Everything posted by Svelte
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
Then buy Ron off Bricklink when the sets hits the US. I doubt he'll be too expensive. Seriously, it's been 6 years since the last Hut and 8 since Aragog, and we get them all together in one set with more figs and accessories, and people are complaining? There will be people buying these sets that either weren't born or who weren't even aware that there was such a thing as LEGO Harry Potter. That's the target audience. If you look at the spread, number and diversity of minifigs this wave is better than practically any other Harry Potter wave and fulfills several fan requests in terms of new figs - not to mention new hairpieces and printed animals - and still some people want more? My only concern is that such a late release as October means it will only be in months a few stores during the peak selling season before Xmas and this may hurt sales overall. January is dead for toy sales, but all the other retail LEGO waves (such as Star Wars, World Racers, City) get a 6 month spread of sales.
MOC: Dark Red Modular Love by Davey
Eurobricks Fellow Davey brings us a primarily dark red Modular MOC presented at Brickworld in June. As well as being a beautiful design, the interior is also integrated with LifeLites for a spectacular night-time effect! Click here to view more details of this great modular MOC and discuss it in our LEGO Town forum!
Smashed Boxes
OMG! prateek is going to buy something! *faints*
10214: Tower Bridge
Links to external sites are fine - just not pictures in threads here. Thanks!
10214: Tower Bridge
Hi dluders, sorry not to reply earlier! I only just stopped into this thread again. The LEGO Community Relations Officer sent a message to a member of our staff a few days ago asking that the images of these two sets be removed. No specific reason was given, however in the past sometimes they have asked us to take down images that were not marked Prelim/ Confidential on the basis that a new Exclusive will be officially unveiled at an upcoming Event (this is what happened with the Emerald Night and Carousel last year). The policy at Eurobricks is not to post images marked Prelim/ Confidential and post everything else, but if LEGO asks us to take down a specific image we will do so. We do this as a matter of courtesy. To be honest, by the time they get round to asking us the horse has bolted and the pics are usually at flickr or brickset (at the time of posting, these images are still up at brickset although Huw is often subject to takedown emails too). Lego Exclusives are often not revealed (or not supposed to be revealed) up until the last minute. From memory we only saw pics of the Grand Emporium in February and the set was released in March. These Exclusives are outside the normal retail channels (unlike Technic sets, or ordinary product lines) so LEGO has no need to release pics or otherwise advertise the sets until it suits them to do so. This is just my conjecture but I imagine LEGO's PR department likes to maintain as strict control as they can over these set images so they make the maximum impact when they are officially released. PR departments are like that! fugazi and gotoAndLego, there is nothing to suggest these pics have been improperly leaked or 'stolen'. If they had been, they would have been marked with the Prelim/ Confidential stamp. You are still 100% free to discuss these pics in this thread in as much detail as you like - all we ask is that you do not re-post images which, by now, you could easily find elsewhere. At some point in the future I imagine LEGO will provide proper high-res shots and an official press release for us all to enjoy in detail.
Harry Potter 2010 discussion thread
It depends on your perspective. The 2004 version was released in Australia at a huge $AUD59.99 and came with just the hut and two figs (Hagrid and Hermione) 6 years later, the new Hagrid's Hut is priced at $AUD69.99 and comes with more figs, Aragog, printed owl, new mushroom printed piece and light-up brick! Even allowing for inflation that is a significant improvement. It seems that LEGO prices Licenses differently based on how well they think they will do in different markets. All the previous Harry Potter waves were clearanced here so maybe they've factored that in. Similarly Prince of Persia was priced well below the Toy Story range, even though the prices of sets in $US were exactly the same.
MOC: Star Command Dune Buggy
Oky Wan Kenobi keeps the spirit of Toy Story alive with his funtabulous Star Command Dune Buggy, complete with working suspension! Click here to learn more about this great MOC and discuss it in our LEGO Licensed forum!
10214: Tower Bridge
dluders, TLG has also asked us to remove the pics of Tower Bridge and Winter Bakery from our forums, so please don't repost it here. Thanks! That said, anyone with the ability to comprehend google search should be able to find it without too much trouble
Official Eurobricks Straightshooters List
+1 for Inconspicuous (seller) for fast friendly service and superb packaging!
Review: 20016 Mini Imperial Shuttle
Oi! It's nothing to do with Inconspicuous personally but all to do with the news value of the reviews and their extraordinarily high quality. You should be grateful that he puts in the time and effort in producing such beautiful reviews - it takes many hours to photograph, edit and write-up a review.
