets hit this sort of steep discounting.
Mystical Castle - Discussion
Mystical Castle - Day 4
You can suspect me if you wish, but if you look back at the discussions, I was very firm and consistent in the explanation for my voting - to rid the Castle of magic users. If there is anyone other evidence, I would like to hear it. What, for example, has Simon done apart from vote for the unfortunately deceased Ambassador? Are we not supposed to vote for people? Isn't that the point of these daily council meetings, to identify the most likely traitor and cast them out so we avoid the curse of suddent death? You are all very quick to cast judgment, but then seem to find this intolerable behaviour in others? Honestly, it doesn't make any sense. That is why I suggest waiting until all of us have spoken and revealed any important facts before we commence the vote. Praise be!
Mystical Castle - Day 4
Trust the hysterical females to start voting immediately before anyone has a chance to reveal anything they may have learned. As the Lord teaches in Nahum 3:13: Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars. I think we should wait to see if anyone learned anything during the night before we start throwing accusations around. Does anyone have evidence they wish to reveal? I also wouldn't mind having an informal chat to Lord God above. We may be better served by a new King that doesn't change his policy on magic use every 2 days If he was more consistent, and there had been more evidence, perhaps a loyal Citizen would not have died last night
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