Everything posted by Svelte
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Maybe we can use the force of my animal magnetism to suck any loose nails towards me! *steps past Snitchman and prays bravely that the nails don't land pointy end first*
REVIEW: 7641 City Corner
I had the new hat too in my set (I didn't notice at the time) The red cap in the Carousel set is also the new mould, so it looks like it is just in this colour at the moment.
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Too many M&Ms and Eggos, you bloated swine! It's walnut shells and linseed oil lollipops from the snack basket for the rest of this trip! Eleanor, can we borrow your bridal veil to twist into a reverse Rapunzel to throw up the broken staircase and ascend one by one?
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
I'd like to check upstairs as well, in case any more sweetbreads fall out of Snitchman on the way up.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
TRU is shameless. I'd prefer to pay the retail direct to Lego and shipping from S@H rather than encourage them in any way, esp. with exclusives.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Not bad value and considerably more interesting than the Crownie/ Skele packs in terms of figs and accessories.
How did you get your title?
Don't blame me for your hallucinations! Tell it to the judge! 'It wasn't me, Your Honour... it was the voices in my head...' 10-15 years in a secure facility, that's what I recommend...
Future Star Wars Sets
I agree. While the CW TV series is running, I don't think Lego will release any more EU or TFU sets. Actually I doubt TFU will get another set, ever! That marketing opportunity has been and gone, and it wasn't successful. I also would like to see more of the large-scale CW Separatist craft instead of small or mid-size sets. It will be interesting to see what the big summer set of 2010 will be.
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
I think it looks perfectly charming! Look how rustic and peaceful it is. Plus, I've had my tetanus shots so if, for example, a flying rusty sawblade knocks off my chef's hat as I walk through the door, at least I won't get lockjaw. I'm happy to go along with Grease & Brakes. Just remember, if I die, you'll have to start eating each other. And not in a good way!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Really? Wow! *None* of mine have been from here. Mainly the UK!
Do you sort your sets?
Life's too short to sort! Part of the joy for me is rummaging through a pile, looking for that elusive piece. Frankly if I pay $100 on a set, or whatever, I like to enjoy the whole experience, not 'speed-build' it. Otherwise it's like buying an expensive video game and skipping through it using the cheat codes. The exception is really big builds. Like Sieggy, I sorted the Taj into three trays, and some parts in polybags. I made some bad and frustratingly stupid choices though, like putting white plates of all different sizes together. It seemed logical at the time; not later during the build when I was trying to pick between plates of 1x6, 1x8, 1x10 and so on... Interestingly, I do sort by colour when I disassemble a set. I usually sort light colours with light and dark with dark and individually bag delicate pieces like cockpits and window glass. This is to avoid scratching and also because I went through a stage of finding white bricks which seemed to have been permanently marked by contact with black and so on.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
That's the best explanation I've ever heard. You should put that in your sig or something. Press on!
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Fine, you hold it. *Hands over Herman's lung*
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Oh! My! God! Jimbee, are you OK? Here, let me dress that wound. Do you need a sponge bath? Take off your pants. Snitchman, stop that whiney blubbing and coughing up blood. Also, put your lung back inside your ribcage where it belongs. I'm sure the rabid dogs I've heard snarling in the bushes will lick that all up pronto.
LEGO print ads from 1982
They really need to produce a sequel to '50 Years of the Lego Brick' since it stops dead just at the time it gets interesting (dawn of the 80s) with this kind of material. Maybe the forthcoming 'history of the minifig' tome will include some of this nostalgic style content. Thanks for the links!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
There's a 20% off storewide TRU deal from Friday to Sunday if you have a coupon (for those subscribed to their emails). See attachment. So Solar Sailer is down to $92. Woo!
Happy Birthday Wout
Happy birthday! Have a great day!
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Sometimes they bend in the middle; it may not be trustworthy. Especially if it's been out of commission for a while.
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Willoughby is really the Bermuda Triangle after the Earth's magnetic poles flipped, isn't it? Here's your nuts Jimbee; I found these earlier
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Hold on to your nuts, kids! This could be dangerous...
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I had half-expected with the price rise to see Dooku's Solar Sailer be on sale too in one of those (Save almost 50%! Was $115, now $60! type sales) but obviously not. Poor TRU. I almost feel sorry for them. Could anyone possibly be interested in this sale considering Myer has had the Construction Site for $99 and the Crawler Crane for $69 for weeks? You'd think they'd throw us a bone with an exclusive or something.
Suggestions & Membership
But if changes in rank reputation are only visible via a member's profile, how does this system encourage new members to make higher quality posts? The two don't seem intriniscally linked. Even if the reputation system *is* transparent and you know exactly why and who has a reputation in good standing, I also don't see how the introduction of this system works to actually improve post quality by new members. Maybe you could post a specific example of what you mean.
The Treasure of the Lost Mine: Chapter 2
Chocolate and whiskey on an empty stomach You are certainly keeping us intrigued with the story
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
As long as I can see where your hands are at all times... here you go.
Murder On the Emerald Express: Chapter 11
Hey! I resent the inference that these nuts are salty! They're sweet, crisp, and full of nutritious protein, just as the manufacturer intended! *snatches bag away from the unbelievers* If anyone has a peanut allergy, I also have a stash of freshly rolled rum balls
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