REVIEW: 20016 Mini Imperial Shuttle
The inescapably incandescent Inconspicuous presents us with another Star Wars exclusive review - this time of the new 20016 Mini Imperial Shuttle! Is it better than the old 4494 Mini Imperial Shuttle? How about the new 10212? You decide! Click here to view and discuss this in-depth review!
Sydney Opera House Large Scale Lego Set
That does sound promising. Capturing the complex curves of the original will certainly be a challenge. Thanks for the news!
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
It's a good question. Whilst POTC is a licensed property, EB's Pirates forum *is* the pre-eminent LEGO Pirates community, and taking into account the long-standing fan base and types of discussions this license is likely to generate, at the moment it seems better suited to keep the threads here rather than split discussion.
A Question Regarding 8098 Turbo Tank
Yep, and I liked it a whole lot better than I thought I would. It's very solid and the suspension is really great. I also like the use of those large Technic rims better than wheels.
A Question Regarding 8098 Turbo Tank
Yeah, there are a lot of spares in this set. I think there are a few reasons for this. 1) Each stage of the build (ie the numbered bags) has spares, so in effect you get 4x the spares you would get in a smaller set, for example 2) There are 170 plus Technic pins alone out of the 1100+ parts, and small Technic pins usually get spares, so for each different major type of pin you are getting a spare (and this adds up because of the 4x stages of the build) 3) The other major spares are bley cheese, and this is again because those parts are used across more than one part of the build. Yes, the CTT has a lot of parts but it feels surprisingly insubstantial because so many of them are small Technic. 170 pins! That isn't including any axles or other small common Technic parts that are used a lot in this set. That said, I did like the set
Smashed Boxes
Yay! That is good news. I wonder if it's just for the US distribution centre or it's a world-wide change. Thanks for alerting us. There's nothing more annoying than shelling out hundreds of dollars for an Exclusive set to have it arrive all creased and broken (we don't have brand stores here, so S@H is often the only way we can get them without waiting 6-12 months to show up as special promotions in other retailers).
Minfigure series two?
Yes, please continue discussion in the thread Faramir linked to so we don't have too many topics running at the same time. Thanks!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Spotted the SW CTT and Palpy's Shuttle in K-Mart Chatswood yesterday. Popped into TRU and had a good chuckle at the Toy Story Pizza Planet Truck set marked up to $111.99
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
It wasn't happening at my local Myer so maybe it was a regional thing. Anyone spotted new SW releases (not the CTT or Hoth Cave) in Sydney yet?
MOC: Collectible minifig modular display shelf
Brilliant work and all your little scenes are superb! I especially love the dynamic action of the skater, the coloured totems of the Native American vig, and the detailed but compact little graveyard scene for the zombie. Thanks for sharing - this is very inspirational.
Minifg collectors series 2 pics and barcodes
Thanks for the brilliant pics, guys! These look really nice, although we suffered very limited distribution/ AFOL hunters in Australia as well for Series 1 (I only saw them in the wild once.) These all look very good, much better than Series 1 in my opinion.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yes, Myer had the Police one as an exclusive. I think retailers stopped selling Ferrari when the prices went insane, like last year's 500 piece Ferrari truck at $150. David Jones always seemed to have them and sometimes had exclusives, it may be worth scrounging around for old stock.
New theme in 2011?
Oswald the Rabbit brings us a pic via fbtb of a Comic Con teaser. Pirates of the Caribbean, anyone? And why is Johnny Depp riding a camel? Discuss this in our Pirates forum
New Lego Store?
When posting these types of topics please specify location/ geography in your thread title if it is relevant to the answer to your question. There is nothing more irritating than vague, non-specific topic threads. Thanks. I have edited the title thread to reflect this.
10214: Tower Bridge
I think throwing around the term 'minifig scale' is misleading in this discussion. Minifig scale doesn't even exist, but that's a debate that belongs elsewhere What I was hoping for was what maybe would be better described as 'minifig interactive' scale - ie, at a scale where you *could* have a small car drive under the tower and have room for minifigs to stroll around or open a door into a tower without the set looking horribly contrived. Sure, you'd have to make some sacrifices between scale and detail to achieve this, but this happens already with these monument sets (look at the curved arches in the Taj Mahal which in no way resemble any of the zillions of pointed arches on the real thing, not to mention the choice of colour scheme such as medium blue through-line or red-brown roof, neither of which exist in the real building). Without some level of interaction, the monument sets for me just become expensive, repetitive-to-build and not particularly accurate display sets which I can live without. Personally I think with this set they'd have been better to drop the suspension cables and make the towers more detailed and impressive. The level of architectural detail which the original towers has seems lost in this model. They also need to produce better baseplates for these AFOL-sets - how about navy blue for a change? (Or considering the Thames, murky gray-brown )
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