Everything posted by Svelte
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 9A
Maybe we two can go up there together for some 'quality time' together... :wub: ...Looking for wild thyme, field mushrooms, edible rodents... I'm thinking stew for dinner.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 9A
Northwest. Who knows, maybe there's a public baths and I can work on my tan. This has been such a restful break! Soldier on!
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 8
Not 'Cargo', you clod - Escargot! In which case, my supply wagon is in even more danger than just from Eggomaniacs! I hope that the pony is defending those poor, innocent, delicious snails back on the Emerald Express
EBCTC: WIP, The Yellow Fortress
Unless you own a few of the older sets, ordinary yellow arch pieces are surprisingly hard to come by. (I know from experience since I tried to build a version of the Classic Town castle wall myself a few years ago). Perhaps using some inverse slope pieces, which are more common, would break up the blockiness of the entrance and provide a more detailed facade. I would also like to see a tower on one side, I think it would look nice and allow a little more freedom for interested figs to wander!
What is your EB Signature all about?
Mine changes according to what MOC or competition entry I've recently made, with a link. This is usually a hint: vote for me, people! For the most part, I like to keep it visually unified with my avatar in some way (although since I'm currently in the Emerald Express mystery it is at the moment Schmelt!)
Murder on the Emerald Express: Chapter 8
I agree with the fair and lovely Arin. It seems likely that the parchment paper is the same as the type that the invitations were sent on - implying that Jennifer Connolly-Chamberlain is none other than Elizabeth Rosacea Thornton. It seems we have all been lured here, and the valuable item that ERT spoke of protecting was none other than.... my cargo of Eggos! The carbs-deprived fiends of Willoughby have no doubt been planning access to my stash of delicious treats and their vitamin-rich wheat, egg, soy and milk ingredients for a long, long time...
Misprints and Other LEGO Production Oddities
I find the quality of printed Castle shields, horse bardings etc really variable. Most of my Crownie shields are misprinted or slightly smudged. The bardings don't fare much better. The printing rarely aligns perfectly. This just seems to be the way these oddly shaped parts go through the printing process. You can see that the armour in mania3's pic (I assume this is the source) also has parts where the silver doesn't line up with the black over the pearl gold armour. If you feel strongly enough, ask for a replacement. You can fill in a form online if you'd rather not call. I find they're generally pretty helpful and do send replacements promptly, if they have them.
Most Expensive Minifig(s)?
I saw that too I don't think it is 'worth' as nearly as much as they're hoping for. It's probably worth less than the Watto fig since it has been so horribly defaced! It was first released by, the publisher, as a limited edition hardback of approx 3,300 copies in August 08, after the paperback edition was already out. Obviously they didn't sell all since it then later appeared at S@H, but only very briefly - they sold out the remaining stock much more quickly, probably due to wider exposure and cheaper shipping fees than itself.
Most Expensive Minifig(s)?
It was from the limited edition of the Collector's Guide. The hardback also came with a couple of special bricks as well as this minifig.
[Review] 7753 Pirate Tank
That's so true, except it would kick most of the SP3 alien craft out of the water! I think you really have to have watched the Clone Wars series to appreciate this set, or even understand it. It looks very nice to me, the figs are great, some useful parts, and I'll definitely be picking it up. Thanks for the review, jansued! EDIT: For those wondering about Jar-Jar, I am sure we will see him and a Padme next year. How could they not? The two are integral to the CW series, and after rewatching the Rhodian episode, even the Separatist Shuttle set seems a little odd without these two.
New instructions are up at!
Thanks for the news metalandi, at least we know to keep an eye out
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Maybe you should put a notice to this effect in your sig, since you seem to feel so strongly about it, and since clearly not everyone reads the fine print of the press releases with such attention to detail as yourself "TOY STORY - IT'S SYSTEM, PEOPLE!"
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
And so WhiteFang plays his trump card... delaying the end of the voting until some unspecified future date (presumably until the end of this mystery, or Brakes gets a haircut, house on the prairie and a honey, whichever comes first). Well played, Mr Fang!
