Everything posted by Svelte
Toy Story discussion thread
There will be more sets when TS3 comes out - possibly they're saving a big flagship set for then. Jan is usually the more modest wave in most lines.
Mystical Castle - Discussion
A bible a day keeps the demons away! Praise be! I am Francis the Friar, and I pray for your souls. Yours especially. Yes, I mean YOU!
Toy Story discussion thread
Let's keep to Toy Story discussion, thanks. You have a whole forum to talk about Star Wars related issues
Then it's doing its job
The group icon is still 'Vassal'; it's only the group description that is 'I'm new'
Duplicate accounts are frowned upon; in this case it's a test account. Of course, if you prefer, I'm sure some experiments could be devised to stretch the limits of your account, Ricecracker. Are you volunteering?
Petition: We want the Pirates Advent Calender in the United States
That's also how they have been selling the regular City Advent calendars here in Australia for the last 2 years (through Lego Club) since they never appear in retail stores. It seems feasible, you'd think.
Toy Story discussion thread
Just the new window shutters in orange. It's funny, Alice and I were only talking the other week about how the new shutter pieces would work better as saloon bar doors than as window shutters, since they're so large
Toy Story January Sets Unleashed at D23!
The 2010 Toy Story January sets have been unveiled at D23 - the official Disney convention in Anaheim, California. Thanks to EB member Oswald the Rabbit for news of this pic! Click here to view a larger pic and to join the discussion!
Toy Story discussion thread
Thanks for the pic, Oswald. It is neither prelim nor confidential, and was shown at Disney's own D23 convention, so there's no reason we can't post it directly now
Toy Story discussion thread
You're right, we haven't seen the sets yet so we don't know for sure
Talk to the Star Wars Moderators and Regulators
This is a special tag KimT introduced a while back to reward those who brought a high level of contribution generally to the SW forum. It's different from the competition winners tag (which you can see an example of under my avatar )
REVIEW 10198 Tantive IV
New member ben506 begins his EB career with a bang by bringing us a stunning review of the new Star Wars exclusive 10198 Tantive IV. Click here to view the review and join in the discussion!
Toy Story discussion thread
I realise that the arms are the new longer pieces and *at this stage* the ugly mould mark doesn't seem to appear on egular fig torsos. However, at the end of 2008 we didn't seem to have this problem at all. At the start of 2009, we saw the launch of the new SW magnet sets & Vintage Minifig Collection 2 which had the stamped arms and cheaper plastic (notably red torsos such as the Royal Guard and the Classic Mailman). At this point they were limited to pre-assembled fig packs. By July 2009, the time of launch of the Castle Troll/ Dwarf Battlepacks, we saw inferior printing quality on torsos compared to 'regular' Castle figs. The new Pirates packs showed bad quality continuing with the stamped arm torsos having lemony looking hands. I think it's fairly established now that stamped arms = lower quality. Also, note that this problem didn't exist 12 months ago. Now we are seeing stamped arm torsos appearing in regular System sets from Jan 2010, not just pre-assembled figs. Who knows what the next 12 months will bring? I think we are perfectly entitled to remain vigilant.
Toy Story discussion thread
That's terrible news! I would have thought that most of the Toy Story specialty pieces would have been made in the cheaper factory since they're so intricately detailed and painted (like the giant trolls, cows etc) but it is disheartening to see this trend spread to regular torsos and suchlike. It seems like this is the way of the future. And it sucks.
My wanted sigfigs, including Staff & Members
The chef sig-fig was the character Schmelt from the just-concluded 'Murder on the Emerald Express' game hosted by The Brickster
There are separate threads in both the SW forums and Licensed which discuss the possibilities in great detail. I will lock this topic and you should continue the discussion there.
Review: Tantive IV, 10198
Lovely review! Thanks! The printed pieces look a little odd - like they've been done in three stages looking by the overlap marks - still, better than nothing. (I fixed the set number in the thread title and added your poll)
Let's keep it civil, thanks. If any of you have a problem with the way another member is posting, use the report button to alert a moderator. Simple!
Mystical Castle - The Alliance
OMG! OMG! It's all happening so fast! OMG! ÖMG! (That is what the official noob would say )
Modulars vs. Classic Town
I wasn't sure... the name looked familiar Thanks for the link to the original topic.
Favorite LEGO Train Station
Nice topic! I only own the 7997 from 2007, but I think it's a great set for the price it was released here. Lots of useful parts - such as the large trans-clear panels and black roof slopes - and it looked cheerful and sturdy. It also had some nice interior detail and I liked the roofing area. It felt like a proper City building, which we hadn't seen in a long time (compared to 2006's Hospital, or even 2007's fire station). I don't hate the 2003 World City version, but I don't love it either. It seems too small, somehow, for a Grand Central Station. I quite liked World City's attempts to include more modern architectura stylings into their designs, although I know some have mixed feelings about this. I do agree that the 1996 one is the best, though. It's an impressive size and nicely detailed. With all the 2x2 window parts around now, and black roof pieces, it probably wouldn't be too hard for builders who missed this the first time around to mod their own. Also, do Licensed stations count? The 10132 Motorised Hogwarts is actually a cute little building with some rare parts. Maybe you could put links in your post so it's easier to look them up...
Congrats Svelte!
Yes, Hinckley's magic fingers were at work again!
Does anybody in Australian want a Pirate Brickmaster set?
Books are sent Royal Mail via Air - so I generally receive stuff in about a week. Sometimes faster, sometimes a day or two slower, but within that approximate period of time.
Does anybody in Australian want a Pirate Brickmaster set?
I use this website all the time for various purchases. Shipping is free, they use Royal Mail, and they pack hardbacks sturdily in cardboard. At today's exchange rate you can get the Brickmaster sets delivered to your door in about a week for around $AUD26.
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