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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. What's the 1004 stand for? Enquiring minds want to know. (And no, I'm not going to look it up in the username thread if you have already answered this question )
  2. Svelte replied to achris's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I think these will sell like hotcakes. Not to me! But when I told my nephew there was going to be Ben 10 Lego, I could see his brain exploding with excitement before my eyes. I imagine that these will be perfectly fine as serviceable (if a little rough looking) action figures. The tricky job for Lego will be able to establish market presence, since there's already so many Ben 10 action 5" figures on the shelves.
  3. It's a pretty sad day for the Dragons if their primary recruitment drive focussed on the castle cleaning staff and one not-particulary-efficient guard
  4. Svelte replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Yes, I was hoping for some of the darker fleshies as well, but these do look pretty nice, especially the hairpieces and turbans and suchlike. ForceMaster, what new cream colour do you mean? This is such an odd-looking set. I would never have picked it as an official Lego set. There's just too many dark bley slopes and cheese slopes! They never usually include that much detail. It's as if the factory churned out an extra million parts in that colour and they needed to find a way to get rid of them I'm not really complaining, though! It's a brilliant rockscaping parts pack. I like the use of the 2x2 jumper plates for posing minifigs too - I hate sets where the minifigs are constantly falling over so it's nice that this more versatile piece can be used discreetly for that purpose.
  5. I have a feeling Farm is played out, for 2010 at least. It feels to me like, having spent the money to produce a pig mould, they needed some excuse to release it. The fact that this is the third Tractor in a line which only has 5 sets (not counting the promo) doesn't really bode well, either. It's a shame, I loved the 4WD and Combine Harvester sets - really classic and excellent sets. I also liked the blue tractor in the Farm set with its great trailer, but I don't really need another one.
  6. This is a pretty pickle. If Harcourt had been straightforwardly a Dragon, it would have been easier to assume Sirion's innocence. I also share the Ambassador's confusion about how one dedicated to the destruction of the Alliance could be classified as neutral, but I am a simple child of the Lord, not a politician. I assume Ankoria has its own, Dragon-unrelated reasons for wishing our states to fall. The fact remains that Sirion could be either a Dragon, Alliance member or even Neutral like his nemesis. I would like to hear more about their joint history since Harcourt and Sirion did appear to know each other and recoil on sight? Could you perhaps tell us why this enmity exists? Whatever the case - in the absence of any startling new evidence produced during the night - the Ambassador has clearly and by his own word confessed to being a magic-user and adulterer! If no further facts come to light which are of a more conclusive note, then I will be forced to vote for Sirion as he has committed at least three mortal sins (Pride in his prowess being the third ) Sure, Beatrice is a blabbermouth, but as Proverbs 11:22 tells us, As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. Her revealing tongue has served us well in smoking out one enemy of the alliance, so I would not be inclined to sizzle her bacon just yet.
  7. Merged! And play nice with legomilk, English isn't his first language and he is a valuable source of info for EB
  8. Thanks for the new pics, ForceMaster! The squid king is amazing - a great figure, and much more versatile than I thought it would be!
  9. Svelte replied to Derek's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Thanks for the amazing pics, ForceMaster! I'm loving the new half-arch piece :wub: It's much more suited to Arabic architecture than the curved ones we're so used to.
  10. Discussion of non-Lego sets belongs in Community, not in Lego News and General Discussion. Enjoy your Megabloks!
  11. Let's keep it civil in here. Fun fact: the Walrus has already chambered 3 members in the last hour... and I just know he's hungry for more souls miscreants
  12. bttw.com.au stocks the SP3 Impulses for $1 over retail and $5 shipping per order if you're desperate.
  13. Just a reminder not to post or quote pics watermarked with PRELIMINARY or CONFIDENTIAL. You can link to these images, but not deeplink to them. The flickr pics which are NOT watermarked are absolutely fine.
  14. Draggy should be very pleased that half a world will be taking uppers for the remainder of the game to make sure they don't miss anything! I'd heard mafia games were addictive... here's the proof
  15. Your wishes have been granted! You now have a Power Miners 2010 pinned discussion thread. The previous thread has been unpinned but you can continue discussion of the 09 sets there.
