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Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Svelte

  1. It looks black to me.
  2. Thanks for the pic, Lordofdragons! I wasn't a huge PM fan but the new rock monsters are looking very appealing, as is the concept of the lava/ magma theme. This pic isn't marked confidential/ prelim, so I will post it here: BTW Oky, I have seen one translation of the prison set's name as 'Fort Lavatraz' (a la Alcatraz), so this may back up your theory that it's a rock monster run jail!
  3. They're all over flickr, anyway. I doubt TLG's influence extends that far
  4. Maybe that would be more reassuring if the last 'break' didn't last 5 years like last time.
  5. 20% of ALL Lego one day only tomorrow at Myer.
  6. Why would you say it's a TRU exclusive when obviously K-Mart has got the rights to sell it? Doesn't TRU have the Pitstop instead?
  7. Svelte replied to Darth_Legois's post in a topic in Community
    The 'S' is for 'SCORE!'
  8. Svelte replied to Darth_Legois's post in a topic in Community
    Yay for ISC! Happy birthday! I hope you're rolling around in your Lego room like a cracked-out Scrooge McDuck in his moneybin. What did you get? What did you get?
  9. Svelte replied to jansued's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    My problem with it is that the first floor feels vastly oversized compared to CC and GG. The whole building seems like it is a different scale. I mean, the height is about the same as the first two, but whereas they had three intricate and separate floors, Fire Brigade has 2 starker and less detailed levels. Maybe it's just that so much of the floors are large windows, and the other two were relatively modest in that respect, but I don't think they look quite right next to each other. I disagree about the colour issues. Yes, dark red is now the new browny dark red (and has been since mid 08), but the ordinary red in the firetruck was all over the place, and I have never seen such poor yellow as was found in the tube for the fire pole and the dreadful looking airtanks. Really bad!
  10. The POTC 'cash-cow' licence seems to me the most obvious explanation. We get this news just a week or two after the official confirmation of the 4th movie? And just a few more weeks after the detailed AFOL discussions led by ambassadors asking fans what they would like to see in future lines? To me it would seem highly cynical to bloat fan expectations and simultaneously churn out a whole lot of accessories like magnets, battlepacks, chess sets (which are usually the province of the licensed lines or evergreen themes any case), so perhaps the intention *wasn't* always for it to be a one-off wave of sets. I also thought Lego's design and production turnaround time had been drastically reduced so if they knew the sets were selling well they could bump out further waves much more efficiently. Maybe sales were good, ie profitable, but not 'good enough' to warrant further investment. With a limited number of themes each year, maybe they thought one of the new ones was going to make more money, relatively. It's a shame. I didn't think most of the sets were amazing this year (although the figs and accessories were unsurpassed) so I would have liked to have seen the direction the line was heading in.
  11. Yes. I was beginning to wonder whether we were here to discuss threats to the Alliance or the graphic sex lives of young maidens Since carnal knowledge outside the confines of marriage is sinful, I must trust in the Lord's teachings and... Vote: Ethel/ Adam
  12. Whilst I appreciate your factual accuracy, the use of 'Devilishly' is deeply inappropriate in these dark times. Might I suggest 'Cherubically Chulos' or 'Papally Pulchritudinous' instead?
  13. Much as I have a special interest in seeing young. attractive women burn for the crime of being young, attractive women, I do not feel I can convict the witless damsel to an early grave just because of a little butt-slapping and slack-jawed verbal frippery. For the moment, I shall abstain. I shall continue to pray that the Lord shall reveal the treacherous Alliance-haters through some convenient miracle, like a shapely Dragon tattoo on each of the conspirators left buttock, or a whiff of brimstone seeping out from under their robes. Give us light, O Lord!
  14. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Thanks for the confirmation, Shtick. Since TLG is determined to use stickers, at least they have listened to fans who hate them applied across multiple parts and produced some new, more decal-friendly tiles.
  15. Yes, demonology is an amazing growth industry! And yet, if there is still any doubt, the Good Lord Himself may yet intervene. The Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts. (Isaiah 3:16) I would advise any foot-tinklers to take heed of this wisdom.
  16. If she doesn't scream then her gag reflex is shot to hell and she is probably, also, a demon.
  17. It is well-known that demons inhabiting the bodies of young women do not easily partake of ordinary mortal food, so lunch provides an excellent test! If this Valley Girl on steroids simple maiden screams when a carb and fat-laden deep-fried Snickers bar is shoved down her throat, then it is entirely possible that she *is*, in fact, possessed by a demon. Just puttin' it out there.
  18. A godly man after my own heart! I was just about to ask Simon if he had a copy of the Malleus Malleficarum, aka the Hammer of the Witches, which is an expert treatise on identifying witchy glamours and casting them out. In the meantime, Corinthians is an invaluable source on the women. Shame these gals aren't married or we could get their husbands to silence them: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35).
  19. Myer One cardholders get an extra 10% off Thurs/ Fri too. Woo! $AUD90 for the Temple of Doom is a pretty good price. I wonder if DJs is doing a Toy Sale anytime soon. Is it just me or have they done absolutely zip this year so far?
  20. Check inside the Academy for your review. If you read the rules as linked in that thread, you will see that you do NOT post to the public forums until after you have completed three reviews inside the Academy, graduated, and gained the Bronze tag.
  21. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Yes, you can post links to images marked prelim/ confidential but not the images themselves. Anyway these flickr pics look the same as the ones originally posted by booger540 back on Sep 9, anyway.
  22. The eye that mocketh the father and despiseth to obey the mother shall be pecked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by baby eagles. Proverbs 30:17. And thus those who stand in the way of our goodly royal father, the King, and his just wife, the Queen, shall be pursued by us righteous Alliance-lovers and destroyed! Truly, this is a very bad business. When you have decided what to do with the bodies, I shall perform the last rights over their smited, charred remains. I shall exorcise the stench of blasphemy which hangs strong like roast meat in the air of our fair Castle! I shall pray for all our souls.
  23. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Please do NOT post images marked preliminary/ confidential. You can put in direct flickr links if you like, but there are actually links to these pics a few pages back. Regardless of whether set images have been posted elsewhere (such as the watermark free frontpage image), we do not post prelim/ confidential images at EB. Thanks!
  24. Svelte replied to Christian's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    They didn't even create that tile just for the Venator - the 6x6 tile was originally a Scala piece! http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=6881&in=S
  25. Svelte replied to ben506's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I got the melted chocolate fondant Leia hair too - has anyone in the US received it or is this a Europe/ rest of world error? It's a beautiful design and very satisfying to build. The Republic Cruiser does feel a little rough and unfinished in comparison - and I do think that was an amazing set. All the greebling on 10198 does not go to waste, and it's largely a brick-built design, not too much Technic for those who like System. Some of the detailing is a little delicate and it can be tricky to pick up - but it's still very impressive. However considering it's almost twice the price of the Republic Cruiser in Australia it is ludicrously overpriced (at current rates $AUD280 is about $US240 or GBP145) I would have been much happier if it was even $30 less - it would still be expensive, but not a slap in the face. Quality issues persist - the 1x1 headlight bricks look like curdled cream and the printing on the trans-clear half cone is pretty rough looking. Still, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it and if forced to choose between 10197 and this one, I think I'd go for the Tantive IV (and I'm usually more Town oriented).
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