Disney and Lego Join Forces
Wow, I'm surprised that Toy Story and Prince of Persia will be System scale. It will be interesting to see what they come up with, especially for Toy Story. The characters are so distinctively shaped and different that it will be difficult to get them to work around the standard minifig legs and torso, even if all the heads are special moulds like SP3 aliens. I really like the Clone Wars sets, for example, but I don't think the translation from super skinny, gaunt animated figures has translated particularly well to squat, stout figs I would have also thought Toy Story was too young to appeal to the usual age group for System, but Lego knows its demographics.
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
I don't really need the extra points; I'm already too good Anyway, I voted way before the bribery started
Murder on the Emerald Express: Discussion
Since things will be hotting up again soon, and since The Brickster has made a last-minute demand for votes for his Classic Town entry, I refer characters fearful of their diminished life points and potential game longevity to the Classic Town Contest voting thread...
Suggestions & Membership
Moderation of the Community Forum is a responsibility of the Fellows, who have been asked by the Staff to keep an eye on the Community forum due to a recent glut of redundant or inappropriate threads. Examples of these would be the multiple car threads or the 'I need love based help' plea. In most cases I think you will find that discussions on topics which have already been raised previously (Pepsi vs Coke, or discussion of dogs) have been merged into the original topic or redirected to the appropriate place. I don't think any of the Staff or Fellows have an issue with 'silliness' - have you met these people? They're sillier than anyone else! - but it is within their rights to close topics which they don't feel encourage fruitful discussion. Being asked to provide pictures of cellphones without any other context, explanation, or information probably falls in this category. Personally I think the the recent 'I Am The Walrus - Or is that Sigfried' thread is an example of a bad topic - the poster hasn't said anything apart from describe the song and say 'Discuss the song here'. If the original poster doesn't have anything new or original to say themselves, why post? However as you can see this thread remains (as yet) unlocked in case something of interest materialises.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Yes, it's time to move to NZ, where summer Indy sets and Star Wars are discounted 30% in their first week of release and you can buy a Green Grocer from S@H for $NZ150!
Clone Brand Review: "Tow Truck"
I laughed at the minifig trying to sell the OK subscription! Lego does need to go back and retool some of their accessories. Possibly they fear a backlash from AFOLs if they fiddle with classic moulds but in the long term it will need to be done anyway. There's no point keeping some things the same just for the sake of it.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
So what, if anything, comes out in June? I would have thought at least City would have been widely available, they don't normally hold it back like the licensed themes or special themes.
Promotion of Zorro to the rank of Admiral
Congrats Zorro! Classic-Pirates is lucky to have your dedicated self working on its behalf!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I think they all do. K-Mart, Big W, Target and Myer do anyway. Not sure about DJs. It's one of the big selling points of the July sales - buy now, you've got 6 months to pay it off. You can also do normal layby during the Toy Sale too if you do want something sooner. Uh, no I don't think 'near death star' but now I probably will!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Stores? As in retail stores here? Did they say which one? $299.99 is better than the Dropship price, which is what the equivalent price in UK pounds and US dollars works out to.
Review: Hyperspeed Pursuit 5973
It's on S@H for $79.99
What does your wife/spouse think of your habit?
I am stretching the limits of what I can fit in my apartment and live in a state of uneasy truce. Illicit Lego incursions into new territory are treated without mercy! Over the next few months I am going to have to clear out a lot of older stuff, it just takes so much time to sort and clear the excess. But I have to do this if I want to keep on collecting in the next few years. I've also become one of those people who sometimes pays more just to get the minifigs rather than buying the whole sets, since they're often what I want and the Australian dollar is reasonable again so it ends up OK, price-wise. (Hello Squiddies!) I'm also moving to getting bulk bricks in colours I want (eg lots of landscaping stuff) rather than worrying about collecting individual one-off themes. Luckily Lego's golden age appears to be approaching an end with the new 2010 licensed themes - Toy Story, Prince of Persia, Ben 10 Maybe that will help?
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