  16. Some of you show such weak, changeable natures I am saddened that I find myself trapped in this castle with you. Why do you want to drag out this discussion unnecessarily through dilly-dallying around with votes and unvotes? Lord Harcourt has now had time to explain what was going on and has singularly failed to do so! The only thing he's said of note is to retract the death threat against his own wife! This shows a deplorable un-Biblical attitude and was probably the only thing he'd got right in the first place! Regardless of whether he is innocent or guilty, we would find out his true alliance soon enough, which would tell us whether Sirion was telling the truth! Personally I find *all* magic abhorrent so it doesn't bother me in the slightest whether it's a Wizard or Sorcerer who ends up dead.
  17. Yes, it would be nice if past game references were made a bit more subtle if you feel you really have to make them They're kind of annoying to wide-eyed, dewy noobs such as myself, and probably OOC.
  18. I don't think anyone believes it. I just don't think anybody cares. Lady Harcourt's explanation that she was asleep during the whole thing because of the size of the Ambassador's small chilli being insufficient to rouse her would be consistent with both parties. Perhaps we should ask the remaining maid to inspect the sheets.
  19. Well, if we execute Lord Harcourt tonight and then find he is innocent, then it will prove beyond a Shadows shadow of a doubt that Sirion is scum and should be dealt with quickly during the next night. On the other hand, if Lord Harcourt is proved to be guilty scum, then Sirion will be vindicated. Sirion has confirmed it was he involved in the night confrontation, so there will be no wriggling out of it if these events transpire. Unless his forked tongue conjures up such words of confusion and mind-meddling that we all collectively forget the events of today I don't doubt the powers of the Devil, but even that may be a stretch. As a precautionary measure, I therefore Vote: Lord Harcourt/ Hinckley. If he has been telling the truth we should then move immediately to kill Sirion. If he hasn't, then justice has been served and our blessed Alliance protected. Win-win!
  20. I'm sure the word 'sorcerer' was used with full import of its demonic connotations. Still, that is why Harcourt should be given the opportunity to at least speak. It is well known that those who boast loudest and with most vigour about their lengthy, all-night, vigorous horizontal gymnastics are those who are, shall we say, those who the Lord has cursed with a small and withered dried chilli rather than a fleshy bell pepper. If you know what I mean.
  21. Sounds interesting! Can't wait to see a trailer.
  22. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I only think the Octan tanker and seaplane look quite good to people because the rest of the line-up is so shocking! Put them amongst a year with truly excellent sets - like 2007 or even the transport line-up of early 2008 - and they would look OK, but not amazing. Not a great start to the year for City, I'm afraid
  23. Ethel's soul has gone to a better place... well, to be honest, it could hardly have gone to a worse one Although the Church does believe in trial for demonology without evidence, procedure, or even letting the defendant know what the charges are before proceeding with an execution, I do find myself interested in what Harcourt has to say before casting my vote. Let us see if he illumes this matter in any way. At any rate, we should give him a good torturing - according to the doctrines of the Church, naturally - before seeing his head roll. May the Lord bless us all.
  24. That's what I thought - 'Why has this table with all the new Lego sets on it got some kid's ugly MOC on it?' I didn't look too hard and realise it was a Power Miners set! That is truly horrible!
  25. Also, some sets are deliberately priced to be marked down so retailers can advertise 'great bargain!' when in fact the sale price is closet to what it should have been sold at. I suspect the Dozer 7685 was one of these, although in previous years it was easier to spot. In the UK, for example, Lego used to release at least one set at GBP34.99 to mark down 'half-price' to 17.50, like the green 7998 Classic Truck from 2007. Like others, I haven't noticed any particular sets that have needed pushing. The Construction stuff has been out the longest, so maybe it feels like it's been in more sales. I also think the Assassin Droids would be seen as less of a failure if it wasn't in direct comparison to the Clone Battle Pack, which people have been snapping up by the bucketload.
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